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Anthony Borges - The hero who blocked the door during Shooting.

Hero without cape

By Deji AkomolafePublished 12 days ago 3 min read

On February 14, 2018, a tragic mass shooting occurred at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. Amidst the chaos and terror, 15-year-old Anthony Borges emerged as a hero by taking courageous actions to protect his classmates. Here is a detailed account of his bravery and the events that unfolded on that fateful day.

The Shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School

On Valentine's Day 2018, a former student armed with an AR-15 rifle entered Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and began shooting, resulting in the deaths of 17 people and injuring many others. The incident quickly became one of the deadliest school shootings in American history, leaving a community shattered and sparking nationwide conversations about gun control and school safety.

Anthony Borges: The Unlikely Hero

Anthony Borges, a freshman soccer player at the school, was in his Spanish class when the shooting began. As the gunfire erupted, panic spread through the halls, and students scrambled to find safety. Anthony's quick thinking and bravery in the face of danger turned him into an unlikely hero.

Blocking the Door to Save Lives

When Anthony realized that the shooter was nearby, he and several classmates ran to a classroom for shelter. However, the door could not be locked from the inside. Recognizing the imminent danger, Anthony took it upon himself to protect his peers. He positioned himself against the door, using his body as a human shield to block the shooter from entering.

As the shooter approached and attempted to force his way into the classroom, Anthony used his strength to hold the door shut. The gunman fired through the door, hitting Anthony multiple times. Despite being shot five times in the back and limbs, Anthony did not relent. His actions provided crucial seconds for his classmates to find cover and avoid being hit by the bullets.

The Aftermath and Anthony's Recovery

Anthony Borges was gravely injured but survived the attack. His heroic efforts were instrumental in saving the lives of at least 20 classmates who were in the classroom. After the shooting, Anthony was rushed to the hospital, where he underwent multiple surgeries to treat his injuries. His recovery was long and arduous, marked by significant physical and emotional challenges.

Anthony's bravery and selflessness were widely recognized and celebrated. He received an outpouring of support from his community and beyond, with many lauding him as a hero. His story became a powerful symbol of courage and resilience in the face of unimaginable adversity.

Recognition and Impact

In the months following the shooting, Anthony Borges continued to be an outspoken advocate for school safety and gun control. His personal experience and harrowing ordeal lent a poignant and urgent voice to the national dialogue on these issues. Anthony met with politicians, participated in interviews, and used his platform to call for meaningful change to prevent future tragedies.

The Broader Context of the Parkland Shooting

The Parkland shooting had a profound impact on the United States, sparking a wave of activism led by the students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. The survivors, including Anthony Borges, channeled their grief and anger into a powerful movement advocating for stricter gun control laws and measures to enhance school safety.

The "March for Our Lives" movement, spearheaded by Parkland survivors, organized one of the largest youth-led protests in American history. The movement demanded legislative action to address gun violence, and it has since continued to be a significant force in the national conversation on gun control.

Anthony's Legacy

Anthony Borges's heroism on that tragic day will be remembered as a testament to the extraordinary bravery and selflessness that individuals can exhibit in the face of danger. His actions not only saved lives but also inspired a nation to take a closer look at the issues of gun violence and school safety.

Anthony's story serves as a reminder of the resilience and strength of the human spirit, even in the darkest of times. His courage under fire is a beacon of hope and a call to action for all those who seek to create a safer, more just world.


The story of Anthony Borges, the hero of the Parkland High School shooting, is a powerful narrative of bravery, sacrifice, and the enduring impact of one individual's actions in the face of unimaginable horror. As we remember the victims and survivors of the Parkland shooting, let us also honor the heroes like Anthony who stepped forward to protect and defend their peers. Their stories compel us to strive for a future where such tragedies are prevented, and where the courage and resilience of individuals like Anthony Borges are celebrated and remembered.


About the Creator

Deji Akomolafe

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    Deji AkomolafeWritten by Deji Akomolafe

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