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Analyzing the Lung Cancer Treatment Cost in Turkey

Lung Cancer Treatment Cost in Turkey

By Aman yadavPublished 10 months ago 6 min read

Lung cancer is a disease that affects around 2.21 million people every year worldwide. It is a significant health concern since the mortality and morbidity rate is very high.

In recent years, Tukey has become a popular destination for various kinds of treatment, including Lung Cancer. Turkey's healthcare system offers a range of options for treating lung cancer, including surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy.

Lung Cancer Treatment Costs in Turkey can vary significantly from person to person. It depends on the type of hospital, medical facility, the type of treatment required, etc. Understanding the cost factor is essential for the patients before undergoing the treatment to assess the economic feasibility of lung cancer treatment.

What is Lung Cancer?

When the cells of the lung start diving abnormally, it is known as lung cancer. These damaged cells divide uncontrollably and create a tumor or a mass that prevents the lung from functioning properly.

These abnormal cells start spreading to other organs of the body, which is known as metastasis.

Lung Cancer is mainly grouped into two main categories

  1. Small Cell Lung Cancer
  2. Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

What is the Lung Cancer Treatment Cost in Turkey?

Lung Cancer Treatment cost in Turkey ranges from USD 32850 to USD 40150. This is about Rs. 26,95,300 to 32,94,200 in Indian National Rupee (INR).

The cost of Lung Cancer can vary depending upon various factors, including the stage of cancer, the types of treatment required, the hospital chosen, and the expertise of the doctors and the surgeon.

Numerous treatment options for lung cancer, including Chemotherapy, Radiation Therapy, Immunotherapy, Targeted Therapy, etc. These treatments may be performed individually, or a combination of these treatments may be performed.

What is Included in Lung Cancer Treatment Cost in Turkey?

Lung Cancer Treatment Cost in Turkey includes the following things:

  1. Consultation Fees and preoperative diagnostic tests, including Blood tests, X Rays, Sputum Cytology, MRI, etc.)
  2. The cost of the Surgery (Depends upon the size and extent of the tumor)
  3. Cost of Chemotherapy or Radiotherapy Targeted therapy (depends on patient to patient)
  4. Stay at the Hospital
  5. Medications

What are the Causes of Lung Cancer?

  • Smoking: The common cause of Lung Cancer is SMOKING. Smoking cigarettes has been the number one factor causing lung cancer for centuries. About 80-90% of people with Lung Cancer are chain smokers. Using other tobacco products, such as pipes or cigars, can also increase the risk of lung cancer. People who smoke cigarettes are 12-30 more likely to get cancer than people who don't smoke. Remember, quitting smoking at any age can lower the risk of Lung Cancer.
  • Passive Smoking: If someone around you is smoking, then also you are at risk of Lung Cancer. This is known as secondhand smoking.
  • Radon: Radon is another leading cause of Lung Cancer. Radon is a naturally occurring gas that is present in rocks, soil, and water. People who are radon exposed are at a higher risk of lung cancer.
  • Other Substance: Several harmful substances such as Asbestos, arsenic, Exhaust diseases, and silica are all risk factors for this cancer. Continuous exposure to these substances can be harmful. People who work at factories or live in areas with high exposure to these substances should take adequate measures for the prevention of lung cancer.
  • Family History: If your parents or grandparents had Lung Cancer, you are at risk of the same. If you had cancer previously, there is a chance that it might come again.

What are the Signs of Lung Cancer?

During its initial stages, Lung Cancer usually does not show any signs or symptoms. Signs and symptoms of Lung cancer typically start occurring when the disease has advanced. Some of the signs and symptoms include:

  1. Chronic Coughing
  2. Coughing or blood, or vomiting out blood
  3. Pain in the chest
  4. Shortness of breath
  5. Unexplained weight loss
  6. Unusual body aches and fever
  7. Headache
  8. Hoarseness in Voice
  9. Loss of Appetite
  10. Feeling tired or weak
  11. Infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia

When the cancer spreads to other parts of the body, it can cause:

Pain in the bone (Eg. extreme back pain)

  1. Nervous system changes (such as unexplained headache or numbness of arms or legs)
  2. Yellowing of skin or eyes
  3. Dizziness or seizures
  4. Swelling of Lymph Nodes

Why is Turkey Famous for the Treatment of Lung Cancer?

Turkey is famous for the treatment of Lung Cancer because of the following reasons:

  • Advancements in Healthcare System: Over the past decade, Turkey has made some excellent advancements in healthcare. It has adapted to the latest technologies for treatment along with the expertise of doctors. Turkey has several hospitals across the country for treating various types of cancer. The government has also supported the country in making its healthcare system reach greater heights.
  • Collaboration with Hospitals Worldwide: Apart from having the best healthcare system, Turkey also has collaborations with various hospitals all across the world.
  • Expert Doctors and Surgeons: Turkey has expert doctors, nurses, surgeons, and paramedics. They provide the best treatment options available.
  • Visa Process and Medical Tourism: Getting a Visa for Turkey is comparatively easier compared to other countries, making it easy for the patient and their families to visit. The country has also emerged as a popular destination for Medical Tourism.
  • Lung Cancer Treatment Cost in Turkey: The treatment cost is much lower compared to other countries.

Which are the Best Hospitals in Turkey for Lung Cancer Treatment?

  1. Hisar Hospital Intercontinental, Istanbul: Hisar Hospital Intercontinental in Istanbul is a renowned medical facility known for its comprehensive approach to lung cancer treatment. With a team of experienced oncologists and state-of-the-art technology, the hospital provides personalized and cutting-edge treatments to patients, ensuring the best possible outcomes.
  2. Medical Park Group, Istanbul: The Medical Park Group in Istanbul is a leading healthcare institution offering specialized lung cancer care. Their multidisciplinary team of experts combines advanced diagnostic tools and innovative treatment modalities to provide personalized and effective lung cancer treatment. The hospital's patient-centered approach ensures holistic care throughout the treatment journey.
  3. American Hospital, Istanbul: The American Hospital in Istanbul is a reputable healthcare facility known for its expertise in lung cancer treatment. With a strong emphasis on research and innovation, the hospital offers advanced therapies and surgical techniques to manage lung cancer effectively. The hospital's team of internationally trained specialists works collaboratively to provide comprehensive care tailored to each patient's needs.
  4. Medipol University Hospital, Istanbul: Medipol University Hospital in Istanbul is a prominent medical institution recognized for its excellence in lung cancer care. The hospital offers various diagnostic and treatment options for lung cancer patients at an affordable cost. Their multidisciplinary approach ensures a comprehensive and individualized treatment plan for each patient.

Overall, Turkey has emerged as a popular destination for the treatment of Lung Cancer. It gives the patients various treatments based on their budget. They have the best healthcare facility and an expert pool of doctors who will guide you in everything. So, if you're considering going to Turkey for the treatment of Lung Cancer, you're making the right choice.


About the Creator

Aman yadav

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