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An Insight into the Strategic Partnership of USA and India

Wariness of china brings USA and India together

By VIGARI SHARMAPublished 11 months ago 3 min read

Prime Minister Narendra Modi is currently in Egypt, but the high that was achieved in Indo-US relations during his three-day visit this week continues to be felt in Washington and on Raisina Hill. The Biden administration is obviously counting on the strong Indian leader to put the bilateral relations on a new course.

In contrast to his 2014 visit to the US, when PM Modi was an unproven national politician, the Biden administration now views the Indian leader as a global leader who delivers on the ground, has guided India towards high growth even during difficult economic times, and maintains a high level of energy without showing signs of exhaustion.

PM Modi received a formal welcome at the White House, was feted by the Bidens and the US Congress, and both Democrats and Republicans contacted the Indian leader after his second speech to the US Congress, showing that US President Joseph Biden and his leaders believe in him.

The strategic partnership between the United States and India has been gaining momentum in recent years, with both countries recognizing the benefits of working together. In particular, the US has been betting on Prime Minister Narendra Modi's India as a key partner in the region. This partnership is based on shared values of democracy, free trade, and security cooperation.

What, then, has irreversibly changed in India-US ties during the past nine years under PM Modi?

The basic cause of India and the US's strong alliance is China's aggressive ascent since 2014 and the effects it has had on international supply chains. It is the first time that US business has followed the lead of US political leadership and engaged India with the intention of investing in the largest democracy in the world. This is because both India and the US share a wariness towards China, especially in light of the PLA's recent actions in East Ladakh and Taiwan. Tony Blinken, the US Secretary of State, presided at the US India Business Council summit before PM Modi's visit as a result of this.

One of the main reasons for this strategic partnership is India's growing economic power and potential. As one of the fastest-growing economies in the world, India presents a huge opportunity for American businesses to expand their markets and increase profits. Additionally, India's young population and increasing middle class offer a large consumer base for American products.

The defense partnership between India and the US has been a topic of discussion in recent years, as it has significant implications for regional security. The two countries have been working together to strengthen their strategic ties and enhance their military capabilities. This partnership is not only important for India and the US but also for the wider Asia-Pacific region, where there are growing security challenges.

India's strategic location in the region makes it a key player in maintaining stability and security. The US recognizes this and has been working closely with India to build its defense capabilities. This partnership has led to joint military exercises, intelligence sharing, and technology transfers.

The implications of this partnership go beyond just bilateral relations between India and the US. It has the potential to shape regional security dynamics by providing a counterbalance to China's rising influence in the region. Additionally, it could lead to greater cooperation among other countries in the region who share similar security concerns.

As such, understanding the nature of this defense partnership is critical for policymakers and analysts alike as they assess regional security challenges and opportunities.

Another important factor is regional stability and security. Both countries face common threats such as terrorism and instability in neighboring countries. By working together, they can share intelligence and resources to combat these threats effectively.

Overall, the US sees India as a valuable partner in promoting global security, economic growth, and democratic values. The strategic partnership between these two nations will continue to play an important role in shaping regional dynamics for years to come.

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