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Ama's Night


By Julien DadsonPublished 8 months ago 4 min read

Ama, a diligent and spirited young woman, was a barista in the vibrant city of Accra, Ghana. Born on December 20th, she was not only celebrating her birthday but also the love she had for her work and the dreams she aspired to achieve.

On this particular birthday, Ama woke up with a renewed sense of purpose and excitement. The sun bathed her room in a warm glow as she gazed at her calendar, realizing the significance of the day. She took a deep breath, a mix of gratitude and determination filling her heart. She was twenty-four now, and she knew this year would be the one to set her dreams in motion.

Accra was a city that pulsed with life, and each day brought new adventures and challenges. Ama loved the lively spirit of the city, the vibrant colors, the bustling markets, and the harmonious blend of tradition and modernity. The rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee that wafted through her small apartment was a reminder of her passion and purpose.

After a quick shower and a glance at the mirror to adjust her sunflower-adorned apron and tie her hair into a playful bun, Ama was ready to embrace the day. She lived a few blocks away from the coffee shop where she worked, "Sunrise Brews." It was a cozy little café tucked in a corner, known for its welcoming ambiance and exceptional coffee.

As she walked down the bustling streets, she greeted familiar faces and exchanged pleasantries with the vendors setting up their stalls for the day. The scent of spices, the lively chatter, and the kaleidoscope of colors filled her senses, always invigorating her spirit. She believed in starting her day by absorbing the positivity around her, letting it fuel her interactions with customers.

Arriving at Sunrise Brews, she opened the door to the familiar sound of the bell chiming, signaling her arrival. The early morning sun streamed through the windows, casting a warm glow on the wooden tables and the welcoming bar counter. Ama could feel the hum of anticipation in the air—the promise of a new day.

She greeted her fellow baristas and started her morning routine, ensuring everything was in place for the busy day ahead. The coffee beans were ground, the machines were primed, and the pastries were displayed enticingly. Ama had a keen eye for detail, always striving for perfection in everything she did.

Amidst the hustle and bustle, a young artist named Kwame sat by the window, sketching in his weathered notebook. He was a regular at Sunrise Brews, known for his talent and the captivating stories his sketches told. Ama admired his dedication to his art; it reminded her of her own dreams and aspirations.

Approaching him during a lull in the morning rush, Ama said, "Your sketches are beautiful, Kwame."

He looked up, surprised but pleased. "Thank you! I find inspiration in everyday moments."

Their conversation flowed effortlessly, and Ama felt a kinship with this young artist, their dreams intertwining like the brushstrokes on his canvas. Kwame shared his aspirations, hoping to hold an exhibition to showcase his art and tell stories that captured the essence of their beloved city.

Ama was inspired by Kwame's passion. It reminded her of her own dream—to open her café, a place where people could find solace and joy in the simple pleasures of life. She envisioned an environment where every cup of coffee would be a step toward community building, a place where dreams could be nurtured and creativity could thrive.

As the day progressed, the café buzzed with activity. Ama's genuine smile and Kwame's captivating sketches added a unique charm to Sunrise Brews. The regulars were fond of Ama's personalized approach, her ability to remember their favorite drinks and engage in genuine conversations.

Towards the afternoon, as the crowd subsided momentarily, Ama took a moment to reflect on her journey. She had come a long way since she started as an assistant barista. She had worked tirelessly, saving every penny to fulfill her dream. Today, she was one step closer.

The aroma of coffee infused the air, mingling with laughter and conversation. Ama looked around, taking it all in—the place she had poured her heart into, the people who had become like family, and the dreams that fueled her soul.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm golden glow over the city, Ama gathered her thoughts. She realized that her birthday was not just a marker of time but a reminder of the journey she had undertaken. Each year had brought new experiences, challenges, and growth.

In the evening, Ama celebrated her birthday with her Sunrise Brews family. They surprised her with a small party, filled with laughter, music, and joy. Kwame presented her with a sketch he had made, capturing her essence as the heart of Sunrise Brews.

The day was coming to a close, but Ama's heart was brimming with gratitude and determination. She had found her purpose in creating a haven where people could connect, dream, and find solace in a cup of coffee.

As the night settled over Accra, Ama made a silent wish, hoping that the year ahead would bring her closer to her dream, and her café would become a reality—a place where she could brew not only coffee but also happiness and inspiration for all who walked through its doors. With the city lights twinkling in the distance, she knew that her journey had only just begun, and she was ready to embrace it with all the love and passion she had within her.


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  • Alex H Mittelman 8 months ago

    Great work! Fantastic and well written!

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