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Always Ending up in Fight? Set These Relationship Goals for a Better Personal Life

“To lovers out there… We lie to people we love. We lie for the people we love, but don’t let the relationship to become a lie.-” ― De philosopher DJ Kyos

By Anitha SankaranPublished 4 years ago 4 min read
Image by Sasin Tipchai from Pixabay

A relationship is not always red roses; it has its sharp thorns that might pierce you inside out. Before it rips your heart, set some healthy goals in your relationship to keep the boat upright.

Mutual Sharing

A relationship is not a one-way street.

Two wheels must run in unison to move the vehicle without skidding. To achieve that, a mutual agreement and communication between couples is necessary. If you are not comfortable to share and be open with your partner. Then think who will be ready to listen when you share your feelings. Sharing mutual feelings is the foundation of a long time relationship.

Caring at Tough Times

You are not required to be present always in the happy hours of your partner. It is not a big deal. But leaving them hanging in the cliff at the times when they are in low spirit is treacherous. Write it in bold in your journal or fix it in your mind,

To care for your partner at their critical times is salient.

Pairing to Do Work

Spend your quality time with your partner. It doesn't mean that you should have a date night or have a fancy vacation. You can share your household chores and do it together at the same time.

Teaming up as a pair makes your house a home.

Love sprouts when you both build the home together. You can wash the dishes, and your partner can load the dishwasher. You can do your laundry together. Spending time with each other doesn't need an ambiance. Doing chores together is more romantic than spending time on a picturesque beach.

Respecting the Differences

Two fingers don't look alike. How can you expect two people to be identical in character, likes, tastes, and preferences? Next time don't force your partner to eat the brownie. He/ she might not have liked it but are eating for you. Respect their opinion if it differs from you. It is alright, don't expect a reflection of you in him/her. You aren't living with a mirror.

Working on Commitment

You can't be with someone and like someone else at the same time. It is not possible to bake a pie while driving a car. Such relationships won't work. Be committed to your partner.

Are you planning to settle down with a person for the rest of your life? The first goal should be to build trust and to be honest.

Planning things with equal importance

A happening relationship happens when the couple plans things in life together.

Sit down, talk, plan, and decide together. A single pilot cannot drive the plane of love. Both should take part in planning.

Be it a life-changing decision or to upgrade the home decor, the choice should be a combination of the two. Controversies break the guards when both take part in life. Next time when you watch Netflix, watch one show of your choice and the other your partner's choice.

Sleeping together

Go to bed at the same time and sleep together. If your nature of living and work makes it impossible, at least try doing it once in a week. Sleeping together at night gives a sense of belonging. It strengthens intimacy. You might have fought with each other or had had a bad day. Everything will vanish and melt away when you both cuddle and have a relaxing sleep.

Arguing in healthy portions

A healthy relationship isn't devoid of arguments. If you never end up in a difference of opinion, it's high time to check if either one is adjusting with the other. Adjustments are necessary among a couple. That doesn't mean personal opinion of both doesn't count.

If something negates your ideology, never agree with the other to please them. It leads to the sacrifice of your happiness. Also, it will spoil your inner self and will lead to piling a load of garbage within yourself. Go ahead and argue, if it's required. But make sure it doesn't turn into a fight. Constructive arguments lead to a sound understanding among couples.

Motivating each others growth

A relationship isn't only an agreement to live together. Lending an ear and giving your worthy thoughts as a motivation to your partner is also a part of the couple's goals. It is too selfish to take care of only your goals and growth in life. It is a win-win situation for both if you shoulder mutual burdens. A push is what everyone lacks today. Be a ladder for your partner to push him/her up. They might need it.

Feel your partner's success as yours because a relationship is two bodies and one soul.

Giving some space

It is impossible to share each and everything in life with your partner. Never expect 100% in a relationship.

If mountains are your expectations, the sky will be your disappointments.

We, humans, are social animals but, we need our personal space and don't want anyone to invade it. So, give your partner their me-time and expect less from them to save your relationship for a long time.


About the Creator

Anitha Sankaran

I'm a freelance writer and a former IT professional. I write poetry, articles about personal development, short stories and flash fictions.

Twitter: @sankaran_anitha

Insta: @anisesh1

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