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After "having a relationship", a man said these three words, that is, he loves you like his life, don't doubt

For men, their attitudes are often different before and after they are fully obtained.

By jasherPublished 2 years ago 2 min read

Some men may not love you obviously, but even if they covet your beauty, they will still try their best to get close to you and be nice to you, but they just want to take advantage of you. If you just think that he loves you deeply, you will easily get hurt.

Although it is not necessary to go to the last step in every relationship, for a man, when he has everything you have, it is often easier to see whether his love for you is true or false.

Generally speaking, after "having a relationship", a man said these three words, that is, he loves you like his life, don't doubt it.

"Let's get married"

Whether a man has fun or not depends on whether he dares to spend a lifetime with you.

This is how life is. You are destined to have many passers-by in your life. Many times, no matter how much effort you put in, it will not help. If he is not your sweetheart, he is destined to leave one day, even if you give him everything you have, it will be useless.

Generally speaking, after a relationship, if a man can take the initiative to take his responsibilities and say "let's get married" to you, then he must love you like his life, don't doubt it.

Relationships are like this. A person who dares to be responsible for your whole life must love you deeply, even if he may occasionally make you angry, but he loves you deeply, and there will be no problem.

"Come and live together"

What is emotion? It looks like a romantic affair, but in fact, it is firewood, rice, oil and salt.

If a man can only talk to you and make promises to you, but he can't even accompany you to go shopping or eat with you, then his so-called love for you can only give you an empty joy. You have to understand that if a man doesn't even have the heart, the ability or the effort to support you, the more he talks about love, the more hypocritical he will be.

Generally speaking, after a relationship, a man has naturally identified your role. At this time, if he is willing to live with you, or even say to you, "Move over and live together", it must be that he loves you like his life. Now, don't doubt it.

Otherwise, it's easy to move in, but it's not so easy to let you move out. If a man doesn't love him, he won't be stupid enough to make things so complicated.

"Don't worry, I'm always here"

Accompanying is the longest confession of love. In love stories, there are bound to be moments of impulsiveness and passion, but that's not the full picture of love.

If you can't stand the feelings of Homecoming, it is destined not to be deep, and it is difficult to have the future you want. Some men will give you a surprise, but they can't stick to it, and most of them will be empty joy for you in the end.

Generally speaking, after a relationship, if no matter what happens, a man will definitely say "don't worry, I'm always here", and, not just talk, but really do it, then he It must be that I love you like my life and treat you as the only one.

Maybe he can't give you a high life, but he will do his best to meet your various needs. In his heart, you are unique and irreplaceable.


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