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About The Everyday Insecurity and the Fear of the Future

Do you have this fear?

By Simon BensonPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
About The Everyday Insecurity and the Fear of the Future
Photo by Sammie Chaffin on Unsplash

Every day that begins comes with new events, often unexpected and sometimes even unpleasant. Whether it is things that directly affect us, whether we are talking about the rebellions of nature or about political decisions that turn the destiny of an entire nation upside down, all these contribute to the feeling of insecurity that the contemporary world offers us everywhere.

We all experience uncertainty and insecurity, each of us focusing on certain topics. The fear of what the future holds is natural and our ancestors who lived under the threat of wars, epidemics, or the unleashed force of nature that they could not cope with also faced it.

Why are we afraid?

The fear of political conflicts at the international level that would trigger wars still exists today, as well as the fear of cataclysms, especially since recently several countries have suffered major damage following strong earthquakes or tsunamis.

All these fears clash with the idea that contemporary, highly technological society has imprinted on us, namely that everything can be controlled: that we can decipher the laws of nature and that we can buy everything we need. This made us want to have more and more control over our lives and our future and we started to take out insurance for our house, car, life, and even various parts of our bodies.

We try to fool the time, not to grow old and for that we buy creams, we do cosmetic surgeries and we take all kinds of miraculous pills. All these manifestations come from fear of the future.

Fear is normal when it manifests itself as a natural reaction to clear dangers, it is an emotion with which we have been endowed by nature to survive and protect ourselves. Fear helps us to be prepared, instructed, and informed about the dangers we face.

But there is another kind of fear, one that paralyzes us and prevents us from living our lives normally. The fear of the future, of unknown situations, the fear of the reactions of others, all these have no other antidote than that of learning how to manage them.

We must learn to understand them to face them, to be prepared to go through them, and to discover the meaning of each situation.

We must not let fear paralyze us, thinking of something that might happen. Our fears are mainly focused on the future: we are afraid of illness, of accidents, of losing loved ones, of unemployment, of loneliness. These things may or may not happen, but fearing and worrying, we leave the present to close in fear of an uncertain future.

The future we are thinking about is long overdue, and we do not live in the present but remain in immobility caused by the constant fear of what might happen.

Fear has a cure

How can we get rid of this perpetual fear? Living in the present, because the experience is not gained by thinking about what might happen, but by doing things and taking risks. We must not make a desperate effort to avoid the unknown, but we must learn to live with it.

If we live defensively we do not defend ourselves from what might happen to us, we only impoverish our lives with many possible interesting experiences. Life means uncertainty and questions that we can only answer if we make decisions, make choices, and act. We can't be afraid and enjoy life at the same time, we have to make a choice, especially if we don't like half measures.

We need to differentiate between fears, to separate them from the foreseeable ones, on which we can act to reduce their impact, and between fears of unknown situations, which can overwhelm us when we are in a new situation or a new situation. -an unknown place.

But there is also the fear of everything we cannot control, of what does not depend on us, and the desire to have control is like a virus that affects more and more people. But the unpredictable has its charm, it helps us to be more creative, not to get bored, to learn new things, to meet people, and to find answers about life that we did not have.

We must also guard against the fears that others pass on to us, which project their fears upon us and cause us to acquire fears that are not our own. And it is best to have confidence, trust is what saves us from fear and helps us to live normally, without constant insecurity that presses us and spoils our desire to live.


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