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A universally accepted system of beliefs

A sacred step towards a utopian civilization

By Peter BrownPublished 2 years ago 19 min read
The meek will inherit the Earth-Beatitudes

A Preface to a universal system of beliefs, or global law, a system of established guidelines, or policies, that if enforced properly throughout the United Federation of Humanity, will ensure the protection, and healthy competition between all of the different component countries of this United federation.

To take on such a daunting task as to create a system of beliefs that can be applied universally, with minimal instances of intolerance, is quite possibly the most difficult task one would perform in their entire lives. The foundation to any system of beliefs is paramount. The foundation must reflect positive reactions by the people who adapt the system into their culture. I attempt to visualize a culture that is war torn, with a millennia or longer deep seeded hatred(by some) and resentment and animosity towards our nation. I tend to keep thinking back to 2001 and WMDS and the massive blunder our country made during that crisis. So many victims from both our nation and the nations we imposed our will upon in the Middle East. I see these power plants, sitting unused and not even staffed, and I think to myself: why would we as a nation ever impose our will upon a country without staying with diplomats afterwards to ensure these people that have lost their homes, their families, their entire towns, have a future where the capability of forgiving our trespasses can ever be achieved. To be able to admit mistakes were made, is the first step to communication. Communication leads to new ideas, shared beliefs, and positive interests, and healthy competition; with future generations being able to share these positive interests as the motivation and driving force(ie healthy competition:the new space race to Mars; the the fossil fuel emissions reduction and eradication race; the discrimination free employment environment race; the eradication of racism competition etc) The UN should have personnel from each and every corner of the globe, and the background of each of these cultures knowledge and belief systems, so that when a universal collaboration to ensure a planet with a future for everyone can even be imagined in the first place. I apologize if what I speak of is not easily understood, for I think differently than most people. I am understanding, too forgiving, humble, and have an uncanny ability to feel the emotional and cultural aspects of individuals and cultures in their entirety.

If ones belief system is not altered, or molded in a different direction, and it’s destructive; it will continue to be until the belief which drives the will of the people can be moved in a different direction.

Friction between nations and cultures require common interests and a desire to maintain those interests.

Diplomacy as means to establish these common interests, and discussion on what can be used to drive the will of the people to maintain said interests; this is something that I feel requires attention.

Uniting the human race under one banner, and the continuation of one singular universal democratic diplomatic monarchy may just be the ideal structure for this singular United race. “The United States (or federation) of humanity” is what I like to call it.

Healthy competition is imperative to establish this United race; what other competitions can be created and applied, or utilized to initiate operation global unity: humanitarian efforts etc.

Imagine a United global economy, and the lack of necessity of an army to protect borders, as all of the world would be under one banner, with a collaboration of leaders from each culture, like a Roman senate. The ability to be diplomatic first takes the ability to tolerate and accept one another, and perceive everyone on an equal playing field

Forgive me, for I am generally working on multiple projects simultaneously, therefore my posts may seem erratic. Though I do have a singular vision in mind when it comes to the posts in which I refer to legitimate issues with the economy, country, and global environment. To take on such a daunting task as to create a system of beliefs that can be applied universally, with minimal instances of intolerance, is quite possibly the most difficult task one would perform in their entire lives. The foundation to any system of beliefs is paramount. The foundation must reflect positive reactions by the people who adapt the system into their culture. I attempt to visualize a culture that is war torn, with a millennia or longer deep seeded hatred(by some) and resentment and animosity towards our nation. I tend to keep thinking back to 2001 and WMDS and the massive blunder our country made during that crisis. So many victims from both our nation and the nations we imposed our will upon in the Middle East. I see these power plants, sitting unused and not even staffed, and I think to myself: why would we as a nation ever impose our will upon a country without staying with diplomats afterwards to ensure these people that have lost their homes, their families, their entire towns, have a future where the capability of forgiving our trespasses can ever be achieved. To be able to admit mistakes were made, is the first step to communication. Communication leads to new ideas, shared beliefs, and positive interests with future generations being able to share these positive interests as the motivation and driving force. The UN should have personnel from each and every corner of the globe, and the background of each of these cultures knowledge and belief systems, so that when a universal collaboration to ensure a planet with a future for everyone can even be imagined in the first place. I apologize if what I speak of is not easily understood, f up or I think differently than most people. I am understanding, too forgiving, humble, and have an uncanny ability to feel the emotional and cultural aspects of individuals and cultures in their entirety.

Diplomacy; a word not as often used today; a pre COVID-19 word it seems. To have nations be United under common interests, and the desire to maintain those common interests. For systems of belief between countries to have a foundation reflective of one another. How might a nation such as ours begin to approach a situation so many shy away from? The ability to compromise, even sacrifice, if need be, for the continuation of these common interests, or system of beliefs. Religion is but one fathom of the various,potentially destructive, systems of beliefs that i now think of. Our relentless consumption of oil, and its devastating effects on our planet, have now come to a tipping point. We stand at a dilemma, A situation no known generation has ever faced before. The choice to accept the facts as they are, and to change our course from fossil fuel consumption into a different direction.

Diplomats are in dwindling supply. The United Nations should establish a greenhouse gas initiative called “A Global solution to the greenhouse gas effect” with a subtitle as “how our nations can unite under one banner and permanently eliminate the threat upon our sacred planet” unfortunately aliens invading isn’t going to happen anytime soon, they are benevolent, or nice people. They are people too. Some of them are tall, others not so big. Some we can’t even see with the naked eye;) I call them gremlins, and Big C. I don’t even care if I sound insane, that’s okay with me if I do. I know the truth and I know that one of them is inside the president of the United States of America, and every single CEO of every single corporation. Also all of the Leaders of each country. They have been for some time, and we haven’t had any issues, so why does it matter? Each and every one of them knows this and is okay with it. They work with the leaders, and help propel us into the future. There was on inside me as well, there still is a gremlin, but big C is inside the president now which is cool he’s probably going to get along with him really well. I miss big C, or the creator. The president is so lucky. It’s been about two years now since they all first began speaking with leaders of countries in an attempt to work together to save the planet. So we need a global uniting force; positive in nature; with something to ensure the motive to maintain these positive common interests are shared among all of the people=the future of our planet, our generations after us. This needs the proper attention and David Attenborough is speaking about precisely what I am also speaking of. He is using animals which is a fantastic idea. People equivocate dying animals and sea water levels rising, and global average temperatures rising, with the effects of the greenhouse gases becoming more apparent. This is how we can win the war on greenhouse gases.

The military budget, and the excessively high quantity of redundant monetary spendatures, in my opinion, could be better utilized if these government funds were focused on clean energy, efficient solar power, and hydro fusion technology. How do we power a country without the use of fossil fuels, or how do we limit the use of these fuels to significantly lower the emissions as we devise methods of decreasing the enhanced greenhouse gas effect? This world cannot handle another two decades with the amount of fossil fuel we are burning through. This is a pivotal moment in history. How will we all contribute to change for the future generations?

Until we reach this global economy; the military, first of all I thank you for providing your own blessed souls to our nations protection. To view military personnel as PEACE ENFORCEMENT AND PROTECTION; this is not to cause conflict, but instead maintain peace and prevent any conflict from arising. Showing force, and standing by our allies in efforts to dissuade conflict is the American way. To remain steadfast in our dedication to acting as a catalyst for positive change in the world. To once again declare America is back in the race! The healthy competitive environment we as a country aim to achieve, will reflect positive growth in the economy. Especially creating jobs enhancing our current solar and wind power. This will generate large quantities of employment opportunities without the necessity of a college degree in many of the potential career paths. Electric vehicles, with solar panels integrated into the body itself, and wind turbines under the vehicles charging cells as the car is moving. Using solar energy will ensure that the globe and people within it no longer resort to using fossil fuels to propel the industries of the world.

Global warming’s negative connotation has possibly been one of the many reasons that we haven’t been doing enough. When we look online about greenhouse gases we see statistics, and more numbers we don’t understand. It creates a stigma, a lethargic one, people don’t like thinking about things they don’t understand-numbers percents gobbly goop. What is the laymen’s way to describe what scientists data reflects? A question I’d assume a lot of people ask. Yet something real that most people don’t understand is taking place at a rapid rate of speed compared to the natural cycle of the planet. In 200 years we have managed to do what the planet normally takes 1 million years to do! The Greenhouse gas effect I feel resonates much more to people. A global solution to the greenhouse gas effect. How nations can develope a common interest(saving our planet and its resources for future generations, including living ones today) a desire to maintain those common interests(do any of us have children? Nieces? Nephews? Siblings etc?, do we want a world for them, their children, and grandchildren to live in?) the desire to maintain those common interests, must have a system of beliefs which motivates the will of the people toward a singular goal. To achieve this common interest, we must first have understanding, wisdom, and knowledge of it. Believing that there is not a greenhouse gas effect, or that global warming is not real(a system of beliefs that are factual. Scientific data shows us factual evidence, which I believe). I have the belief that if we do not do something to shape, or change course from our destructive heading, only more destruction waits for us there.

I am an advocate for renewable energy, also I am an extremely dedicated supporter of our global need to cease fossil fuel burning emissions. Efficient solar and wind power I feel must be invested in heavily during the next few years to save the planet for future generations.

1:Plant Trees, the fastest growing, highest CO2 intake absorption rate/O2 emissions release, and plant grass as well everywhere we can. Rebuild the rainforests, we need to revive these forests and quickly. This is something that must not be disregarded, for we have time to fix the previous generations mistakes, including my own generation. We must turn back the clock. 1 million years worth of greenhouse gases, humans have released in 200. We have contributed so much to the greenhouse gas effect, that what takes the planet 1 million years to reach naturally, humans have been able to accomplish in 200 years. Before the industrial revolution, our carbon footprint hardly existed. However, from the first instances of crude oil extraction from the earth, and refined petroleum, or gasoline being used in vehicles, has immensely, catastrophically, astonishingly increased the amount of gases in the atmosphere(reference David Attenborough, his documentary from 2020 speaking about greenhouse gases and our ability to fix our mistakes).Solar power; abortions: legalize them everywhere. Population is a major factor. No more than 2 children per family. We just have to have enough co2 being absorbed by trees. Create a synthetic botanical respiratory system that can somehow be fit into the exhaust of a vehicle. Have this system absorb the co2, and transmute it into oxygen as a plant does. Technology for this can be created in five years at the most. Also efficiency of fuel in vehicles. We would pay more money for fuel with more efficient vehicles as well. All vehicles should be completely electric powered, or hybrid at the very least. The Mojave desert needs solar panels literally across the whole damn desert. Ice needs to be created somehow at the polls. If we can expand the ice caps, these will trap in greenhouse gases and help the planet keep from destabilizing.

This natural cycle the earth goes through should not have been noticeable by human beings in our lifetimes. A 2*increase Celsius is all it will take to cause devastation. This is in average earth temperature. If we do not set a clear and common goal of 70%reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050; then I pray to god we haven’t failed. This is how quickly this problem is approaching. We need to speak about this to our children. Oil companies can still use oil on Mars. Fossil fuels being burned on Mars is medicine for that planet, yet we do not currently possess the proper technology to transport it there. Mars has an atmosphere that requires greenhouse gas emissions to be somewhere humans can survive, and we can look for another way to fuel our planet more efficiently. Yet the oil companies do not have to worry. The extraction itself, if correctly equalized, or stabilized by intake of CO2 and output of oxygen, technically oil is still a usable source of fuel for now( not really) Yet we must permanently drastically reduce emissions. How I ask can we do this? Many are helping already; many already know these things; yet what questions can we answer? What clear common goal can we lay forth. We need straight talk statistically correct, goal oriented answers. We need: when is it going to happen; by how much reduction, and by when. Plus how much will it cost; it’s last thing on our minds( except Biden, researchers, David Attenborough and I)but we need to do it none the less. Let’s protect America first. We are contributing and need to show the other countries we care so much about the planet that we are reducing carbon emissions faster than other countries and show that America and start a competitive goal oriented fossil fuel emission reduction race! We can do it too. Oil companies should be the ones planting and helping with the rainforest good PR, and someone’s going to have to pay for it(like the entities who destroyed them in the first place possibly)

The fundamental building blocks of a belief system, and its reflection upon the people that follow the system, should always end with an increasing majority of well educated, generally happy, selfless people with equality among all as its foundation. That singular notion in actuality removes a significant amount of other hurdles and cultural barriers. To have a freely practiced religion system as we do, yet not forcing anything, judging anyone for not believing, or one religion held above others is imperative. Most religions teach forgiveness and acceptance; how many actually follow that? I know I do but I’m extremely forgiving and understanding. Luckily determining consequences is not my job. I’m too nice, too happy, and easy going.

Speaking of belief systems and how to maintain positive interests between nations: A nation; say countries possibly in the Middle East; I refer to this place because people there want to become educated. Children want to learn the ways of the world. These people are excited to learn, and why aren’t we helping them educate their children? I imagine universities rivaling Harvard in Afghanistan, Iraq, etc. (is Uzbekistan still around) Americans are so naive. To learn geography once, and not seem to ever need it again. A potentially great, intelligent race, all humans have this potential. The willingness to become educated is paramount in the structure of a system of beliefs that will bear a course, leading all on this ship into a brighter future. Religion, God, Allah, they are translations of the same, infinitely wise, loving, and caring savior. This creator will lead us into a brighter future but, be weary children, all must listen to his guidance. We must ask ourselves: do we truly believe he is watching all of us? If yes, do you feel the goosebumps? Do you feel how we are somehow intertwined? Sometimes I imagine as if I speak to a classroom as I write in my notes early in the morning in california. Yet I have some strange sense of connection with others. This connection I never felt until the word of god, the faith in this creator, during great pain and sorrow, reminded me of my once forgotten faith. My mind, so corrupted by anger, so furious at deception, and yet god taught me to forgive. Forgiveness, love of thy neighbor, and respect for each and every human life is imperative These are things all children around the world are learning simultaneously. They will soon be learning of research and how not to interfere with the observable world. A rough draft but a workable draft, I wish I could see a local from a region in a country where maintaining interests aligning with this ones can be spoken freely about. An educator, a provider of wisdom; A professor. Imagine universities free of charge, educating the masses in a singular unifying methodology (minus religion. Any religion will be able to be input into this model. I’d need help. I’m American I can’t do this alone. God may be with me, and he. Has anyone else felt the receding diminishing darkness that fell before us? Some felt it more intensely than others. I hope we may speak one day. Good night/ morning/ evening/ afternoon. Depending on where you are. Until tomorrow.

This natural cycle the earth goes through. If we do not set a clear and common goal of 70%reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050; then I pray to god we haven’t failed. This is how quickly this problem is approaching. We need to speak about this to our children. Oil companies can still use oil once we get enough CO2 reduction, and we can look for another way to fuel our plant more efficiently. Yet the oil companies do not have to worry. The extraction itself, if correctly equalized, or stabilized by intake of CO2 and output of oxygen, technically oil is still a usable source of fuel for now. Yet we must temporarily drastically reduce emissions. How I ask can we do this? Many are helping already, many already know these things, yet what questions can we answer, what clear common goal can we lay forth. We need straight talk no bullshit answers none of those damn statistics we need when is it going to happen by how much reduction and by when. Plus how much will it cost, last thing on our minds as we need to do it none the less. Let’s protect America first. We are contributing and need to show the other countries we care so much about the planet that we are reducing carbon emissions faster than other countries and show that America gives a shit about this planet. We can do it too. Oil companies should be the ones planting and helping with the rainforest good pr someone’s going to have to pay for it, who gives a shit at this point we want to help this country. Can this country help me, with the institutions who are here for what happened, if they knew that what I said was completely the truth, my family doesn’t have any money, my cousin stole nearly 100,000 dollars and I have the checks to prove it I was never sent originals only copies of the settlement agreement which I’d never sign. I have hundreds of emails I’ll continue next note

As a democratic person from a democratic family, I wonder how a party such as the party under Trumps, well his ignorant and malevolent rule, shall continue to operate with any sense of dignity. Does a party, a party that fell further and further into depravity as time went on, continue the course, or shape the path into a new positive direction? Centrist Republican Party might be a new name for the ones who did not agree with Trumps views, yet hold differing opinions than our own. To be forgiving of ones past, and continue to work across party lines is still required for the nations success. How do we as democrats begin to get back to the issues most Pertinent in our country? How do we thaw the frozen, ambiguous trains of thought? A clear and common goal, means to achieve said goals, and continuance, expansion, and determination that diplomacy and compromise will prove to lay groundwork into the future.

Positive and negative connotations are extremely important to language. How we use certain words, and the specific connotations of the words, are extremely important. Being precise and accurate with the specific words when using certain terms can lead to a better understanding, or alternatively a misunderstanding leading to destruction.

For example gun control, resonates with a negative connotation. People who are legal gun owners see the word as restrictive when it should be used to get gun owners to want to be more accountable with their own weapons. To control your weapon properly if you’re going to own one. I personally dislike weapons immensely I would never own a gun. Yet legal gun owners should want training etc

Climate control, however, leaves a positive connotation. We are in control of the climate and we are doing what we can to remove any machine that utilizes the burning of these fuels that is causing so much pollution and adding to the greenhouse gas blanket in our atmosphere.


-Peter j Brown


About the Creator

Peter Brown

I am Peter Jennings Brown; a member of the Irving family of South Lake Tahoe California. Doctor, nurse, commissioner for the school district, supervisor for the county; my family has a wonderful legacy in South Lake Tahoe.

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