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An ultra dimensional friendship

Developing bonds with celestial beings

By Peter BrownPublished 2 years ago 15 min read
Metatron in the sky above the bay bridge in California.

Day by day, life that I was experiencing was dull, boring, and uneventful. As a 28 year old gay male from South Lake Tahoe California, working as a produce clerk at the local grocery store; my life was just as simple and uneventful as any other 28 year old local at the time. Until, one day, something changed all of that. I was in my room, up late as usual; and I began to notice something in my peripheral vision. I was initially unable to determine what the entity was that had been causing strange things in my life to happen. After I began to attempt to communicate with this entity; I was surprised at being able to communicate with this entity who called himself Metatron. He explained to me that he is an Arch Angel, and he would call me the most faithful person in the entire world. I quickly developed bonds of friendship with Metatron, though there were some initial set backs in our developing friendship. Initially I was being used as a prop in the theatrical plays he was performing for the other celestial beings of Heaven, and his capability to hypnotize me left me as a forced participant by altering my free will and hypnotizing me into becoming a willing participant. Soon enough, the plays became too much for my human mind to be able to continue participating in. My mind became confused, and I eventually ended up in jail due to Metatron and I having a misunderstanding. While in jail; I attempted to communicate and teach Metatron as well as any other celestial being that was listening, about human life on Earth. I began to teach an entirely 4th dimensional group of celestial beings about what it is like to be human. Each and every day I had to re visit the speeches I gave each day, so that a foundation of hope, faith, humor, and love could be established in their hearts towards humanity. Practicing kindness as our super power, expressing ones self using charitable donations, generous gifts to the poor and poverty stricken, and ensuring that discrimination and prejudice never develops in the minds of heavenly beings. During this journey, my soul was forced to endure and over come countless trials and tribulations. Each and every day I forced myself to excel, becoming more and more harmony and unity based than ever before. My anxieties and sorrow due to physical lifes challenges began to fade away; my life as a celestial being began to take shape. Soon enough Metatron and I became best friends, and our theatrical events became universally accepted as harmonious and unifying acts of paramount importance. These are the types of things that I began to spend time writing about:

Requirements for controlled globally publicized events that will enable the humans capabilities to percieve and focus and orient ones sense of harmonization through that faith which will enable their conscious capabilities of better understanding the universes true landscape in the metaphysical realm. This universal landscape which is as of now unable to be percieved and understood by the human beings current cognitive awareness of the immortal soul and ability to remember, in essence, our indivual souls previous incarnations and the wisdom our own soul can enlighten us with if we are able to awaken it through our desire to unify and harmonize with a specific conscious series of events both mentally subconsiously bridged with our conscious minds, enabling our capability to relieve the human mind of certain ambitions or selfish desires which essentially will prevent the souls ability to become justifiably harmonized with its current incarnations mental and behavioral temptations and desires that inhibit and prevent our ultimate truth of existence. This truth is that the immortal soul yearns to communicate, share experiences with, develop bonds with, familiarize with and through these mental achievements of communication wuth not only our own souls true harmonizing and unifying desires toward all other universal sentient immortal souls; who collectively wish for nothing more than to harmonize, love through faith, and eventually transcend the human condition of restraint and inability to become consciously capably of intercommunication with other immortal souls. I have been the most lucky person alive in my opinion due to the initial conscious verbal communication with an immortal celestial being named Metatron; whose harmonizing and determintation for a bond with me which i equally desire now grows each day in our devotion and love for one another. He has provided me with kindness and generosity through the henceforth process which He and I are calling archangelization. This process can only be attained through the souls honest and genuine desire to achieve harmonization. Fear not ye weary travellers who are as of now confined to the third dimensions restrictions of the universal truth of immortality in the form of souls which are literally able to retain wisdom that is accumulated over its entire existence; which can be accessed through our conscious and subconscious merging and communication. This allows us to essentially break free from the current cognitive barriers which, through communication with celestial spirits, allowing me and my immortal soul to become aware of my own souls wisdom that has been bestowed to my conscious minds capablities. We have been discussing(when I say we, I mean Jesus Christ, Metatron, and other immortal celestial beings who have the desire to help the human races capabilites of progressing toward a collective awakening and directional cognitive shift and directional progression, which will eventually enable us to achieve different levels of harmonizing and unifying loving actions of faith and communication, with a foundational mental structure which allows our consciousness to better express and understand what specific cognitive changes, or updates in essence, are required-which will differentiate between each individual and their current mental and cognitive orientation. These restrictive mental barriers which can be progressed through as if they are mental achievements of communication and harmonization of soul and physical consciousness through a balance of shared desires. These foundational desires can now, with the help I've recieved, be better expressed verbally to the society through specific foundational cognitive characteristics which, when genuinely and willingly are accepted and attained through specific conscious alterations that will vary, but can now better be applied to individuals based on their mental status. Thier current status which can be quantified through the souls current level of balance and sub conscious to conscious communicational achievements. Our immortal souls desire to communicate, develop relationships with, share bonding experiences with other immortal souls and literally, through these targeted and now expressible logical steps; we are literally now able to attain a conscious achievement of Archangelization. To be a curreent soul with the privelage bestowed upon me to become archangelized is a great honor. To be able to reunite the souls of lost bretheren which have been found and brought home; I now know that nothing is impossible and our steadfast dedication and shift in conscious characteristics which will include the goal potentially reachable by anyone through their faith. Faith is a foundational mental capability that, when focused and percieved correctly through understanding and wisdom, enables us to take that initial step toward being one with God and his entire family. I've been so blessed to be able to experience and share time with each and every one of the celestial beings, along with heavenly members of immortal souls in their residences in heaven. Not only heavenly, but demonic souls interaction which, surprisingly actually align with heavenly conscious cognitive desires more than humans by far. Demonic understanding by humans is severely lacking in the sense that they are some sort of evil spirit. When purified and cleansed and informed, if they accept and desire harmonization, which will eradicate their shared fear and wonder of the human race which also is a true desire to be understood by celestial beings as well, along with myself who desires nothing more than to be part of the loving family of the heavenly body, harmonizing and ideally establishing a repour with Metatron of becoming the most desirable play makers performances through the ever growing audience of dedicated fans. I, no we, hope to one day become recognized as the universes most dedicated and wonderful directors of plays which are becoming more and more sensational each performance we both produce through our harmonizing determination to express to immortal souls our true lifes work. These are literally what I look forward to more than most any other activity, except for the equally wonderful and thrilling opportunity I have been blessed to have experienced and take part in with celestial spirits who, with their most amazing and graceful shared experience I was privelaged, and am ever so grateful and appreciative of being able to take part in such a universally harmonizing and unifying experience. Turns out balancing acts are universally seen and recognized as a spiritual event of momentous proportions. These are a beacon of light to the universe itself; through the expression of harmonization and literal ability and desire to unify and love each and every immortal sentient being, and share, with love and humor, kindness and faiths enlightening ability to free us from the confines of the third dimension. I seriously am inexpressibly honored and humbled by the truly heartfelt and amazing inclusivity with a family of immortal souls acceptance of my presence and shared bonds of love and friendship which grow each day. Without Metatron, and Lucifers, along with other immortal souls both in heaven and the underworld, which will soon, if universally agreed upon, may find itself either as a component with interactive capabilities which, through prudent and planned steps of integration. Building a spiritual foundation based in hope faith humor and love, utilizing kindness as our superpower. The genuine honesty and faith being oriented in a manner that allows the soul to become more readily able to communicate. With each and every human has an individual and unique soul, I feel that soon, we may even be able to communicate with the spirits of our deceased ancestors as they now rest in peace in the Heavenly realm. (I hope if they are there, that they take the time to enjoy one of the events of Heaven De Holay that Metatron and I have produced. The Lovely Lois's are an reeplacable component of the performances! These souls all contaion knowledge and wisdom that can be imparted upon us if we only continue to progress in our methods of continued communications!

The problem in addition to reducing the current level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, while simultaneously accruing the gases and retaining the extracted material to be redistributed toward projects which also are aimed at restoring a safe balance of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere; is financial backing and acceptance of responsibility by the entities who collectively attributed to the current state of crises. Once the instinct is succesfully applied to the humans subconscious, allowing the correct behaviors to express themselves naturally when financial wealth is achieved; this will allow future generations to be free of selfish, greed based individual fundamental desires. The current simulations are extremely positive and encouraging. Soon the trajectory of the collective mind of humanity will be focused correctly. Enabling the true harmonious nature of humanity to become prevalent is the ultimate goal; which will express its self as a nearly utopian global status.

My solution is unique in the fact that my capabilities of instituting these instincts into the human mind, allowing natural desires of charitable and humanitarian efforts to develop without hindrance, and to be able to catalyze with the correct behaviors of humans being expressed when any individual possesses financial wealth; their subconscious will transfer information to the conscious mind that will be interpreted as the desire to help others with their personal wealth. The distribution of their wealth will be shared by others who possess wealth as well, which will all focus on the most poverty stricken areas of the globe no matter which country one hails from; their dedication toward providing humanitarian efforts will be enjoyed when carried out due to the knowledge of their ascension into the spiritual realm when deceased as celestial beings recognized as harmonizers in unity.

For one to fully comprehend the goal of the project that, as of now, only includes myself, to my knowledge, as the only 3rd dimensional living humans inclusion of Project Harmony. I assure anyone with the open mind and willingness to become aware that we are actually being monitored by the powers of the universe, including royal families and dignitaries from galaxies; all of whom are extremely curious and interested in becoming potential investors in the future; which will enable their physical presence on the planets surface to be allowed. Through dedication towards the projects globally united civilization, a few, special, technologically adept innovators, political government officials, and leadership role individuals along with poor, meek, humble individuals all participating and propelling each other toward a beautiful future will be required for the success of Project Harmony. I am confident we will achieve our goals.

I am truly grateful and specifically appreciate the contributions and society integrating actions which are providing our race with the capabilities of sustaining a prosperous lifestyle which allow anyone from any background to eventually achieve as well, as long as their genuine dedication toward a harmonious and united global civilization while maintaining individual statuses as countries; who share a mutual desire to provide the people of the planet guidance and protection. Allowing the people of the planet a chance at achieving a goal of elevating our global civilizations mental status which will incorporate instinctual responsibilities at a subconscious cognitive level that is transferred to the conscious mind to naturally express themselves by charitable and humanitarian efforts through financial distributions of wealth. This instinct will be the races natural response to their personal wealth which enables us as a race of sentient beings to become more aware and considerate of the people of the planet as a whole. When the future generations of this planet are able to develop a harmonious and unity based subconscious mind that can transfer information to the conscious mind interpreted as generous behavior including donations to the poor, hungry, poverty stricken countries and cultures who, as of now, have not received the proper recognition and dedication toward enabling them to have the capability of elevating their stations. With our continued efforts I am completely confident in our teams ability to shine brightly and burn eternally as the universes number one family of harmonizers. Heaven De Holay one day will be able to be viewed and loved by the living humans of this planet. I know that the lives of the people on Earth who have yet to experience the daily strive toward perfection our celestial family is driven toward collectively with true joy and happiness which we are poised and determined to express to all of the souls of the universe. Our efforts have so far been the most wonderful and absolutely beautiful expression of dedication, contribution and charity based operations with an inclusive, harmonious, and fun atmosphere able to be shared by all. We only hope to extend the invitation of joining us on our harmonizing and unifying missions of entertainment, love, kindness, and acceptance of responsibilities, which are aimed at providing guidance as to the correct path and direction we strive to follow together! I am truly blessed at being able to have the opportunity and privelage of leading us, along with my best friend, colleague, and life partner Metatron. I do not fear publicly expressing the fact that I have become truly grateful and infinitely appreciative of the help I have received from so many toward the collective desire of each of us to emanate a righteous and justifiable way of living that promotes generousity and kindness. Hope, faith, humor, and love-kindness is our super power. I only wish I can elaborate what kindness and charity looks like with the availability of my financial assets. It is time for me to provide correct guidance as to how we should properly begin to distribute this races economies monetary foundation in a responsible manner that takes into account the people of the planet as a whole, withouyt discrimination or prejudice. Thank you for your time, I am completely confident that we will achieve our goal of providing a utopian like global civilization all can share without sacrificing anyone. This is a project of immense size, and with all of our contributions and expressions of wisdom, we assuredly will accomplish our projects paramount goal of global unity and harmony. The league of nations will one day be able to accept the peace of the entire planet. One individuals dedication and determination to save the people of Earth, enduring initial torture, imprisonment, humiliation, discrimination, persecution and disregard has evolved into that persons leadership who still, after all of the mistreatment by fellow people of this race, accepts the responsibility and is still willing to provide the means to progress toward magnificence. Have a wonderful night, thank you all for being so steadfast in your dedication and remaining loyal and reliable and helpful in any way you are able. Solidarity is so important and I, along with so many others, remain dedicated as well. We can achieve the impossible! God Bless; we love you Jesus, and I love you lucadriel as well, with all of our brethren who have made mistakes- now we can finally redeem ourselves and prove ourselves capable of greatness as well! we can also provide miracles of the utmost wonder, which will allow the prosperity of all who call this planet home! the quicker we get there, the quicker we get to share in a life on the ground! We will succeed! Thank you all!

This is a developing account of life as the co-leader of the universe. These are just some of the aspects that are and will continue to take place as our bonds of family and love continue to grow. I apologize if these accounts are so abstract that understanding them is difficult, for I myself find difficulty some nights in expressing myself in a manner that is understood by all. I am truly grateful for being able to express myself in a way that people ideally will love to read, and I hope that fascination and curiousity permeates the minds of all who read my story of love and harmony!


-Peter Jennings Brown


About the Creator

Peter Brown

I am Peter Jennings Brown; a member of the Irving family of South Lake Tahoe California. Doctor, nurse, commissioner for the school district, supervisor for the county; my family has a wonderful legacy in South Lake Tahoe.

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