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A Simple Introduction

Meet Darren

By Darren CallewaertPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

A grand hello to all. I have just recently joined Vocal, and thought, an introduction of myself and my interests may make for a good first introduction on here.

For starters, my name is Darren. I'm a 39 year old Virgo who resides in the small-ish town of Dryden, located cosily among others like it, in North-western Ontario. I say small-ish town, because years back, the town decided to amalgamate with several of the outlying rural communities surrounding it. This was done to raise the population numbers to a point where the town could claim the status of "City". So, long story short, I now live in the CITY of Dryden...a beautiful little community with all the amenities of a small town, and the taxes of a city. Totally worth living here though, to be completely frank. If you're 100% into all the outdoor activities (like I am, but I'll get to that later), there is no city on Earth that could compare to a place like Dryden. You want hunting in the fall - a 5-10 minute drive in the direction of your choosing will get you there. Swimming in the summer is more your thing, you say? Pick one of the many many beaches (local or remote) that are quite literally just a short trip away. Ghost lake beach is probably the most popular. Fishing, boating, camping...the list could trail on forever. All of it, just a few short minutes from virtually ant starting point in Dryden. Ant that, folks, is why I live here!

Next, I would like to introduce you to my family. My wife Tracy (age undisclosed for fear of my safety, haha), and my 6 year old daughter, Savhanna. They both reside here in town with myself and our 6 year old "puppy" that we named Dodge, as well as 3 cats that have made it their sole purpose in life, to make living every day with them as annoying as possible. (I know, clearly a dog person right?) In another little town about 2 hours away, live my other 2 children from a previous marriage. Jayger and Decyma live with their mother, who left me back in 2009. I also have a younger brother who lives here in town, and a younger sister who lives about 4 hours East. There are countless other family members scattered around Canada as well, but this would quickly become a novel if I started introducing them all.

I'm hoping that by this point, I haven't completely lost my audience. I can be a little long winded at times, but with some practice on here, should be able to rein it in a bit. Not really sure about the sort of things that reall keeps the audience captivated and interested on here. You see, there are a great many things that I enjoy doing with my spare time. Some of these, such as my outdoors interests, I will get into more detail on in later postings, Others, however, I fear may bore people to death if I begin to drone on about them. My hopes are, that I can keep people coming back for more with my writing. I look forward to sharing tech, gadget and equipment reviews, outdoor photography articles, craft tutorials and many other posts that both entertain and inform you enough, to have you follow along with me on this little journey.

For now, though, I will say goodbye and hopefully see you later. Thank you ever so much for joining me during my introduction. I trust that, as time goes on, I will grow as a writer and bring you many more fascinating (hopefully) articles. Be sure to look for my next post. Since the holidays are rapidly approaching, I thought that I might share my favourite holiday treat recipes. The include, but are not limited to: PB fudge (that actually tastes like the Reese cup filling), easy sugar cookies and the icing for them, and holiday pudding tarts.

So long for now, and thanks again....



About the Creator

Darren Callewaert

I'm a 39 year old, stay at home dad with a passion for just about everything outdoors. My family means everything to me, and I would do just about anything for them.

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