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A penny for your thoughts!

I would pay to know what your mind is saying

By Jay LeTron DobbinsPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
A penny for your thoughts!
Photo by Mohamed Rishfaan on Unsplash

Let's go somewhere and see if we can chase the sun until it disappears into the ocean. The problem with relationships these days are a lack of true expression. No collaboration and too much competition. Not enough communication and too much "ghosting". The list goes on, and the problems often surface more so than the solutions.

However, if I can be that slow song in your head and that car ride along side the coast line. My heart would beat for you and only you through the test of time. You may say that I don't even know you enough to say that, but I know me enough to now understand that I can live through most situations. I have set myself up for failure in relationships in so many ways. I rushed things, and I held relationships for so many invalid reasons.

Yes, I want to explore you and that will take time. I just want you to know my intentions so time is not wasted and feelings aren't misunderstood. Yeah, you are famous and you have a bunch going on for you. I understand you have a bunch to loose in the process and any possible pain you open yourself to expose can be time consuming and mentally damaging.

However, I hope to share many things with you if we ever come to a point and place where we could establish something. I don't casually date and I date with a specific purpose in mind. By no way I am telling to do the same. I just want you to be clear on my attentions above anything else.

I would like to know your thoughts, but that is something I can only wish for. A nice time of empty activity on the beach with a blanket, watching the sun go down and talking the last hours of daylight away, that is what you are!

The rain that falls in the middle of the night and the calming secure feeling when hearing that rain fall on the rooftop, that is what you are!

The comforting touch on the dance floor as we dance slowly to a romantic tune to a live band after a relaxing dinner, that is what you are!

A peaceful walk in the park on a late October day in the south and hold hands and allowing the right moment to set in so that we say lovely things to each other, that is what you are!

The conversation of letting you know my fears and flaws and not worrying about judgement or enslavement, that is what you are!

The easy thought of thinking of you and picking up the phone just to say hi and wanting to see how your day is going, that is what you are!

A Gerald LeVert and Luther Vandross song all rolled into one as my head is in your lap in front of the fireplace just spending quality time together, that is what you are!

A long hard and trying day, to be be greeted with a soft kiss and a look of concern in you eyes asking me how was my day, that is what you are!

A cool relaxing night watching football and not having to explain the concept of the game, that is what you are!

A playlist of Prince's greatest songs and a glass of wine, that is what you are!

A friend who I want to become my first and last thought, that is what you are!

Yeah, Rome was not built in a day, but I have the blueprint to build what I have in mind for you. Give a man a chance!


About the Creator

Jay LeTron Dobbins

Casual writer! Love to express in print! Tell people how you feel and love life to the fullest with no regrets. Try to say something good about a person when they can hear it, and not when they are gone! Love like no tomorrow.

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