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Remarkable Manual on Alexis

The guide to a special woman's heart (I Hope).

By Jay LeTron DobbinsPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

My first question would be what is the significance of that tattoo on her arm? That would be one minor question of many, but this question could start a great conversation to spring into other meaningful topics. What do people talk about to break the ice and how not to let nervous energy take over the moment and allow a natural flow.

I may not have all the answers, but I am going to be brave enough to write a manual on how to date Alexis Wainwright. Hopefully she will let me test my theory one day. So here is the "cheat-code" for dating a woman with such a high mental caliber. Forewarning, these highlights aren't set in stone because this manual should be a living breathing document and adjust as she changes and develops different desires in her lifetime.

I also have to say that there has been no research or case study conducted to support what I am about to say. Only my experience can give me guidance, but I'm sure Alexis has her unique way to her heart. So my attempt to expose pleasure in her, may highlight complete chaos and put my mental state in question. What the hell, I will be honored as a brilliant person, or casted out as a complete fool. The middle ground is for "safe" people! I have to give her a reason to put me in the plan, so here goes!

Highlight 1, It should never be about what Alexis wants to hear; she wants to see an honest effort and consistency in a man. (This is a living and breathing document) I think every rule in writing and gramercy was just broken, but I had to get that out. Nonetheless, consistency can never be perfected unless there is an constant routine. Very much like practicing something until it comes second nature and there is no realization that the action is being completed when it becomes a part of a lifestyle. Very much like getting into a car and starting it. However, careful consideration should always take place and there should always be an organic desire behind every act, but with a small hint of routine to keep the consistency going. Yes, I have an example. So lets just say that Alexis likes random small gifts that remind her of an event we will do together. A simple postcard of a city we talk about in a previous conversation with a quick note to shift her memory on the time we shared talking about or visiting that city or place could be a natural trigger that displays I care.

Highlight 2, Incorporation is the key. Incorporation on any level helps! Now with a slow and gradual flow should always be mindful while trying to include Alexis in my life could show her that I have some degree of interest and that she is not another random woman. However, caution is very important because being respectful and mindful of her space, time and life before meeting me is essential and I would never want to come across as invading her space or wanting to demand too much of her time. The key is all about putting a natural smile on her face in every thought that she would have about me. I think part of this gives any woman security when she knows that a man has interest and wants to incorporate her in his life.

Highlight 3, This kind of goes hand-and-hand with my previous point. Send a message to Alexis that a mental connection is more important than anything else and should be the foundation on any level of a bounding friendship. This is where things can go either "north" or "south". The infamous "friend-zone" likes to float around and things could be explosive, or just another dull walk in the park. Let me provide some insight. A friendship with Alexis could be so meaningful and rewarding, but fear may come in and deter the Love Boat from missing the featured destination. I for one do not want to be stuck at the bar with Isaac.

However, put the mental vibe on cruise control (ha, that was a good one), and allow things to flow and the order will fall as it should. Mental connection is key because when there is an understanding that is agreed upon, then I think there is a greater concern for the other person's feelings. The greater the mental bond, the better the relationship on any level.

Highlight 4, Find a way to tell Alexis that she is beautiful without saying a word every opportunity I get. Random acts of love and nonverbal communication. They all wrap around each highlight. There are so many others, but I cannot explain the entire manual all in one shot. Doing something unexpected (yet staying organic) like taking off one of her shoes and start rubbing her foot in public while waiting on a table before dinner. Now, I'm not going to try that on the first date. There is a process for everything. There are so many examples of random "love acts" and I think Alexis is well deserving in due time as she gets to understand who I am as a man first and me willing to mentally connect with her.


About the Creator

Jay LeTron Dobbins

Casual writer! Love to express in print! Tell people how you feel and love life to the fullest with no regrets. Try to say something good about a person when they can hear it, and not when they are gone! Love like no tomorrow.

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