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A girl 25 years old to 30 years old in these years

Life is disposable, and those who live hard will never be neglected by fate

By Baru KuPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
A girl 25 years old to 30 years old in these years
Photo by Matthew Hamilton on Unsplash


It seems that after a girl turns 25, she will step into a battlefield of mouth-watering marriage rush.

The first thing you need to do is to get married, and the second thing you need to do is to get married, and the second thing you need to do is to get married, and the third thing you need to do is to get married.

She is immune to this and will fall in love because she likes a person, never because she is in a hurry to get married.

The feelings are pure, the career is also unambiguous, and every day is full of energy. She got a promotion and a raise, she knows how to give money to her parents, or buy a set of skin care products for her mother today, and add a coat for her father tomorrow. The parents also think that their daughter is so good, no need to rush to marry out. The two old people are living a leisurely retirement life, too lazy to compete with the seven aunts and eight aunts on words.

The best friend is economically independent and spiritually independent, she uses the strength to block outside interference, according to their own pace forward. The company's main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

The girl who has seen the world, it is difficult to be blinded by the floating clouds. She knows how to judge her own heart's tendency, follow her heart's will, and who she falls in love with, is who.

The company's main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

Life is disposable, and people who live hard will never be neglected by fate. Serious girls, with more options, you can choose to enjoy the rich, but also choose to experience the down and dirty.

The first thing you want to do is to understand how to live your life, and to live it the way you like. I don't want to please the world anymore, I just want to spend my life pleasing myself.


Most girls want to have a job that is easy and comfortable, you can buy your favorite bag, have a large luxury checkroom, have an endless supply of high heels, and many lipsticks lying in the makeup cabinet every day waiting for you to flip through.

These friends have done it. She tied the knot with a big client of the company, and her husband, though he smiled a little lewdly, will eat baring his mouth. But he is a wealthy man, Xiao Mei thinks he has enough money to cover up other flaws in his body.

Her husband wears a big gold necklace every day and goes to and from high-end places, while Xiao Mei dresses up every day, slips her dog, swipes her bank card, and is full of joy. The life of a rich wife was enviable, and Xiaomei became a role model and textbook for the neighborhood's married daughters.

But later, her husband was arrested by the police, and Xiao Mei took her child, who was not yet a week old, to a place where she did not know where to go. Without skills to get by, there is nothing to fall back on materially; without a head start, there is nothing to fall back on spiritually.

In the past, Xiaomei always thought that the beer-bellied tycoon, a full of vulgar golden bachelor also, as long as the other party can make her life rich, can stay at home to raise children, as a good wife and mother.

Now it turns out that the lifetime of happiness entrusted to a man, is the most unreliable thing.

There is nothing more stupid than gambling with your youth, and there is nothing more silly than getting out of poverty with the help of marriage! There is a good saying: "Marriage is a way of life, not a guarantee of life".

The most painful thing in life is not failure, but that I could have. I could have taken advantage of my youth to achieve economic and spiritual prosperity, and I could have ignored his material conditions when choosing a lover and stayed together just because I loved him and he happened to love me. You could have, but you didn't.

I hope that no matter how big the halo of the person you love, you can match it; even if he is as ordinary as dust, you can stand up straight and tell him: "I earn my own money, you give me love is good."


You may not know...

Once threatened not to marry you, now may be on the way to propose to another girl.

The once non-existent loser now has several sports cars to show off every day.

Once a black, short, sturdy, fat girl, has long been retrograde into a rich white beauty.

In this world, except for yourself, no one can make you rely on for life.

A girl, 25 to 30 years of age in these years, regardless of material or personality, should be in an independent state. The youthful appearance is no longer your only bargaining chip, you have unlimited strength personality dazzling, do not have to throw yourself at your future.

The way you try to live is so beautiful, and the way you work seriously is handsome. The person who lives and works without ambiguity is bound to have a good and smooth relationship, clean and clear, without the impurities of lust. The evolved version of yourself is what you want to be, right?

The year is a pot of warm water, especially cooked those nerve endings necrotic no longer jumping upward frog. In the flood of time, the ugly people are the ones who are worldly and strait-laced.

Before 25 years old, you can be that spirited teenager, standing in the stands responsible for stoned eating peanuts, and watching others perform; after 25 years old, you have to be fully loaded to run on the track, running hard in the direction of the goal.

I hope that in the future in the workplace describe you, not as "that old employee", but as "leader"; I hope that in the future friends talk about you, not "that sloppy woman", but "I hope that in the future when your husband mentions you to people, it will not be "the mother of the child", but "my lover".

I hope you never need to ask for pocket money in your life because your card balance has many digits before the decimal point.

I hope that you 25 to 30 years of age, do not let yourself down because of laziness. We keep moving up the ladder, not to be seen by the world, but to see the world.


About the Creator

Baru Ku

"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life."

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