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7 Tips - How Can a Positive Relationship Be Developed?

Actionable advice.

By Sally SalingerPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
7 Tips - How Can a Positive Relationship Be Developed?
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

In the public sector, the problem claimed by the vast majority of employees is "bosses' unprofessionalism", in the sense that a positive attitude can be developed with it if you brush it and tell it every day how beautiful and smart it is. This is a path. It depends on each person whether if he can make this compromise. There are exceptions, so I hope the tips below are useful.

1. Adaptation, adaptation, and adaptation again!

In the private sector, the most important aspect in the relationship with the boss that you can quickly improve is the adaptation to his work style. If the boss wants results without details, give him results and don't kill him with details.

If your boss wants to be up to date with every step you want to take, keep him up to date. Maybe you have a boss who is focused on procedures, then you have to adapt, at least in the medium term. If you have a boss who is constantly initiating and is constantly looking for new options, offer him your option as well, etc.

Adapting to the boss' style ensures your climate so that your results are appreciated, ensures your entry on the same wavelength.

2. Use the secrets of verbal and nonverbal communication

Besides you can use some non-verbal and para verbal tips & tricks such as: try to take similar positions with him, try to speak with the same speed with which he speaks, even use the same tone. Moreover, try to figure out what the boss' values ​​are (honesty, efficiency, efficiency, communication, recognition, etc.), and then you will have the key to his soul.

3. Respect the line of respect!

The boss, whether he admits it or not, first wants the respect of the employees. So, no matter how much your friend thinks you are with your boss, take the tasks that are given to you seriously and carry them out responsibly, otherwise, you may wake up suddenly fired, even if you feel that you understand each other. very well.

You shouldn't overdo it if your boss extends a friendly hand to you. And at the communication level again, I offer the same suggestion, namely to adapt to his favorite style of communication (face to face, email, written reports, etc.).

4. Communication problems on time

Informing the boss that we could not complete a project on time is a weakness, as the information is made at the last minute. If you feel you can't get a project done, warn them, tell them what the stage is, and tell them how much time you need.

Or, when you get stuck at one point, don't wait for the deadline to pass. Inform him as soon as possible and ask for his help. Normally, a boss appreciates well-intentioned honesty, but he will certainly not appreciate that you have been hiding him for days because you are stuck in the project.

5. Give him the bad news from his side

However, if you have to give good news to the boss, you can stand in front of him, but if you give him the less good news, give him the news by standing a little on his side, so that he is not left with the bad news and the image. together in his mind. Let him look where he wants, not just you.

6. Be aware that you can't change his mindset!

The advice given should work for most bosses, whether in the public or private sector. However, some bosses do not have managerial skills and it can be a job to try to change his mentality, so you have to choose, or adapt to the boss's work style or look for another job, or agree to change the boss. There are certain bosses who do not respond positively no matter what you do.

Usually, these bosses have managerial shortcomings, so many people even decide to start a business or quickly look for another job when they have to deal with such bosses! If you are somehow in this category and "luck" has led you to a boss with poor managerial and leadership skills, the worst thing you can do is victimize yourself.

7. Choose to adapt and improve

Every man is what he is due to the choices he makes, so the first piece of advice I give him is to try to adapt; it is one of the conditions of the market economy after all. If you set out to do so, you will surely succeed.

If you are interested in developing better communication, you can take courses in communication, non-verbal language, or negotiation. Besides, you can choose to improve in the field in which you work, either by participating in courses or by individual study.

No matter what you choose to do, choose to develop personally and professionally because these things will remain forever regardless of bosses or subordinates.

The key to getting along better with your boss is to adapt to your work style! If you can't adapt or if it is not worth it, and you consider that your adaptation would be humiliation. Look for another boss, victimization not solving this because it does not lead to anything good!


About the Creator

Sally Salinger

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