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7 Subtle Behaviors that make you Super Attractive

The way that you act will repel or attract

By The Breatharian BloggerPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 7 min read
7 Subtle Behaviors that make you Super Attractive
Photo by Ayo Ogunseinde on Unsplash

How would you define an attractive person?

Some would say, an attractive person is one who is physically and mentally appealing to others.

They are often confident, stylish, and have a positive outlook on life.

They are also easy to talk to and make friends quite easily.

Here are some traits you can take to touch lives and become totally attractive:

1. Actively Listening

By René Ranisch on Unsplash

Having done thousands of interviews, the billionaire talk show host “Oprah Winfrey” found a commonality in every one of her conversations.

Do you know what it was?

She found that, no matter where they came from, no matter what their status or position, everyone just wanted to be heard.

Active listening is a skill that is very attractive to others.

When you actively listen, you are showing that you are interested in what the other person has to say.

You are also demonstrating your ability to pay attention and to be respectful.

This type of behavior is very attractive and will make you more likely to be successful in relationships.

Why is this you might ask?

Well, just imagine someone doing the opposite.

Imagine you were talking to someone and they have zero eye contact. Not only are they not listening to you, but they are on their cell phone or looking around the room as though what you were saying is of the least importance.

Does this person feel very attractive to you? Do you feel as though they value your time or your presence?

While some people might see actively listening as a passive quality, it actually takes focus and attentiveness.

You are also showing that you respect them and their opinions.

This can also be a very attractive quality in a potential partner (wink, wink).

2. Being Detached to Outcome

By Dami Adebayo on Unsplash

In order to be highly attractive, it is important to be detached to outcome.

This means that you are not attached to the results of your actions and you are not worried about what will happen.

Someone who is in a constant state of worry is not very attractive.

It is also important to be detached to outcome because it shows that you are not needy and you are not desperate for attention.

It's the ability to be comfortable with not knowing what the future holds, and to be okay with not having control over what happens.

This is actually one of the principles in Robert Greene’s book “The 48 laws of Power”.

Law #35 says to Master the Art of Timing.

“Never seem to be in a hurry — hurrying betrays a lack of control over yourself, and over time. Always seem patient, as if you know that everything will come to you eventually.” ~Robert Greene

This quality is attractive because it shows that you're confident and secure in yourself, and that you're not afraid of change or uncertainty.

It's also a sign of maturity and wisdom, and it shows that you're able to let go of attachment to outcomes.

3. Saying What most People are Afraid to Say

By Will Kell on Unsplash

There are a lot of people who are afraid to say what they really think or feel.

They might be afraid of offending someone, or they might be afraid of what other people will think of them.

However, there is something very attractive about someone who is willing to say what most people are afraid to say.

This type of behavior shows that you are confident in yourself and your beliefs.

It shows that you do not need validation and are confident without others approval.

It also shows that you are not afraid to stand up for what you believe in, even if it means going against the grain.

People who are willing to say what most people are afraid to say are usually the ones who are the most successful and the most attractive.

4. Treating Friendships and Relationships as Priorities

By Chang Duong on Unsplash

When you make the decision to prioritize your relationships, you become a highly attractive person.

People are naturally drawn to those who can show they care about others and are willing to invest time and energy into their relationships.

When you make an effort to put your relationships first, you send the message that you are someone who is worth getting to know and spending time with.

This makes you a desirable friend, partner, and overall human being.

One of the most attractive things you can do is make your friendships and relationships a priority.

This shows that you are someone who is invested in the people around you and that you are willing to put in the work to maintain those relationships.

It can be a behavior that is hard to maintain, but it is definitely one that will make you attractive and appreciated by others.

5. Keeping Promises

By alise storsul on Unsplash

There's something really attractive about someone who keeps their promises. One who is impeccable with their word.

It shows that they're reliable and trustworthy.

People who are reliable and trustworthy are usually also kind and caring.

When you keep your promises, it shows that you're willing to follow through on your commitments, and that you're someone who can be counted on.

This makes you highly attractive to potential partners, and is sure to win you some points in the dating game.

So, if you're looking to be more attractive, start by keeping your promises.

6. Giving Without Expectations

By Laurentiu Morariu on Unsplash

When you give without expecting anything in return, you are showing that you are a kind and generous person.

This is a highly attractive quality, as it shows that you are interested in helping others without expecting anything in return.

I learned about this when I read a book called “The Bhagavad Gita”. In the Gita, Lord Krishna talks about serving without expectations.

Krishna says that we have no control over the fruits of our actions. It is pointless then to claim a right to our results.

I saw this demonstrated when I spent some time living in a meditation center. The monastery I stayed at was run by monks and nuns from Myanmar.

During my stay, they showed me detachment by allowing me to partake of whatever was there.

“Do freely”, they said.

Letting me know I was under no obligations.

They opened the refrigerator and said, “Eat freely.”

Letting me have unlimited access to their reserves.

They let me sleep for free in their Dhamma hall where they would meditate each day.

They showed me kindness that I had not felt from my own family.

When I asked them what was so special about me, they simply told me they would’ve done the same for anyone.

This melted me further and made me want to devote myself to meditation.

This also led me to help them when they went out to collect donations (alms round).

I was able to watch other people giving freely to the monks while practicing non-attachment.

To this day, I will always remember the lessons I learned there. Doing good deeds and being detached to the results.

This type of behavior demonstrates that you are selfless and compassionate, two qualities that are sure to make you highly attractive.

7. Forgiving People for their mistakes and limiting their access to your life

By Anthony Tran on Unsplash

It can be difficult to forgive someone for their mistakes, but it is often necessary in order to move on.

By forgiving someone, you are not condoning their behavior, you are simply choosing to release the anger and hurt that you are holding onto.

This can be a difficult choice to make, but it is often the best thing for your own mental and emotional wellbeing.

“Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.” ~Saint Augustine

Growing up as an only child, friendship was very important to me. Whenever I managed to make a friend, I would cherish them to no end.

There were times later in life that when my values changed, so did my relationships.

For example, when raising my vibration became more important than video games.

As a result, many friends fell by the wayside and we could not remain in contact.

It was hard for me to come to terms with the termination of some of my friendships.

I had to realize that, even though I’ve known these people for years, they were on their own path.

Often, as well, you may run into toxic relationships.

Limiting their access to your life is another behavior that can make you highly attractive.

This is because it shows that you are in control of your life and you are not going to allow someone to take advantage of you.

It can be difficult to do this, but it is often necessary in order to protect yourself from further hurt.

They may resent you at first, but end up respecting you later.

Don’t be afraid to make yourself and your health a priority.

Thanks for reading! I trust that you were able to assess how to be highly attractive in life.

Being attractive is not always about looks, but about the lessons we learn and apply.

How we treat others and make them feel is the real deal.

Much love


About the Creator

The Breatharian Blogger

Here to inspire you on your journey. ✊🏾

Connect with me on IG @jromeshaw

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