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7 Reasons Why I Prefer To Be Alone

(and why you need to keep your negative opinions about it to yourself)

By In HausPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

1. I like to be alone because the human race is predominantly made up of negative people with judgemental perspectives and opinions that are based on their own experiences and being typically emotionally unintelligent they project this unconsciously onto me. I find this highly irritating as I live in a positive bubble and like to CHOOSE the thoughts that feel better and to see most things in a good light. I seek to turn negative experiences into lessons and learn from my experiences, good and bad.

2. I have no desire to share my story with others who are typically curious for their own selfish reasons and not genuinely interested in why I am the way I am.

3. I genuinely dislike small talk I find it an utter waste of time as it is almost always one sided and eventually gets to a place where personal questions are asked about me and I have no interest in volunteering.

4. Humans are shallow. I am aware humans talk to me because I am a positive being and that is attractive to them (typically negative energies) but am I to reward them with my time and attention because my energy feels good to them and have my own drained in the process? I believe that is pure lunacy.

5. Seeking connection with other humans is unappealing to me because there is no benefit to me. Eventually as time goes on and the human realises they are talking only about themselves their issues and problems and as I have volunteered very little they will attempt to give me their opinions on what they think and feel about me and the little I have told them about myself. When they attempt to join dots and paint a picture of me based on their limited brain capacity this frustrates me beyond belief. They always miss the mark by miles and as I consider myself to be intuitive, insightful and thoughtful I probably missed my calling as a psychologist and in hindsight should have pursued a career in this field for financial gain as I never experience any sort of positive connection from interaction.

5. I prefer to be alone. I feel happy when I am alone. I don’t think I’m an introvert, I don’t mind going out as long as I’m not stuck in a corner listening to some drunken life story of a stranger and I don’t feel that I have social anxiety I genuinely find other people incredibly draining of my energy or highly irritating and I have better more productive things to do with my time.

6. I don’t wish to be labelled I am not seeking others opinions on whether I am depressed or suffering PTSD or if I have Aspergers because the very fact that humans want to somehow put me in a box for the sole purpose of their comfort is the reason why I feel like this in the first place

7. I seek peace and happiness and have zero expectations from others and in my experience which has been more than enough to draw these conclusions I feel that what I am saying makes complete sense. I am not cold, in fact I am extremely warm I am very charitable in fact, which is why people are drawn to me, just I’m not personally getting anything positive from interaction with other humans. Actually that’s not true, I do feel good when I have one off interactions with some humans who are in a place of pain and suffering and I help to make sense of the situation and give words and advice that helps them to move forward but when these situations become ongoing relationships I find it suffocating.

I’m genuinely wondering if anyone else feels the same way.



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