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5 Things You Should Know About Your Partner

And how you can use these to your advantage.

By Jordan MendiolaPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Photo by Cody Black on Unsplash

Relationships are anything but easy. Getting to know your partner can take months and even years before you truly understand who they are.

Making quick checks on your partner is crucial if you want to ensure that it will last long-term. Avoid wasting your time by asking the proper questions early on to determine whether they’re a fit for you logistically.

These five things you should know about your partner should help you determine if the person is right for you.

1. Credit Score

Asking for someone’s credit score is pretty personal, but if you’re going to commit to this person for a long-term relationship, then it’s completely rational.

Someone who isn’t willing to share their credit score with you is likely hiding that they have bad habits regarding money management, and you should be aware.

Living with someone who manages their money improperly could lead you down a bad path of financials.

If your credit score is 740 and theirs is 595, this could lead to some trouble. It’s worth noting and deciding whether or not you’re willing to take that on with them, assuming you get married in the future.

2. Mental Health

Nowadays, mental health has become so mainstream that artists like Logic write about it. Asking for someone’s mental health background is totally logical because you need to know what their needs are.

If someone deals with anxiety and depression, you need to be aware. You must be aware if you have the mental capacity to take care of them in any way you can. It’s your duty as the significant other to understand how to approach them and be there for them.

Take into account whether or not this person can put up with you too. Are you too spontaneous, outgoing, or adventurous for them? If anything seems too far off, it may not be the right person to make things official with.

3. Criminal Background Check

Nobody likes sharing the mistakes they’ve made. It can be traumatic and embarrassing to re-live the past. There are things we’re all not proud of, but a criminal background is a safe way of making sure you’re not with someone who’s done things you might not know about.

People who have done bad things in the past can be reformed. But you need to know up front what you are dealing with. You want to make sure that a potential partner is a good person who pays their taxes, doesn’t resort to violence, doesn’t steal or lie, murder, rape, and so much more.

Look out for red flags even after they’ve told you they have a clean record or background. If this person is always looking for loopholes and ways to take advantage of things, then that’s something you have to decide whether or not you want to be a part of. You could be taken advantage of if they’re doing these types of things too.

It’s crucial to ensure that they’re trustworthy enough to be in the same home, won’t steal your bank account information, and so much more. You are not wrong for ensuring your physical safety and your personal safety.

4. Goals

Check to see what this person’s goals are, or if they have any for that matter. There’s no use in being with someone who has no drive, has no ambition to achieve more in life, and is sitting put.

If your goals align with them, there’s a higher chance you’ll be able to achieve them together and support one another along the way. Some people want to start businesses, run marathons, or have enough money to travel.

If you can’t support this person’s goals, then the odds are that they’re going to be really hard to love. You have to love and accept all aspects of the person you commit to. If you don’t then, it likely isn’t a good fit.

5. Occupation

People can be doctors, engineers, janitors, FBI agents, business travelers, truck drivers, or anything you can imagine.

Different careers come with different types of circumstances. If your significant other makes a lot of money, odds are they won’t be home much, they’ll always be busy with work, or their stress levels may be projected onto you.

To be with someone who makes 40k a year, you’ll survive but may stress about bills. To be with someone who makes 6-figures a year, you’ll be financially stable but may not see them as much as you’d like.

If your schedules don’t align, you’ll hardly ever see each other, and that’s rough on a relationship and one’s mental health. It’s up to you whether or not the person you commit to is a lifestyle you want to be a part of.

Final Thought

Like I said before, relationships are hard. Finding the right person to invest your time and money on is even harder.

If you’re in the dating scene, feel free to ask these questions. They may save you a lot of trouble down the road. You are valid for putting them on the spot, and they have every right to question you right back, so be prepared to answer.

Interrogations could scare someone away, but if this person is right for you, they’ll be open and transparent with ease. That’ll be added reassurance you may need to ensure you’re both compatible.


About the Creator

Jordan Mendiola

Jordan Mendiola is a horizontal construction engineer in the U.S. Army, Mendiola loves hands-on projects and writing inspirational blog posts about health, fitness, life, and investing.

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