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5 Amazing Benefits of Reading

How reading can change your life.

By Kristina SegarraPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
5 Amazing Benefits of Reading
Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

My husband has a habit of luring me into video games, which he avidly likes to play in his spare time. As a writer though, I always find an excuse not to play video games but read instead. I find reading stimulates my brain just as well as playing video games, if not better.

Some people argue how video games challenge their brains and help them boost their mental abilities. But let me tell you, no amount of time spent on video games can compete with the amount of time spent on quality reading.

Reading provides tremendous benefits for your brain. Whether you’re reading fiction or nonfiction, it doesn’t matter.

We read to learn new information and acquire new knowledge. It’s not a coincidence that kids at an early age are encouraged to read every day. Not only does it help them learn about the world, but it also helps their brains grow. Reading offers the same benefits for adults too.

Of course, by reading I don’t mean reading e-mails, Facebook updates, and long messages. By reading I mean reading something more substantial like a thought-provoking magazine article, a self-help book, a story, or a novel.

Let’s look into the benefits of reading.

Reading Stimulates Your Brain

When you read you don’t just entertain yourself — you stimulate your brain too. Your brain is active throughout the reading process, and you stimulate your brain cells. Committing to reading regularly will help you to be more focused and keep your mind sharp.

Research has shown that people who developed the habit of reading early in life become more intelligent as adults. Early reading skills are essential for later success in life. People who had developed strong reading skills perform better in vocabulary, verbal tests as well as reasoning tests. That’s also the reason why early reading is strongly encouraged at a younger age. The more kids develop their reading abilities early in life, the higher are the chances they’ll succeed later in life.

Reading Lowers the Risk of Dementia

The key to a healthy brain is to keep it active and reading allows you to do just that. Reading is a mentally challenging and stimulating activity for the brain. Your brain is a muscle and when you read, you exercise your brain the same way you train the muscles in your body.

Research shows that those who engage in intellectual activities, such as reading books, magazines, newspapers, or playing board games can significantly lower their risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Reading increases your brainpower and boosts your memory. The more you engage your brain in reading, the sharper your mind will be. The same rule of writing “if you don’t use it you lose it” applies to reading too.

Reading Lowers Stress

Reading offers amazing stress-relieving benefits. Sitting down with a book is a great way to wind down after a long and stressful workday. As little as 30 minutes of reading can be enough to relax your mind.

According to research, reading fiction works more effectively at reducing stress than listening to music, taking a walk, or sipping tea. Those who engage in reading can lower their stress levels by up to 68 percent! That’s because during reading your heart rate slows down and your muscles relax.

The best way to reap the benefits of reading is to ensure you read in a peaceful, undisturbed environment. Make yourself comfortable on the couch or the sofa and have your favorite beverage by your side.

Reading Increases Empathy

Research has shown that those who read fiction, for example, have more empathy and can relate to the emotions of other people. That’s because reading literary fiction allows a reader to connect with the characters they’re reading about and emphasize their feelings.

Children who read at a young age can develop their perception of other people’s feelings through reading. Through reading, they learn about the feelings of others and develop their empathy. Adults can too develop their empathy through reading more fictional works. It can help them increase their emotional intelligence as they delve into the story narrative and explore the characters.

Reading can also change your attitude towards people in general — for example, if normally you’re on the aggressive side, reading can mellow you down a bit. When choosing what to read, make sure you choose something that truly appeals to you, so you get more enjoyment from your reading experience.

Reading Expands Your Vocabulary

What’s a better way to add to your word bank? It’s hands down reading. Reading exposes you to a wide range of vocabulary words and enriches your use of language. Reading is especially beneficial if you are a writer because it allows you to incorporate a variety of words, phrases, and expressions into your writing.

Reading allows you to better articulate your thoughts not just in writing, but in speaking too. It’s especially helpful if you’re a non-native speaker and English is your second language. Through reading, you discover new words and nuances of literary expressions and you learn how they are used in different contexts and situations.

The Takeaway

There are so many great benefits to reading. Reading is a super stimulating and challenging activity for your brain. Reading lowers your risk of dementia, lowers your stress, helps you be more empathetic, and boosts your vocabulary. After a long and stressful workday, you may find relaxing and unwinding with a book is just what you need.


About the Creator

Kristina Segarra

Health & wellness and self-improvement writer. Mother of 2. Musician.

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