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3 Ways to Get Rid of Addictions Without Pain (Smoking, Sugar Abuse, Etc.)

Which are your addictions?

By Axel CameronPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
3 Ways to Get Rid of Addictions Without Pain (Smoking, Sugar Abuse, Etc.)
Photo by Mishal Ibrahim on Unsplash

Many people today suffer from addictions. These include not only smoking, alcohol,l, and drugs, but also addiction to harmless products at first sight - coffee, carbonated beverages, fast food, sweets,s and more.

There are many ways to fight addictions, but most of them are ineffective or can even affect your mental health. These techniques are contrary to our nature and desires, they deprive us of the sources of pleasure, while not filling the gaps formed by giving up vices.

The constant struggle with vices makes us more and more attached to them, as they occupy all our thoughts, it does not matter whether they are positive or negative.

It's just that contemporary man believes that to achieve something, sacrifices are needed. In an attempt to make changes, we are ready to give up everything we do not like in ourselves without getting into the essence of things.

Yoga can help you in the fight against addictions, which is an effective tool for expanding the human consciousness, which takes into account our nature.

Method no. 1 From the hard end

The first way to give up vices is to turn the concept of "escape from dissatisfaction" into "the search for depth in taste." The secret of this method is that you do not have to give up bad habits. The task is to reach a higher quality level.

The passion for instant coffee can be replaced by the pleasure of a cup of freshly ground coffee, the addiction to fast food - with delicious fresh dishes full of the prairie.

In time, you will cultivate the habit of enjoying more qualitative sensations, and you will be able to replace any addiction with a harmless or even useful habit. Addiction disappears, you will start to be interested in pleasures without being attached to a bad habit.

If your habit can't be raised to a better level, then try to slow down the process. When you do something for a long time, it is much easier to focus on the sensations, and the moment of saturation comes much faster.

If you love candy, then don't chew it, but gradually suck it. If you nibble on your nails, try biting a nail within an hour. But don't increase the dose - it could affect your health.

Method no. 2 Replacement

The second harmless way to get rid of bad habits is to transfer the perception to deeper tastes and sensations. The secret is that you will not have to give up this habit radically. This time your task is to saturate yourself with sensations obtained from more useful skills.

By practicing yoga regularly, the brain secretes endorphins, hormones, which awaken the feeling of joy and satisfaction (I wrote about this here). Yoga balances the hormonal system and removes toxins from the body.

After a few weeks of practice,e you will feel much better - at about this stage people give up their vices. The feeling of peace and satisfaction is magnificent. He is dominant in the perception of the world even in the unpleasant moments of life and suppresses the desire to take in hand a cigarette or a glass of drink.

As you fill your life with healthy habits, you will lose the aspiration for the pale sensations that vices give. Yoga is not the only way to eradicate addictions. You can opt for any activity that will fill your life with thrills and strengthen your health - spiritual practices, sports, dancing, fitness, culinary arts, and more.

Don't try to replace one vice with a less harmful one. You could get two bad habits as a result.

Method no. 3 Extension

The third way to get rid of bad habits is to relax. Vices are often an attempt to free you from inner tension. If you learn other methods of relaxation, then the vices will not make sense.

Smoking is one of the most obsessive habits, which is very difficult to quit. Sometimes the urge to smoke a cigarette at the slightest nervous tension is irresistible. The deep yogi breathing method is the best substitute for smoking. Start breathing deeply, focus on the sound of your breathing and clear your mind of all thoughts for 1–2 minutes.

Deep yogic breathing in combination with Ajayi is one of the most effective ways to relieve internal tension. It will help you relax, it will distract you from the source of tension for a while and it will allow you to recover.

Deep yogic breathing can be practiced anytime, anywhere, without being noticed by those around you.

A person who practices yoga becomes more aware of his body and the processes that take place in it, gradually changing his attitude towards food, breathing, and sleep regime.

In time, he discovers that he is less dependent on vices, without making a conscious effort to eradicate them. Usually, when the body becomes stronger and healthier, it rejects what harms it.


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