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3 little words

changes everything

By Gail S.Published 4 years ago 3 min read

There are lots of 3 word phrases in our english language. Ones that fill us with lots of different emotions:

"WHAT WAS THAT?" (fear)

"Where are you?" (worry)

"I am hungry" (obvious)

"I hate this!" (anger)

"I wanna cry" (sadness)

"I miss you" (caring)

"You look great!" (affection)

And so many, many more but none of those phrases has the ability to strike absolute terror into some peoples souls as the following three words...


I have lived a long life full of loves. Love for my friends, my family, my children, my spouses, my pets, and even myself, but I am always amazed at how some people refuse to acknowledge a difference. Some say love is love and although in some sense that is true. Why can't love, in itself, have different meanings? Example: "I love spiders" somehow does not hold the same meaning as "I love your smile". Same word, same spelling, different connotation. These 3 words have taken the strongest men and brought them to their knees. It has started wars and started love affairs. People have died for it and because of it, been born into it, and lived to find it. Some found it then lost it, and some want nothing to do with it. They are the first 3 words we hear after we are born and the last 3 words we hear before we die. Serious to some, funny to others. So lets examine a little about the words themselves as individuals.

"I" meaning me, myself, this here person that you know as an individual

"LOVE" meaning a term of endearment, a feeling of such closeness, a bond

"YOU" meaning,! yourself, someone who is not me

Now that we know this, lets put these words into an easily understood sentence:

I (this person standing before you)

Love (feel a great attachment or bond for)


See how simple it should be. Yet people freak out when they hear the words. *The first fear is that they are now forced somehow to HAVE to say it back. (SO NOT TRUE) *Then comes the thought that this means commitment (not really). * Next is the not knowing where you go from here (why go anywhere) * Then the thought of how serious is this really.(does it matter?) All these questions and plenty more run through your head and rather than just accepting it for what it is, simply have a mental meltdown over the words. It doesn't take rocket science to know what someone means when they say it. It doesn't always mean lets get married tomorrow and have a dozen babies. It doesn't always mean we will be together forever. It doesn't mean you need to change your life or yourself for that person. It isn't said for a mutual reply( although for some maybe) It's not said to impress you either.

Guys, girls...come on people, it's a term of endearment, it is one person sharing a deep feeling with another. Expressing an emotion that is meaningful to them about you. Don't freak out, don't let it potentially ruin a chance you may have, don't read too much into it at first. Lets remember that it takes more than those three words to make a relationship. Sometimes you just make someone feel so good and so wanted that they do love you for it. It doesn't even have to insinuate any sexual contact or romance. Accept it, embrace it, become one with it, understand it and surround yourself in it. Fill yourself up with it and know that there is someone standing near you, bearing their heart and soul to let you know how they feel. LOVE the fact that you are loved. If the feeling hits you to return the words then do so. Sing it from the mountain tops if you want or simply, quietly, whisper it in their ear. No matter how you choose to express it...just express it. Feel lucky to have it in your life and remember that some people never find it and never hear those 3 little words that can change everything. So take this however you want but know that "I" do absolutely, without a doubt "LOVE" "YOU"!



About the Creator

Gail S.

I am complicated, confusing and misunderstood but I am real. Life is too short to be anything but happy.

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