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3 Everyday Habits That Make You Smarter.

Ways to Enhance Your Intelligence.

By fatima zahra ajankarPublished 4 months ago 3 min read

Intelligence, in its simplest form, refers to the capacity to comprehend knowledge, solve problems, generate ideas, and engage in critical thinking about the world that surrounds us. Psychological research has extensively explored intelligence in various forms, with countless studies conducted on this subject. Time and time again, these studies have demonstrated the positive impact of intelligence on nearly every aspect of our lives.

Individuals with higher levels of intelligence tend to ascend the professional hierarchy more readily and are more likely to achieve meaningful, long-term objectives. They also tend to experience greater success in their relationships and garner increased respect from those they encounter. On a broader scale, highly intelligent individuals play a significant role in the advancement of our society. Visionary innovators such as Steve Jobs have laid the groundwork for generations of human progress. Brilliant minds like Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking have revolutionized our understanding of the world, and even the entire universe.

Throughout history, the greatest minds, spanning from artists and philosophers to scientists and engineers, have left an indelible mark on the world. Their ability to effect lasting change stems from their unwavering commitment to utilizing their intelligence to its fullest potential. They dedicated themselves to learning, working tirelessly, and constantly experimenting, always in pursuit of inspiration and perpetually questioning everything they knew.

While some of these exceptional individuals possessed innate talent, others were average thinkers, much like anyone else. However, they managed to rise to the pinnacle of their respective fields and ultimately reshape the world. How did they achieve this? By continuously expanding their intelligence every day. Many people fail to realize that intelligence is not a fixed attribute. For instance, Albert Einstein was once labeled a "slow learner" by one of his teachers, yet he went on to win a Nobel Prize in Physics and became one of the most celebrated geniuses in history. In other words, high intelligence is not necessarily an inborn trait. Instead, it can be cultivated by actively stimulating the mind and consistently pushing the boundaries of intellectual capacity.

Here are some everyday Habits That Make You Smarter:

  • The practice of meditation has been utilized by individuals worldwide for centuries as a means to enhance their cognitive abilities. Scientific research has substantiated the benefits of this ancient technique, revealing that meditation can improve memory, boost concentration, and even elevate one's intelligence quotient (IQ). In a particular study, individuals who regularly engaged in meditation were requested to undergo an IQ test, and their results were compared to those who had never practiced meditation. Remarkably, the meditators achieved an average score that was 20% higher than their non-meditating counterparts. Furthermore, these individuals displayed heightened creativity and performed exceptionally well under stressful circumstances, maintaining a composed and focused mindset while others faltered. By dedicating a few minutes each day to meditation, you can unlock newfound abilities to think, concentrate, and solve problems with unparalleled efficacy.
  • The High-Exposure Method

According to billionaire Warren Buffet, it is feasible to rapidly enhance our intelligence daily. Through the high-exposure method, numerous highly successful individuals like Buffet have managed to reach the pinnacle of their respective fields. Here's how it operates. Each day, they inundate their minds with a plethora of productive resources. They stay updated on current events, engage in conversations with intriguing individuals, and stay informed about their industries. They consistently come across new information, which serves as a catalyst for innovative ideas and uncovers opportunities for personal growth. Although it is impossible to possess knowledge of everything, that should not deter you from making an effort. By exposing your mind to a wide range of inspiring materials each day, you will find yourself generating more ideas than ever before.

  • Enhance the Power of Your Neurons

Expanding your intelligence is not limited to reading and studying alone. Research has revealed a significant connection between intellectual performance and engaging in physical exercise. Engaging in activities such as cardio and strength training stimulates the development of neurons, specialized cells responsible for transmitting signals within the brain. By fostering the growth of new neurons, your brain becomes more intricate and expansive, effectively boosting your cognitive abilities daily.

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