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19 Undeniable Signs A Man Is Serious About You (And If It Will Last)

Proven signs that show a man is so in love with you!

By Silena Le BeauPublished 2 years ago 8 min read

Guys do many things that can be seen as the signs of a man falling in love. There’s nothing quite like falling in love – one of the best feelings in the world. You feel the buzz in your veins, blood rushing to your cheeks, and your stomach is suddenly full of butterflies.

The way a man looks at the woman he loves or how he texts her, can all give away how he really feels about you. Read on to know what these are

You’ve finally found someone who makes you feel complete and happy. The whole world suddenly turns rosy but oops, there is one thing before that.

Before this giddy feeling settles, you are faced with a real dilemma where you realize that you don’t know whether he’s in love with you or not. Loving him is one thing, yes, but are you sure that he loves you back? The uncertainty starts killing you and you’re frantically looking for signs that a man is falling in love with you.

“When you are missing someone, time seems to move slower and when I’m falling in love, time seems to be moving faster”– Taylor Swift

You get all these hints from a guy and suddenly the dynamic shifts between you two. At first, you feel like he’s acting strange, but your gut tells you there’s something more. Suddenly, he’s Mr Caring and sensitive making you wonder, “Is he just being nice or is he falling for me?”

Now, we know love makes one a better person, but you want to know whether it’s you he’s falling for. You wonder, is he falling in love with me? How do you know when a man is in love? Well, look no further. We’ve got these signs he is slowly falling for you.

How Do You Know When A Man Is In Love?

Fortunately, many women are pretty lucky in this department and are gifted with a sixth sense or strong intuition. It's like you just get this gut feeling and tend to know a guy is falling for you.

When a guy is head over heels for you, he can’t help but show it through his gestures and body language. Sometimes, on some rare occasions he might just say it upfront, leaving your heart pounding. And he's done it to you enough to know that this guy actually is smitten by you.

But in some cases, it’s not as simple as that. Especially in the world of casual relationships and online dating. Most women feel like it is hard to tell the difference between dating vs relationship as well as love vs infatuation. It’s important to look out for the signs that a man is falling in love with you so that you will be able to decipher for yourself whether you are in love with him too. So don’t get worked up ladies, we still have our amazing sixth sense on our side. Just use this following checklist in this article and you will be good to go.

10 Signs A Man Is Falling In Love With You

Guys do many things that can be interpreted as the signs of a man falling in love. The way a man looks at the woman he loves or how he texts her, can all give away how he really feels about you. Read on to know what these are.

It might be something as simple as him taking surprising you on his lunch break because he was on a route and he knows your location like the back of his hand, just to spend a more time with you.

There are a plethora of things a guy does that shows he is falling in love with you and cannot get enough of you. However small, these are some of the signs.

1. He looks at you differently . You suddenly find him staring at you from across the room. This look is different. It’s a soft, dreamy-eyed look that you’ve never seen before. He was looking at you because he is falling for you and doesn’t know how to express it just yet.

2.He spends his free time with you . If he has free time after work, he freely chooses to spend it with you because he enjoys your company and feels comfortable around you. Even if he spends hours with you, it doesn’t seem long enough.

3. He initiates contact more often. One major sign of a man falling in love is him calling you more often than he used to. This is mainly because he wants to hear your voice but probably won’t admit it upfront early on. Even the duration of the calls seems to increase and they may not feel inclined to hang up the phone.

4. He will be available for you . If you have a bad day and need a shoulder to cry on, he’ll be there with your favorite food. These are ways a guy would cheer up a girlfriend. No matter what is going on in his life, if you ever need him, he will figure something out and put everything aside to make time for you.

5. Your opinion matters to him . He starts to run things by you to get your input, whether its something as simple as what tie matches his pants or what shoes to wear. He may even ask you about healthy food options he may want to try to help with his diet and staying fit. Even if he loves his beard, he will be willing to sacrifice it for you because you like him clean-shaven. You can count on him showing up at your next date wearing your favorite shade of blue. Your opinion clearly matters to him and he is happy to change himself to impress you.

6. He will always remember the small things about you . A guy who is falling for you pays attention to what you do and say. Even if you don’t remember what you said, he will. Notice if you've ever mentioned your favorite flowers or favorite dishes and seen him getting them for you? This is solely because he remembers every small detail about you and will use it to make you happy.

7. He's honest with you. He is willing to tell you about his past openly and wholeheartedly. He doesn't try to cover any bad parts of his life because he wants you to know the real him. He likes to show you that he's someone you can trust. He tells you when something bothers him.

8. He doesn't feel the need to hold back things from you. With you he's an open book. And he won't ever get upset when your asking him questions and getting to know him because he is perfectly fine with being vulnerable with you.

9. He wants to be around you...Humans get a rush of endorphins from being in close physical proximity from people they are attracted to. If a guy in your friend group always ends up sitting next to you, this may mean something.

10. He spends his free time with you . If he has free time after work, he chooses to spend it with you. He enjoys your company and feels comfortable when he spends more time with you. Even if he spends hours with you, it doesn’t seem enough because there’s still so much he wants to know about you.

11. You are important to him and he wants to show it by spending more time with you. He shows his love for you with these seemingly little things. So if he’s always calling you and asking if you’re free, know that something more might be cooking there.

12. He avoids getting physically close to you...Wait, what? I know, I know, this seems to contradict the previous sign completely. However, guys making specific attempts to avoid proximity to you can also be a sign of interest, especially if the guy is shy, doesn’t want to come across as too keen or specifically wants to hide his attraction. Not to mention, guys often have to avoid anything that may cause arousal in public!

13. He always maintains eye contact often when you talk. This shows that he cares about you and he wants to give you his undivided attention at all times because in that moment you are his priority.

14. Maintaining eye contact is not just a sign of paying attention—it also strengthens intimacy and feelings of closeness to someone. If he is trying to build an emotional connection with you, he may do this. However, this brings us to the next sign.

15. He will be available for you . If you’re having a bad day and want a shoulder to cry on, he’ll be there with your favorite food. This is how a guy would cheer up a girlfriend. No matter what is going on in his life, if you ever need him, he will put everything aside and make time for you.

16. You know there is no such thing as being too busy. We always make time for the ones we love. So one of the signs he’s slowly falling in love with you is if you notice that he will shift his schedule for you but won’t let you know. Even if you’re calling him on his most busy days and ask him to hang out, he won’t turn you down.

17. He might just be playing it safe because he could be unaware of your feelings towards him. This is one of the signs a man is in love with you but scared to show it.

18. You are important to him and he wants to show it by spending more time with you. He shows his love for you with these seemingly little things. So if he’s always calling you and asking if you’re free, know that something more might be cooking there.

19. Clearly he misses you often and it could even be one of the subconscious signs a man is falling in love. He’s probably falling hard for you and doesn’t even know it himself yet.


About the Creator

Silena Le Beau

She expresses her gift of writing through each piece. She studied writing in college and has been inspiring people for 20 years. She gives back to the community & enriches them with enlightenment. Philanthropist, Empath and Nature lover.

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