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17 fascinating facts about human body

fascinating facts You don’t know about human body

By Surayya AminuPublished 10 months ago 3 min read

1 Your brain can generate enough electricity to power a small light bulb. When you are awake, your brain produces electricity at a rate of about 15 to 25 watts, which is sufficient to keep a low wattage LED lamp shining. Additionally, your brain generates up to 50,000 random thoughts each day, debunking the myth that we use only ten percent of our brain capacity. Brain scans show that we utilize most of our brain even while asleep.

2 Human teeth are impressively strong, comparable to the strength of shark teeth. Sharks have about 15 rows of teeth in each jaw and are born with teeth already in place. Surprisingly, the enamel covering your teeth is the hardest part of your entire body.

3 Stomach acid can be highly corrosive, capable of eating a hole in your skin if it makes contact. The hydrochloric acid in your stomach helps break down food, kills off harmful viruses and bacteria, and assists in digesting proteins. Interestingly, if you blush, the inside of your stomach also turns red.

4 Human hair is virtually indestructible, and each strand can support about 3.5 ounces of weight. Hair can retain information about a person, even revealing substances present in their bloodstream, such as vitamins, drugs, or alcohol.

5 Humans can create up to 7,000 different facial expressions, but they are based on four main or basic expressions: anger, fear, surprise, and happiness. Genuine facial expressions are more likely to be symmetrical.

6 Babies have over 60 more bones in their bodies than adults due to some bones fusing together as they grow. For instance, the bones in the spine and the skull have several overlapping bones, making it easier for babies to pass through the birth canal.

7 The resolution of the human eye is estimated to be around 500 megapixels, making it 72 times more precise than the rear camera of an iPhone 6. Interestingly, our eyes can differentiate between 10 million colors, although modern smartphone screens offer a range of 16 million colors.

8 Adult skin weighs around 17.6 pounds on average, making up 16% of the total body weight. It's the largest organ in the human body and is equipped with more than 600 sweat glands per square inch.

9 The human skeleton completely regenerates itself every 10 years, with old bones being replaced by new ones on a cellular level. Although this process occurs continuously, it's essential to maintain bone health by consuming calcium-rich foods.

10 On average, a person blinks about 15 times per minute. Women blink twice as often as men, and those on birth control pills blink even more frequently.

11 Your kidneys filter all of your blood about 25 times a day, processing 4.75 gallons of it. Only 1% of the filtered blood turns into urine, while the rest is redistributed throughout the body.

12 The pink corner of your eye is the vestigial remnant of a third eyelid, which was present in birds and mammals for protection and debris removal. Humans no longer require this function, and over time, it may disappear altogether.

13 The liver is remarkable in its regenerative abilities. It can fully regenerate its original size even after losing up to 75% of its total mass. This is why liver transplant surgeries are successful.

14 Your heartbeat can synchronize with the rhythm of the music you're listening to. Recent research indicates that music with a continuous increase in volume and tempo can influence your heartbeat.

15 After death, the same enzymes responsible for digesting the food we eat begin to digest the human body itself, starting the process of decomposition.

16 Some of the atoms in our bodies are billions of years old and originated from stars that exploded, scattering their elements throughout the universe.

17 In an average lifetime, the heart pumps around 53 million gallons of blood, enough to fill approximately 1.5 million barrels. This hardworking organ beats around 115,000 times a day, pumping 2,000 gallons of blood daily. Over a lifetime, the heart's total number of beats can reach an astounding 3 billion

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