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15 Signs That You're Dating And NOT Ready For A Serious Relationship

Life changing signs that prove whether or not you're actually ready to date.

By Silena Le BeauPublished 4 years ago 4 min read

First things first, if you are not at peace with past relationships, dating should be the last thing on your mind! However, it may not be as clear cut to know when it's time to move on and start a new relationship.

There are numerous signs that can account for why many people often fall short in relationships. Due to our past exes or traumatic childhood experiences in our upbringing it ultimately determines the type of partner we unconsciously seek out.

Knowing this information can be a major help for you present and future if you actually do want to be in a serious relationship one day.

In any relationship there's nothing better than two healthy people that aren't insecure and ready to partake in something magical and beautiful.

If you're not on this level rest assured, this list will help to guide you to get you to a place where you will be ready, willing and able to be at your best and make your next relationship your best relationship!

Signs You're Not Ready For A Relationship

1. If you don't practice good communication this is one of the most major sign. Great communication shows that you're open and honest about what you want and how you feel.

2. You're unwilling or find it difficult to see someone else's side and therefore unwilling to compromise. This shows a lack of maturity and the need to always be right.

3. the idea that a relationship might take away from your life crosses your mind.

4. You question everything and overthink every little thing because you think something may go wrong.

5. You're looking for a relationship to save or rescue you from the life you're currently living.

6. If you cannot get yourself to be optimistic about meeting a partner then you're simply not ready.

7. You get into a relationship because of the mere fact that you are lonely often ending up in a bad situation.

8. You're not ready to be in a relationship if you're waiting to be accepted by your partner.

9. A huge sign that you're not ready is when you are constantly people pleasing to make others happy even when it doesn't benefit you.

10. If you tend to always bend over backwards and are overly nice or desperate for acceptance then you might not be ready for the relationship you want.

11. If you question their intentions purely based off past relationship experiences that you haven't sorted out or dealt with.

12- You tend to have reoccurring insecurities that interfere with present day relationship.

13- Rarely if ever mention anything about the future revolving around the relationship.

14- If you're dating and afraid to love them or afraid to let someone love you.

15- Last but not least, you display certain behaviors or negative traits at that stem from past exes and you inevitably push them away even if you don't mean to do so.

In conclusion, knowing what you want will take you a long way. This is why being single, has it's positives, especially after a bad break up. It definitely give you the opportunity and well needed space to work on any internal issues you may have that you haven't yet worked through.

Most of the time its a great thing if you had personal experience to be able to discern between what's healthy and what's unhealthy. If you find yourself always being miserable or thinking that others are expandable than its more thank likely that you aren't ready.

If you're still playing games and find it hard to trust anyone than it's time you reevaluate exactly when you will be willing to go within and change the destructive pattern that will have you fighting a losing battle with yourself.

Every great relationship consists primarily of two wholes, not broken halves.

As imperfect human beings we definitely all are a work in progress and proper self love is the first step to getting ready for a new relationship.

Remember, healthy, happy people get into relationships for the right reasons, not to simply fill a void or empty space. This can 85% of the time have the opposite effect or outcome and usually be a negative experience that you will someday regret.


About the Creator

Silena Le Beau

She expresses her gift of writing through each piece. She studied writing in college and has been inspiring people for 20 years. She gives back to the community & enriches them with enlightenment. Philanthropist, Empath and Nature lover.

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