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15 Signs He’s Falling in Love With You

Signs you give yourself about how a man may be falling in love with you.

By BingBingMoneyPublished 2 years ago 8 min read

Sometimes the signs are obvious. Other times, they may be so subtle that you’re not even aware of your partner’s current level of love for you.

In either case, it’s important to be alert and receptive in order to recognize the signs that he is falling in love with you as well.

Too often, we miss the signs of a partner’s feelings. That is because we are so busy and not really listening to what we’re saying.

We think that our partner should be telling us how he feels, when in reality he’s more likely leaving subtle clues about his true feelings. So here are 15 signs that your partner loves you.

1. When He Misses You

Once your partner falls in love with you, he will find that he misses you even if you are only apart for a short time.

After all, each of you is special to the other. Just as you miss your partner when he’s away, he also misses you.

There may be times when your man says that he ‘misses’ being with his friends or family members.

However, it’s likely that what he means is that he misses being close to them and not necessarily the socializing itself.

2. When He Compliments You

Next time you get a compliment from your man, consider it one of the signs that he is falling in love with you.

Take notice that he is not saying something just to say it nor does he do so to receive a compliment in return.

He also says whatever it is that he says without any hesitation and there’s an enthusiasm in his voice when he says it.

His delivery will indicate that what comes out of his mouth really does come from his heart.

3. When He’s Allowed to Spend Time With you Alone

As a partner, you should always be with your man at all times. And when he does get to be with you alone, it’s an indication that he is falling in love with you.

He wants to spend time alone because he loves being able to talk and interact with you without the need for others around.

So when he has this luxury, it’s all the more clear that he is falling in love with his girlfriend or boyfriend.

To him, spending time alone with her means something important and significant.

4. When He’s Concerned About You

Next time you are in the midst of an argument with your partner, listen to what he has to say.

If he is primarily concerned with your wellbeing, he may be telling you that he loves you.

He is not just saying this because he feels obliged to do so and it’s also because it’s his job to worry about his girlfriend or boyfriend.

But in light of this fact, if he does say things that indicate that he cares about how you feel and how the argument will impact on how you deal with the situation in the future, then pay attention.

5. When He Calls You ‘Baby’

Again, it’s important to listen when he calls you ‘baby’. He may be doing so because he wants to tell you that he loves you or because he simply doesn’t want the relationship to end at the moment.

Whatever is the reason, if this is one of his ways of telling you that he loves you, then it should not be dismissed.

It means that not just does your man care about you but also that there are strong feelings between the two of you and that these feelings are strong enough for him to call you ‘baby’.

6. When He Compliments Your Appearance

Next time you see your partner doing a favor or going out of his way for you, take note that he says something nice about your appearance.

The purpose of this is to let you know that he is indeed falling in love with you and that he’s showing you the things that he loves about you.

He’s doing this because there are some things about you that deserve to be said and ‘that look’ fits the bill as a compliment.

To him, it means something significant and so it should not be viewed lightly.

7. When He Expresses Himself in a Clear, Honest and Unabashed Way

When your man tells you something that he’s not sure what to say or how to say it, listen.

If he is not afraid of telling you the truth and is instead delivering an open message, then there’s no doubt that he’s falling in love with you.

He wants to make things clear because this means that his feelings for you are strong enough for him to be vulnerable and honest with you. To him, this means that his love for you is genuine.

8. When He Asks How You Are

Calls from your partner to check up on you is a sign that he loves you. He does this because he wants to make sure that you are well and he cares about the kind of person you are during these times.

If your man is a good man with a good heart, then he should be doing this every single day and there will be little reason why he needs to call or text once in awhile. But if he’s doing this frequently, it means that this is how he relates to people.

9. When He Shows Admiration

When your man is really into you, he may just tell you that instead of showing it.

After all, telling someone they are great or admiring them doesn’t necessarily have to be verbal.

If he admires the way you deal with a certain situation or the way that you conduct yourself in life and you appreciate what he has to say, then pay attention.

He may be telling you that he loves how strong and determined you are when it comes to facing your challenges in life.

10. When He Gets Defensive

You’ve been attacked by someone who doesn’t have your best interests at heart and your partner is standing up for you.

Now, if he’s doing this, it means that he loves you. If he doesn’t care about you or the relationship, then it would be easier for him to let you deal with the situation on your own.

But instead, he is willing to stand up for you and say what needs to be said whether in person or on his own behalf.

The fact that he does this means that there are feelings stronger than mere friendship between the two of you.

11. When He Makes You Feel Special

Listen when he compliments you and you’ll know that he’s falling in love with you.

The way he talks to you and the things that he says will tell you most of what you need to know.

For example, if your man tells you that he likes the way your smile brightens up his day, then it means more than just a compliment on how beautiful it is.

It is a sign that his feelings for you are growing stronger and so too is his admiration for all of the things that make him fall in love with you even harder.

12. When He Names You as his Best Friend

Your partner will often say that you are his best friend and that he is yours. He says this because it makes clear that he is being honest with you.

If he says this, then it means that he’s falling in love with you and it means that even though he may be saying these things to others, when he says them to you, his heart is telling him to remain quiet.

13. When He Reveals His Innermost Feelings

Your man may not know how to express himself in a way that will make his feelings for you clear without being too direct or making things sound creepy.

But if he does this, then it means that there is a strong connection between the two of you.

If he reveals things to you that are deeply personal to him or speaks of feelings in ways that he doesn’t want other people to know, then it means that there are strong feelings between the two of you and those feelings are growing stronger by the minute.

If you feel like your man is being too open with you, then it may be because he’s falling in love with you.

14. When He Loves Your Dishes

This is a very obvious sign that your partner loves you or is at least trying to make it clear that they do.

He may be doing this because he wants to make sure that you are well and is checking up on you and that you’re eating well.

He may want to make sure that you don’t overdo it when it comes to exercise or other things like yoga or Pilates.

Whatever the reason, your man does this because he loves your feelings or his feelings for you are so strong that he just can’t keep them bottled up.

15. When He Flirts with You

When things get serious between the two of you, your man will start flirting with you ever so often.

This is because he wants the two of you to start a genuine relationship and he’s being a man about it.

The flirting is there because he can’t keep his feelings for you bottled up inside anymore and so he has found a way to tell you that he loves from the way that he talks and acts toward you.


Choosing a man that loves you back is not easy. However, if you want to know whether he does or does not love you, look out for these things.

If your man is making mistakes here and there but is doing it in the way that he thinks makes sense to him and he’s trying to make sure that he’s showing off his feelings for you in the best way possible, then there’s nothing to worry about.

But if these kinds of things are happening a lot more than what seems normal or fits with who your man normally is, then it’s time to take action and become serious about finding out whether your man loves you back.


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    BingBingMoneyWritten by BingBingMoney

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