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10 Ways To Calm Down Your Anxious Mind

Don't Let Anxiety Control Your Life: Try These Effective Ways To Calm Your Mind

By Robert Who WritesPublished 2 years ago 7 min read
Don't Let Anxiety Control Your Life

Getting caught up in the never-ending cycle of stress and anxiety is easy. Our minds are constantly racing, and finding a moment of peace can be difficult.

Unfortunately, peace of mind doesn't always come naturally. If you feel anxious and need to find a way to relax, try the following ten ways to calm down your mind, and you'll be better equipped to handle whatever life throws your way.

1. Take a deep breath and relax your body

When you feel stressed or anxious, it's essential to take a moment to calm down. A very effective way to do so is to take deep breaths and relax your body. Start by inhaling slowly and deeply, filling your lungs with fresh air.

As you exhale, focus on letting go of any tension in your body. You may also want to close your eyes and focus on a peaceful image or memory. Once you've taken a few deep breaths, you should feel more relaxed.

If you're still feeling tense, try repeating the process several times. With practice, you'll be able to quickly and easily calm down your mind whenever you need to.

2. Close your eyes and visualize a calm scene

Another great way to relax your mind is to close your eyes and visualize a peaceful scene. It can be anywhere you find a quiet spot- a beach, a forest, or even your backyard. Breathe deeply and slowly, and picture yourself in that tranquil setting.

Focus on the details of the scene - the sounds, the smells, the colors. Allow yourself to relax into the peacefulness of it. You may find that it takes some practice to quiet your mind, but it's worth it.

Visualize A Peaceful Scene

3. Listen to calm music or nature sounds

Listening to calm music or nature sounds can be a simple and effective way to wind down and feel more peaceful. Research has shown that music can positively affect stress levels, heart rate, and blood pressure.

Listening to calming music or nature sounds can also help slow down your breathing, relax your muscles, and focus your thoughts. In addition, the act of focusing on the music can help to distract you from stressful thoughts and worry. So next time you're feeling overwhelmed, try putting on some relaxing tunes and letting yourself drift away.

4. Write down your thoughts in a journal

Many of us have experienced the feeling of being overwhelmed by our thoughts and emotions. In times like these, sitting down and writing out our feelings in a journal can be helpful. According to research, the simple practice of journaling can help reduce mental distress and anxiety levels.

One study found that participants who wrote about their thoughts and emotions for 15 minutes per day, three days a week for 12 weeks, felt less anxious and more positive than those who did not journal.

In addition, another study found that journaling helped participants to cope with stressful life events in a more constructive way. So next time you're feeling overwhelmed, try putting pen to paper and see how it makes you feel.

5. Exercise to release tension

When we think of exercise, we often think of physical fitness and weight loss. However, exercise is also an effective way to reduce stress and tension. When we are under pressure, our bodies release hormones like cortisol, which can negatively affect our health.

Exercise helps to counter these effects by releasing endorphins, which have mood-boosting properties. In addition, exercise requires concentration and focus, which can help to take our minds off of whatever is causing us stress. As a result, regular exercise can be a great way to deal with stress and anxiety.

6. Drink calming teas like chamomile or lavender tea

Chamomile and lavender are two of the most popular herbs for making tea. Both chamomile and lavender have long been used for their calming and relaxing effects. Chamomile tea is brewed using the flower heads of the plant Matricaria chamomilla ( also known as Matricaria recutita). Chamomile tea has a light, sweet flavor with hints of apple and hay.

Lavender tea is brewed using the flower buds of the plant Lavandula angustifolia. Lavender tea has a slightly sweeter and more floral flavor than chamomile tea.

Both teas are naturally caffeine-free. Chamomile and lavender contain compounds that have been shown to help reduce stress and promote relaxation. Drinking a cup of chamomile or lavender tea before bed can help you to get a good night's sleep.

7. Get enough sleep each night

The importance of getting several hours of sleep every night cannot be overstated, yet most people don't get enough. A good night's sleep can help reduce stress levels and make you feel calmer and more relaxed. It can also improve mood, increase energy, and sharpen focus.

If you're struggling to get enough sleep, you can try a few things to help improve your sleep habits. Make sure to keep a regular sleep schedule, avoid caffeine and alcohol before bed, create a relaxing bedtime routine, and limit screen time in the hours leading up to sleep. With a little effort, you can get the restful sleep you need to relax your body and mind and feel your best.

8. Spend time with positive people

A leading cause of stress is social interaction, or rather a lack thereof. People with less social interaction were also more likely to have an increased heart rate and blood pressure.

One study found that spending time with positive people can reduce stress and anxiety. The study found that participants who spent time with positive people had lower cortisol levels and felt less stressed overall. Additionally, the participants reported feeling more connected to others and less isolated. So if you're feeling stressed, try spending time with your closest friends or family.

9. Practice meditation or mindfulness

Regular meditation or mindfulness practice is one of the most effective means of alleviating stress and anxiety. Meditation is an ancient discipline that helps to focus the mind and promote relaxation. Mindfulness is similar, but it entails paying attention to one's internal experiences without attaching any judgment or significance to them.

Both meditation and mindfulness can be done anywhere, at any time. You don't need any special equipment or training; how long you spend doing them is entirely up to you.

Both practices can be effective in reducing stress levels and anxiety, and they can also help to improve sleep quality, concentration, and overall well-being. Try meditation or mindfulness to lessen your stress and boost your health.

10. Use Aromatherapy to calm your mind

Aromatherapy refers to the practice of employing essential oils from plants for therapeutic purposes. The aromas from these natural plant extracts can have a calming effect on the mind, helping to reduce stress and anxiety. In addition, essential oils are thought to have many other health benefits, including relieving headaches, improving digestion, and boosting immunity.

If you're interested in trying aromatherapy, be sure to consult with a qualified practitioner to choose the suitable essential oils for your needs.


Anxiety is a part of life for many people. While it can be challenging to manage, there are effective techniques that you can use to help relax your anxious mind.

By using one or more of the techniques described in this article, you will notice a positive change in how you feel. The next time anxiety threatens to take over your mind, try one of these methods and see how it helps you regain control.


About the Creator

Robert Who Writes

I like to share advice on relationships & self-improvement. My interests include reading, psychology, personal development, learning foreign languages.

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