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10 Sex-Positive Conversations for Revamping Your Marriage

Past sexual trauma can significantly impact an individual's present-day sexual relationships. Helping your partner heal from their trauma calls for patience, understanding, and empathy. Engaging in respectful and supportive conversations can create a safe space for your partner to process their feelings and experiences. Read more here

By Courtanae HeslopPublished 10 months ago 9 min read
10 Sex-Positive Conversations for Revamping Your Marriage
Photo by Dainis Graveris on Unsplash

The vitality of our marital relationships is often intertwined with our sexual satisfaction. Sexuality, an aspect so innate to our human existence, can provide a wellspring of vitality, playfulness, and shared pleasure, and yet it can also bring feelings of disconnect and miscommunication when not tackled directly. It's time to change the narrative with these ten sex-positive conversations to improve the quality of your marital relationship.

1. Setting a Stable Foundation of Open Communication

Often, couples have misunderstandings because they are not on the same communication wavelength. Savvy behaviorists emphasize that communication is not simply the exchange of words. It is a comprehensive tool that entails listening, perceiving, and understanding non-verbal cues as well as emotions.

Why is it essential to emphasize positive communication? When we communicate positively with our spouse, we are not just creating an encouraging environment but also stepping towards a positive sexual environment. Talking about challenges becomes simpler when both partners follow a peaceful, understanding, and compassionate approach. Therefore, setting a stable foundation of open communication is crucial.

Such open communication doesn't necessarily have to be grand gestures or profound dialogues. Small compliments like "you look lovely today," "Thank you for doing ________ for me, it means a lot," and "I cherish the times spent with you" can make all the difference. This kind of communication can have a decisive impact on your conjugal life.

Example: Pro-actively engage in exchanging pleasantries and compliments throughout the day. It could be as simple as praising the way your partner styled their hair or complimenting them on their cooking skills.

In an environment saturated with positive affirmations, deep, challenging conversations on subjects like intimacy, fantasies, or even trauma become easier to address. This stable, open platform lays the groundwork for constructive and supportive discussions, that are of high importance in a thriving marriage.

2. Normalizing the Conversation on Desire and Intimacy

Desire and intimacy are significant pillars of a flourishing marital relationship. Over time, these elements can weather change due to various factors, including aging, stress, or health issues. Unfortunately, instead of having an open dialogue about it, most couples tend to ignore these changes, leading to feelings of detachment and dissatisfaction.

Normalizing conversation about desire and intimacy is about accepting these variations as a part of life and working on them collectively.

For instance, understand that many things can enhance sensuality and passion besides sexual intercourse. Spending quality time, sharing interests, and expressing your love in non-sexual ways can all heighten intimacy.

It's imperative to acknowledge each other's needs for intimacy and ensure these needs are being met in ways that bring both partners comfort and satisfaction.

Example: Share a romantic dinner by candlelight at least once a week. These rendezvous can serve as occasions to reignite your spark, rediscovering each other beyond your usual routines.

3. Discussing Perspectives on Monogamy

The institution of marriage often comes with the hushed assumption of monogamy. But it's essential to realize that different people may have different interpretations of what constitutes fidelity.

Does a flirtatious text or a social media like imply cheating, or is it harmless? Is watching pornography a form of infidelity? These perspectives vary from one individual to another and call for explicit communication to be on the same wavelength.

Open, respectful conversation about what monogamy means to both partners helps to foster a deeper understanding, preventing unexpected conflict down the line.

Example: Opt for a comfortable, private setting where there's time for an in-depth conversation - such as a long road trip. Here, discuss both your definitions of fidelity and exclusivity, addressing any discrepancies and aligning expectations.

4. Saying 'Yes', Saying 'No', and Everything in Between

Mutual consent is the cornerstone of a healthy and strong sexual relationship. As partners, it’s important to articulate our desires clearly as well as our boundaries. Saying 'yes' to what we are comfortable with and desire, and 'no' to what we don't, is crucial.

This often includes willingness to explore new ideas, but also acknowledging comfort levels and ensuring nobody feels used, underappreciated, or violated.

Practice open, frank discussions about your desires, and establish a safe environment to have these conversations without fear of judgment or retribution.

Example: Consider using "safe words" during your intimate moments. Safe words are pre-agreed unique words, phrases, or signals to communicate discomfort or the wish to halt an activity. They are invaluable in ensuring both partners feel comfortable and respected.

5. Body Image and Self-Esteem

Body image issues can sometimes be the elephant in the room, often overlooked but deeply impacting the intimacy in a relationship. Negative body image can lead to low self-esteem and decreased sexual desire. It’s vital to create a nurturing environment where both partners feel accepted and loved irrespective of societal or self-imposed body standards.

One partner’s acceptance and appreciation of the other’s body, verbalized frequently, can extensively boost self-esteem and overall body image.

It's not just about offering compliments — it's about normalizing all bodies, marking uniqueness as beauty, appreciating the beauty of age, and truly seeing your partner for who they are, both inside and out.

Example: Complimenting your partner with a focus on features they might be insecure about can help them view that body part differently and accept it as beautiful. Also, compliments that extend beyond physical features, such as complimenting their kindness, patience, or resilience, can help boost their overall self-esteem.

6. Discovering Unexplored Territory

After years of being in a relationship, some couples may find that their sexual routine becomes repetitive and predictable. Habitual patterns can sometimes lead to decreased excitement and pleasure. However, it’s important to remember that it’s never too late to explore new avenues in your intimate life.

Sharing fantasies and desires that may lie outside your 'norm' can breathe new life into your relationship. This doesn't mean you have to act on all of them — sometimes, simply sharing can heighten intimacy.

Approaching these conversations can be daunting, but it's essential for the longevity and satisfaction within your sexual relationship.

Example: As a practical tool, you could use a 'Yes, No, Maybe' checklist. This checklist can contain various sexual experiences, activities or fantasies, and both you and your partner can indicate which ones you're open to, against, or uncertain about. It's a fun and non-threatening way to understand each other's preferences and explore uncharted territory.

7. The Talk on Pornography

Pornography can be a contentious issue within relationships. People's views on pornography significantly differ, and it's vital to discuss this with your partner to ensure both of you are comfortable with the role it plays in your relationship.

It’s necessary to respect each other's individual boundaries. For some, it might be a tool for sexual exploration, while for others, it might be uncomfortable or seem like a form of infidelity.

Example: Choose a quiet, relaxing setting — like a dinner at home — to discuss your views on pornography. Make sure the conversation is comfortable and respectful. Discuss each other's feelings about pornography and its usage honestly and openly, aiming to reach an understanding that respects both partners' boundaries and comfort zones.

8. Discussing Contraception Practices

Contraception is a vital aspect of a sexually active couple's life. Choosing a contraceptive method should be a joint decision with open and honest discussions. It is crucial to address your primary intentions (preventing pregnancy, protecting against STDs, or both) and your individual comfort and preferences regarding contraceptive methods.

Conversations about contraception can prevent potential misunderstandings or resentment in the future and can improve your sex life by increasing mutual comfort and satisfaction.

Example: The next time you visit your healthcare provider for a routine checkup, bring up the topic of contraception. Openly discuss the available options, including their pros and cons, and arrive at a joint decision about which method suits both of your needs and preferences best.

9. Sex Education: It’s Never Too Late

In many societal contexts, formal sex education may be inadequate or flawed. As you mature, you might gain knowledge about your sexual desires, preferences, and rights primarily through personal experiences, reading, or discussions with peers.

Sharing these insights with your partner can lead to productive conversations, improved mutual understanding, and a more fulfilling sexual relationship. Do not hesitate to introduce unconventional aspects you may have learned about and are curious to explore.

Example: If you stumble upon a fascinating article or book that offers new insights or perspectives, share it with your partner. Engage in a discussion about its content, expressing your thoughts and opinions, while encouraging your partner to do the same. Transparent dialogue can unveil new avenues to explore in your intimate relationship and deepen your connection.

10. Healing from Past Trauma

Past sexual trauma can significantly impact an individual's present-day sexual relationships. Helping your partner heal from their trauma calls for patience, understanding, and empathy. Engaging in respectful and supportive conversations can create a safe space for your partner to process their feelings and experiences.

It's essential to approach this situation delicately and be sensitive to the unique needs and boundaries of someone healing from trauma. Moving at your partner's pace, understanding their triggers, and reinforcing a sense of safety and trust are all critical components of healing together.

Example: Consider seeking help from a therapist, either individually or as a couple, to guide the conversation around past trauma. A therapist can provide helpful insights, support, and techniques to navigate the challenging discussions and the healing process. A professional's guidance can foster a healthier, more understanding, and secure intimate relationship.


Open communication about various aspects of intimacy is vital for maintaining and enhancing the satisfaction and understanding within a couple's relationship. Whether it’s discovering new desires, setting boundaries around sensitive topics like pornography or contraception, indulging in lifelong sex education or dealing with past sexual trauma, these conversations nurture mutual respect, trust, and honesty.

Bringing these topics out in the open may feel uncomfortable initially, but it can lead to increased relationship satisfaction and mutual understanding in the long run. At times, such discussions might necessitate professional guidance, especially when they involve handling past trauma.

By proactively engaging in these conversations, couples can ensure that their sexual relationship remains healthy, satisfying, and continuously evolving.


About the Creator

Courtanae Heslop

Courtanae Heslop is a multi-genre writer and business owner.

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