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10 REASONS Why You Can't Get OVER HIM!

Why do You Still HaveFeelings For Your Ex?

By BingBingMoneyPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

You can't get over him. He's always there in the back of your mind, a constant reminder that you're only half the person you used to be. You find yourself reminiscing about the love you once had, or worse, what it could have been if he'd done things differently. It's no wonder why you can't get over him.

In this blog post, we explore 10 different reasons why it's so hard for people to move on from an ex-partner. If you can relate to any of these, there's a good chance he's so ingrained in your life that you feel hopeless anytime you try to remove him from it.

1. The relationship was serious

If you were together for an extended period of time and had a serious relationship, it becomes harder to forget when the memories are right there in your face every day. You see him at work, around the neighborhood, or even on social media and those thoughts and feelings come rushing back. It wasn't a one-night stand or a fling; this was someone who had an impact on your life for longer than just a day.

2. You agreed to it

If you chose to be with him, it's hard to undo that decision. You made a commitment, and it's an emotional one at that. It may have been your first love or the man you thought was your one true love, it makes no difference. When you agreed to be together, whether he proposed or you simply said yes, it meant something to both of you. The fact that it ended is hard in itself.

3. You got hurt

Let's face it breakups are never easy. Sometimes they're even cruel, especially when someone breaks up with you out of the blue or after years of dating and building a life together. There are some breakups that are worse than others because they're still fresh in your mind and you have a lot of questions, but it's hard to forget what you went through. You both had things to say, and then things got ugly and it just wasn't over.

4. You can't let go

You don't want to admit it, but deep down inside, you know there's some sort of connection that lingers after he's gone. That one person you could always count on is already out of your life, so how can it work if you're never going to see him again? The only way for that is for both of you to move on at the same time. Not happening...

5. You have a history together

Much like "The Notebook," there's something about history that sometimes endures the test of time. You both had times that were good, bad, and ugly. All of those moments are what made your relationship what it is today and really make it hard to forget or even move on from him. It's a love story in its simplest form, but the ending isn't quite how you wanted it to be and it's never going to be the same again.

6. It wasn't your decision

Every breakup is hard, but some are much harder than others because they were done to you and not by you. If you were with someone because you had no choice, he was always your guy. You never wanted to leave, and the two of you were borderline attached at the hip together. Take that away from him and it's not only hard for him to leave you behind, but for you as well.

7. Your broken heart is new

There is something about a broken heart that makes it feel like it's all-consuming every time it starts to mend itself. Whether it's because the pain wasn't fully healed or because those bad memories have been lingering for too long, it takes time for your heart to heal, and the moment his name comes up again after months of peace, your broken heart begins beating again at full force.

8. You'll see him again

You're not going to stay away from him forever. The truth is, he's going to run into you when you least expect it, or vice versa. It's inevitable that you'll see each other again whether it be at family functions or in the office and it always brings back those memories of what once was and what could have been if things didn't get so complicated. Eventually, you're going to run smack dab into the brick wall that is him in your life...and there's nothing you can do about it.

9. You don't forget easily

Sometimes people are just hard to forget because they were so great together. There are some men who are just so great that it's hard to forget about the good times and bad. It's even harder when you know there was more to your relationship than what actually transpired in front of everyone's eyes. You remember everything about him...even the things he does on a daily basis, like getting up from the couch, or putting his keys in his pocket. He was always there, even if you're not sure why.

10. You're afraid you'll never find the same again

If your relationship was this great, you have to wonder if you'll ever find someone like him again. It's easy to remember all the good things about him or even see it as temptation when you're out with your friends and see someone who could be just like him. Your fear of never finding what you had is a top reason why it's so hard to get over someone, but it has nothing to do with your ex-boyfriend, it has everything to do with finding someone else just as great.

None of these are bad reasons to make someone's breakup harder or to let it take longer than necessary, but they are all valid reasons as to why it's been so hard for you to move on. If any of these rings true for you, read this article to the very end and see if there's anything you can do about it.


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