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The Day That JFK was Assassinated Changed My Opinion on 22 November 1963

The Assassination of John F Kennedy, was the Story that got me ‘Hooked’ on Astrology

By Pamella RichardsPublished 5 months ago 6 min read
The Day That JFK was Assassinated Changed My Opinion on 22 November 1963
Photo by History in HD on Unsplash

I really can’t believe that its 60 years since John F Kennedy was assassinated — I remember that day so well. But it was an article written around the 30th anniversary after that fateful day, that got me ‘Hooked’ into Astrology.

The original article disappeared years ago, thankfully there is so much information on the internet to write my own interpretation. And, in this article I take a look at how the assassination of John F Kennedy affected Jackie, Bobby, and Ted Kennedy.

The astrological indicators are so numerous, that only transits (moving planets) will be examined in this article. Only the major aspects of less than 2 degrees will be considered. (The house cusps may not be exact because the birth times of the individuals involved may not be 100% accurate).

Jackie Kennedy

At the time of the shooting, November 22, 1963, approximately 12.35 CST, Dallas, Texas, transiting Pluto (planet of death, destruction, transformation, secret plots, and terrorism) was conjunct within a degree of Jackie’s natal Mars (representing men) in her 10th house, the house of public life and leadership.

For Jackie, the assassination not only destroyed the life of her husband, perhaps the result of a covert plot, but also catapulted her from her role of First Lady. Her entire life, private and public was totally transformed (Pluto) during those six seconds in Dallas.

Another important aspect to consider is the exact square (13 minutes) from transiting Uranus (symbolising sudden change) to her natal Jupiter (planet of fame, respect, and good fortune) in her 7th house of partnership.

Suddenly, unexpectedly and violently, Jackie’s most important relationship was irrevocably altered. Although she remained a popular public figure after the death of the President, the glory and status this Leo-Sun woman enjoyed as America’s “queen” (Jupiter) as a result of her marriage to the President (seventh house) was lost in an instant (Uranus).

The magnitude of the event and the tremendous publicity it received is indicated by the presence of transiting Jupiter, which expands everything it touches, exactly inconjunct transiting Uranus and sextile her natal Jupiter.

Also, the Moon was at 11 degrees of Aquarius at the time of the shooting. The Moon was sextile transiting Jupiter and inconjunct transiting Uranus; the three planets formed a ‘Yod’ formation often called the finger of God, or the finger of fate, with Uranus at the point.

Finally, we see transiting Saturn, inconjunct Jackie’s natal Pluto (with Pluto in the 8th house of death and transformation) and forming a T-square with her natal Moon’s nodes, and perhaps with her ascendant/descendant axis (if the 2.30 pm birth time is correct). We would interpret this combination as indicating a permanent loss and an ending, a painful and stressful experience affecting both her marriage and her self-image, her past, and her future.

Without even looking at the transits to the President’s chart on that fateful day, we can see that something serious, unexpected, traumatic, and final is going to happen to transform John and Jackie Kennedy’s Camelot relationship!

By Evergreens & Dandelions on Unsplash

Bobby Kennedy — the Astrology

The most obvious is the emphasis on his 8th house (if the birth time is reasonably accurate) on the day. The Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars are all travelling through it at this time, with transiting Venus and Mars conjunct his natal 8th house Mercury and square his natal Uranus in the 12th house.

In Bobby’s chart, we see some of the same themes that were so pronounced in Jackie’s transformation, sudden and perhaps violent change, endings, death.

Transiting Saturn forms a one-degree square to Bobby’s natal Saturn across the seventh-eleventh houses. In this family, the brothers were connected by more than a blood relationship — they were also professional partners (7th house).

The Saturn-Saturn square reveals a difficult, critical, and perhaps fateful time in this partnership. It also suggests an end to the shared goals (11th house) of these two ambitious and idealistic leaders.

When we combine the information gleaned from Bobby Kennedy’s transits with what we found in Jackie Kennedy’s, we see a picture beginning to emerge quite clearly. And a disturbing picture it is.

Now we understand that whatever is about to devastate the marriage between John and Jackie is going to have a profound effect on the business relationship and the mutual aspirations of the two brothers.

Ted Kennedy

Now let’s turn out attention to the chart of a third brother: Ted Kennedy. Here again, we find the theme of sudden, unexpected change, a profound transformation, and possibly violent death in the transits of Uranus and Pluto through Ted Kennedy’s 8th house, reinforced by the exact inconjunction of transiting Mars to natal Pluto.

Mystery, hidden agendas, secret enemies, and subterranean plots are hinted at there, too, by the Sun, Venus, and Mars transiting his 12th house.

Saturn and the Moon were traversing Ted’s first house at the time of the President’s assassination. As a member of the Kennedy clan, his family has always played a major part in his identity. Now his family’s significance would be intensified by his brother’s death, which these two planets symbolize here.

There is, however, another interesting transit to consider in Ted’s chart: the conjunction of transiting Jupiter to natal Venus in his 3rd house. When JFK was elected to the presidency in 1960 his seat in the Senate was left vacant — to be filled by his younger brother Edward.

John Kennedy’s assassination virtually guaranteed Ted Kennedy’s re-election to the Senate, a position he held until his death in 2009. If we look further, we see transiting Saturn opposed Ted’s natal Jupiter at the time of the assassination, indicating that perhaps John’s death was a difficult and “fated” boost to Ted’s career.

Marjorie Orr — Star4cast

Wrote an article entitled: US presidents — Tecsumeh’s Curse — Jupiter Saturn —The curse was laid on US presidents who were elected in years divisible by twenty by an irate Shawnee Native American chief, it does spookily appear to hold good.

The Jupiter-Saturn in Capricorn conjunction of 1961 also saw the birth of Barack Obama, who was elected on a wave of optimism and thereafter met with much opposition, struggling to actualise many of his progressive reforms. The article was dated 3rd January 2019.

The relevant charts, for Astrology aficionados, are as follows:

John F Kennedy Birth Chart - Author's own image

The one thing that strikes me about this chart, is how most of the planets are all ‘at the top’ of the chart, ready to fall.

Assassination of John F Kennedy — Author’s own image

Jackie Kennedy — Author’s own image

Robert Kennedy — Author’s own image

Edward Kennedy — Author’s own image

On that fateful day, we can see from the above family charts, that something serious, unexpected, traumatic, and final is going to happen to transform John and Jackie Kennedy’s Camelot relationship — and shock the entire world.

Thank you for reading to the end. I would welcome any comments or observations.

Acknowledgements to : SolarFire Astrological Charts

Marjorie Orr — Star4cast

Wikipedia — Dates of Birth for the Kennedy Family

BiographiesWorld HistoryFiguresEventsAnalysis

About the Creator

Pamella Richards

Beekeeper and lover of the countryside. Writer, Gardener and Astrologer

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