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Some intriguing puzzles from around the world - Second Story

An intriguing story mystery

By GuyDussekPublished 12 months ago 3 min read

Let's begin with number 10: Giant Footprints.

Legends of giants can be found in various mythologies worldwide, from Greece and Scandinavia to Germany, India, Mexico, Peru, and many other places. Giants are mentioned in the Bible, and even the Maya told tales of giant humans. While there are countless stories about giants, there is limited concrete evidence of their existence. This brings us to the giant footprints found across the globe.

Alleged giant footprints have been discovered in different locations, such as Russia, South Africa, and Iraq. However, these footprints have not been verified as genuine by accredited scientific journals or archaeologists. Mainstream scientists often consider them to be hoaxes. One recent story came from a Chinese village where photographers claimed to have found a giant footprint, but its authenticity remains unverified.

Similarly, in South Africa's Mpumalanga province, a nearly four-feet-long footprint is preserved in granite. Known as the "footprint of God," locals believe it was left behind by a giant escaping a volcanic eruption. While these footprints exist worldwide, their origins and authenticity remain mysterious.

Moving on to number 9: The Temples of the Sun God.

Located a short distance from the Great Pyramid of Giza, the ruins of Abu Gora in Egypt once housed six sun temples dedicated to the god Ra. These temples served various purposes, with some suggesting they were used by astronomers for observing celestial phenomena. Others believe they were part of a cultic site for rituals and ceremonies.

Only two of the six temples, Userkaf and Neferefre, have been discovered so far. Abu Gora also featured a massive obelisk and other intriguing structures. The purpose and significance of these structures remain enigmatic. Some speculate that the obelisk served as a monument to Ra's resting place. The site is filled with mysteries and unanswered questions, such as the presence of a giant stone pedestal and alabaster dishes with unknown designs.

Now let's move on to number 8: Buried Secrets.

Recently, archaeologists unearthed a sunken Roman room beneath Lichfield Cathedral in the UK. This chamber, dating back to 200 A.D., has sparked curiosity due to local folk tales of dark rituals and cult activities associated with the cathedral grounds. The sunken chamber, meticulously crafted with a concrete floor and painted walls, contained the base of a sandstone altar. Speculation surrounds its purpose, with suggestions ranging from private worship spaces to cult rooms for small groups.

At number 7: The Runamo Runes.

In southern Sweden, on a cliff face in Blackingay, there are runic inscriptions known as the Runamo Runes. Scholar Saxo Grammaticus noted these inscriptions in the 12th century, attributing them to King Herald War Tooth of Denmark. However, the runes have remained illegible, and subsequent investigations in the 17th and 18th centuries also failed to decipher them. In modern times, a Danish commission attempted to solve the mystery in 1833 but concluded that the markings were natural cracks in the rock, debunking any earlier claims about the inscription's meaning.

Next, at number 6: The Ancient Atomic Bomb.

The Mahabharata, a significant ancient Indian text, contains over 100,000 verses divided into 18 parts. Some believe it describes events from the 3rd century BC, with later parts added in the 4th century AD. Historian Kasari Mohan Ganguly theorized that the Mahabharata includes accounts of a nuclear holocaust that occurred in ancient times. The text mentions a flying Vimana launching a projectileat an enemy city, which resulted in a powerful explosion that engulfed the city in a fiery blaze. The descriptions of the explosion and its aftermath bear a resemblance to the effects of a nuclear bomb.

This interpretation has sparked debates among scholars and researchers. Some argue that the descriptions in the Mahabharata are purely metaphorical or symbolic, while others believe that they may contain hidden knowledge about ancient advanced technologies. However, there is no conclusive scientific evidence to support the claim of an ancient atomic bomb.

If you're interested in the first five, you can go to Story One to see the corresponding stories to get in the mood

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