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Any lessons to be learnt?

By Chukwurah Felix EDEPublished about a year ago 4 min read
Photo by Swapnil Bhagwat on Unsplash

1. The history of Juneteenth and its significance...Juneteenth is a holiday that commemorates the end of slavery in the United States. It is celebrated on June 19, the date when the enslaved people of Texas, the last Confederate state, learned that they were free in 1865. Juneteenth is important because it reminds us of what we came through and what we can achieve. The reason General Order Number 3 existed and the Union Army fought to enforce the Emancipation Proclamation is that slavery existed.

Juneteenth shows us that freedom and racial equality have always been a hard-fought battle for black Americans – a battle that continues to this day. It is a day to recognize emancipation at large and celebrate African American culture and achievements.

2. The Emancipation Proclamation and how it relates to Juneteenth....The Emancipation Proclamation was issued on January 1, 1863, during the midst of the Civil War. It declared that all slaves in Confederate-held territory were to be freed. However, it didn't take complete effect until June 19, 1865, when the last enslaved

Juneteenth is celebrated on June 19th because it marks the day when enslaved people in Texas learned that they were free in 1865. The Emancipation Proclamation and Juneteenth are related because Juneteenth commemorates the end of slavery in the United States and the Emancipation Proclamation was a major step towards that end.

3. The role of African American soldiers in the Civil War...African American soldiers played a significant role in the Civil War. They fought for their freedom and for the freedom of their fellow enslaved people. By the end of the war, nearly 180,000 African American men had served in the Union Army and Navy.

The role of African American soldiers in the Civil War was important because it helped to change attitudes towards African Americans and their place in society. It also helped to pave the way for the eventual abolition of slavery.

4. The impact of slavery on African American communities...The impact of slavery on African American communities is profound and far-reaching. Slavery broke up African families, and husbands, wives, and children could be sold separately because U.S. law did not legally recognize their families. The Atlantic slave trade had a negative impact on African societies and led to the long-term impoverishment of West Africa.

African Americans survived the institution of slavery and Africanized the American South. They helped free themselves by sticking together as a family, resisting, as well as wanting slavery to change. They freed themselves by 1865.

Most Americans say the legacy of slavery still affects black people in the U.S. today.

5. The importance of celebrating Juneteenth today...Juneteenth is important because it commemorates the end of slavery in the United States. Juneteenth is also important because it reminds us of what we came through and what we can achieve together.

Juneteenth shows us that freedom and racial equality have always been a hard-fought battle for black Americans – a battle that continues to this day.

6. The cultural significance of Juneteenth...Apart from being a holiday that celebrates the end of slavery in the United States. It is also a day to remember the struggles and achievements of African Americans, their struggles and their contributions to the American nation.

Juneteenth is also a day to celebrate African American culture. It is a day to celebrate the music, food, and traditions of African Americans. Many people celebrate Juneteenth with parades, picnics, and other events.

7. The role of music in Juneteenth celebrations....Music is an important part of Juneteenth celebrations. Many people celebrate Juneteenth with music that reflects the history and culture of African Americans. Music that brings hope and faith and even joy, urging us to stand and fight another day, reminding us that what we are celebrating on this holiday is our freedom to believe, even in the hardest times.

8. The role of food in Juneteenth celebrations....Food is an important part of Juneteenth celebrations. Juneteenth food is reflective of African American identity, community, and survival as a people. Red foods are the most prominent feature on the Juneteenth menu, including soda, punch, hibiscus tea, red velvet cake, red beans and rice, hot sauce, and fruits such as strawberry and watermelon. Barbecue is also a popular Juneteenth food, including pork, chicken, ribs, hot limbs, and brisket. The sides consist of "prosperity meals".

9. The importance of education about Juneteenth...Education and enlightenment about Juneteenth is important because it helps people understand the history and significance of this important holiday. It also helps people understand the struggles and achievements of African Americans and their contributions to the nation.

Many people celebrate Juneteenth with parades, picnics, and other events that help educate people about the holiday. Some people also use Juneteenth as an opportunity to talk about issues related to race and equality.

10. The future of Juneteenth...Juneteenth has been celebrated for over 150 years and is likely to continue to be celebrated in the future. In fact, Juneteenth was recently made a federal holiday in the United States, which means that it will be celebrated every year on June 19th. Juneteenth was made a federal holiday in the United States in 2021. Legislation establishing the holiday was passed by Congress on June 16, 2021, and signed into law by U.S. President Joe Biden the following day.

Celebrating Juneteenth can teach us many lessons. It can help us understand the history of slavery and the price paid by many in the struggle for freedom. It can also help us understand the importance of equality and justice.

To this day, many people celebrate Juneteenth with parades, picnics, and other events that help educate people about this freedom signifying holiday. Some people also use Juneteenth as an opportunity to talk about issues related to race and equality.


infohub.nyced.org , nmaahc.si.edu , britannica.com , cnn.com , nbcnews.com , en.wikipedia.org , gov.info.org , extension.harvard.edu , publicholidays.com

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