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A Soldier's Farewell

The Day I Saw the Light Take off Your Eyes

By Som GorgorPublished about a month ago 3 min read
A Soldier's Farewell
Photo by Hasan Almasi on Unsplash

A Soldier's Goodbye: The Day I Saw the Light Take off Your Eyes

The day I saw the light take off your eyes, I knew my life would never be the same. It was a day stamped by gunfire and chaos, the war zone a stark differentiate to the quiet recollections I held dear.

We had been companions since childhood, developing up in a little town where dreams of experience filled our heads. You were continuously the courageous one, driving us into the obscure with a intrepid smile. When war came, it was no astonish that you enrolled to begin with. I taken after, decided to observe your back as you had continuously observed mine.

We confronted endless fights together, our bond developing more grounded in the midst of the repulsions of war. But that day, everything changed.

The snare came without caution. Bullets sprinkled down on us, and the world turned into a obscure of commotion and torment. We battled side by side, but the enemy's numbers were overpowering. In the chaos, I misplaced locate of you.

Desperation drove me forward, cutting through the smoke and flotsam and jetsam until I found you. Blood recolored your uniform, and I knew—deep down—I knew you were slipping away.

I dropped to my knees close to you, supporting your head in my hands. "Remain with me, buddy," I asked, my voice choked with feeling. But the light in your eyes was blurring, the start that had continuously been there developing dim.

You attempted to talk, but the words were misplaced in a murmur of blood. I held you more tightly, tears gushing down my confront as I whispered guarantees I knew I couldn't keep. I told you we would go domestic together, that we would see our families once more, that everything would be alright.

But we both knew the truth. The day I saw the light take off your eyes, I misplaced more than a friend—I misplaced a portion of myself. The war zone developed noiseless, the battle inside me quenched by the weight of my grief.

I carried you back to our lines, your inert body a update of the fetched of war. They say time recuperates all wounds, but a few scars run as well profound. Each night, I see your confront in my dreams, your eyes filled with life and chuckling. And each morning, I wake to the cruel reality that you are gone.

The day I saw the light take off your eyes, I pledged to honor your memory. I proceed to battle, not fair for our nation, but for you—for the brother who gave everything. And in spite of the fact that the world feels darker without you, I carry your light inside me, a reference point of trust in the darkest of times.

Back in our hometown, the war feels removed, nearly dreamlike. The areas we once ran through, the stream where we angled, they all appear untouched by the shadows of fight. I visit your grave frequently, bringing blooms and sitting for hours, talking as if you might listen me. I tell you approximately the men we spared, the fights we won, and the minutes I still discover bliss in, be that as it may fleeting.

Your family treats me like one of their possess, and in their eyes, I see reflections of you—your quality, your thoughtfulness. They misplaced a child, a brother, and they, as well, battle to fill the void you cleared out behind. We share stories of you, snickering and crying in break even with degree, finding comfort in our shared grief.

War has a way of changing individuals, of carving profound lines into their souls. I’ve seen men gotten to be shadows of themselves, expended by the obscurity. But you, my companion, you were a light. You confronted the same repulsions, however you remained unwavering, a column of trust and courage.

As I proceed my travel, I endeavor to be a division of the man you were. Your bravery, your unflinching spirit—they direct me, indeed in your nonattendance. I battle not fair for the cause, but for the beliefs you encapsulated, for the guarantee of a brighter future.

The day I saw the light take off your eyes, I made a noiseless pledge: to live a life commendable of your give up, to cherish the flexibility you battled for, and to guarantee that your bequest never blurs. You may be gone, but your light sparkles on, in my heart and in the hearts of all who knew you. And that, my brother, is how you will be recalled.

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Som Gorgor

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  1. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

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    Som GorgorWritten by Som Gorgor

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