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A Soldier's Farewell

The Day I Saw the Light Leave Your Eyes

By Som GorgorPublished about a month ago 3 min read
A Soldier's Farewell
Photo by Anastase Maragos on Unsplash

The day I saw the light leave your eyes, I knew my life would never be the same. It was a day marked by gunfire and chaos, the battlefield a stark contrast to the serene memories I held dear.

We had been friends since childhood, growing up in a small town where dreams of adventure filled our heads. You were always the brave one, leading us into the unknown with a fearless grin. When war came, it was no surprise that you enlisted first. I followed, determined to watch your back as you had always watched mine.

We faced countless battles together, our bond growing stronger amidst the horrors of war. You were my brother in arms, my confidant, the one who kept me grounded. But that day, everything changed.

The ambush came without warning. Bullets rained down on us, and the world turned into a blur of noise and pain. We fought side by side, but the enemy's numbers were overwhelming. In the chaos, I lost sight of you.

Desperation drove me forward, cutting through the smoke and debris until I found you. You were lying on the ground, your eyes open but unseeing. Blood stained your uniform, and I knew—deep down—I knew you were slipping away.

I dropped to my knees beside you, cradling your head in my hands. "Stay with me, buddy," I begged, my voice choked with emotion. But the light in your eyes was fading, the spark that had always been there growing dim.

You tried to speak, but the words were lost in a gurgle of blood. I held you tighter, tears streaming down my face as I whispered promises I knew I couldn't keep. I told you we would go home together, that we would see our families again, that everything would be alright.

But we both knew the truth. The day I saw the light leave your eyes, I lost more than a friend—I lost a part of myself. The battlefield grew silent, the fight within me extinguished by the weight of my grief.

I carried you back to our lines, your lifeless body a reminder of the cost of war. They say time heals all wounds, but some scars run too deep. Every night, I see your face in my dreams, your eyes filled with life and laughter. And every morning, I wake to the harsh reality that you are gone.

The day I saw the light leave your eyes, I vowed to honor your memory. I continue to fight, not just for our country, but for you—for the brother who gave everything. And though the world feels darker without you, I carry your light within me, a beacon of hope in the darkest of times.

Back in our hometown, the war feels distant, almost surreal. The fields we once ran through, the river where we fished, they all seem untouched by the shadows of battle. I visit your grave often, bringing flowers and sitting for hours, talking as if you might hear me. I tell you about the men we saved, the battles we won, and the moments I still find joy in, however fleeting.

Your family treats me like one of their own, and in their eyes, I see reflections of you—your strength, your kindness. They lost a son, a brother, and they, too, struggle to fill the void you left behind. We share stories of you, laughing and crying in equal measure, finding solace in our shared grief.

War has a way of changing people, of etching deep lines into their souls. I’ve seen men become shadows of themselves, consumed by the darkness. But you, my friend, you were a light. You faced the same horrors, yet you remained unyielding, a pillar of hope and courage.

As I continue my journey, I strive to be a fraction of the man you were. Your bravery, your unwavering spirit—they guide me, even in your absence. I fight not just for the cause, but for the ideals you embodied, for the promise of a brighter future.

The day I saw the light leave your eyes, I made a silent vow: to live a life worthy of your sacrifice, to cherish the freedom you fought for, and to ensure that your legacy never fades. You may be gone, but your light shines on, in my heart and in the hearts of all who knew you. And that, my brother, is how you will be remembered.

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Som Gorgor

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    Som GorgorWritten by Som Gorgor

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