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5 Mysterious Historical Finds and Discoveries

Mysterious Historical Finds and Discoveries That Will Blow Your Mind

By TestPublished 5 months ago 3 min read

Historians and archaeologists spend much of their time scanning through historical texts or digging up human remains in the name of science. Sometimes, they do come across things that are a bit more mind-boggling. Here are some of the most mysterious historical finds and discoveries

1. Rare metal from Atlantis recovered from a shipwreck

Gleaming cast metal called Calcom, which was said by ancient Greeks to be found in the legendary Atlantis, has been recovered from a ship that sunk 2600 years ago off the coast of Sicily. The 39 Ingots were arriving in Jayla in southern Sicily, possibly coming from Greece War Asia Minor. The ship that was carrying them was likely caught in a storm and sunk just when it was about to enter the port.

Ori Calcom has long been considered a mysterious metal, its composition and origin widely debated. According to ancient Greeks, it was invented by Cadmus, a Greek mythological character. Ori Calcom became legendary when the Greek philosopher Plato mentioned it in the Cr's dialogue with his description of Atlantis being a realm that flashes with the red light of the mysterious metal.

2. Mysterious discs found near Vrad, Russia

A team of investigators in Russia found more than a dozen Stone discs in the Vrad region. According to a Russian news Outlet, an expedition by the Russian euphology group Cosmop pois discovered these discs in a ridge near Vogal grad on September 9th, 2015. Several similar discs have been found in the region recently, some only about a meter in diameter.

The nature of the discs remains a mystery, but ethologists who examined them reported that part of it consists of the metal tension. They also concluded that the discs could be about a million years old. The suggestion that part of the stone discs is tons of metal is significant because it strengthens the notion that the disc is a product of alien space technology. The metal is very hard and has a very high density, thus it is used in projectiles designed to penetrate armor. It also has the unique distinction of the highest melting point of all elements, thus it is used to build parts exposed to extreme heat. This disc is reportedly being studied by experts and is now on display at the Zurovski Museum.

3. Mummy found inside a 1,000-year-old Buddha statue

A shocking discovery was made in February when researchers studied a Chinese Buddha statue and found the mummified remains of a Buddhist monk. The monk is believed to be Chinese Master Leoen of the Chinese meditation school who died around 1100 AD. The finding may reflect an example of self-mummification, where monks undertook years of grueling rituals to mummify themselves to death. The practice was also widespread in Japan starting over 1,000 years ago and continued until it was banned in the 19th century.

4. Mysterious anomalies in the Great Pyramid of Giza

Considered by many as one of the most important discoveries of the Pyramid of Giza, scans of the pyramids on the outskirts of Cairo have found several thermal anomalies that may be explained by voids behind the surface. The results have come just two weeks into the operations scam pyramids, which will last until the end of 2016. The scientific mission uses non-invasive visualization techniques, including 3D scans with lasers and drones, to see inside the pyramids. The investigation has found one particularly impressive anomaly at the Kufu pyramid, the only one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World still standing, in the largest pyramid ever built. Anomalies and thermal measurements can be explained by the presence of cavities, internal air currents, or different materials with specific thermal capacity, meaning it could be secret rooms, treasures, or a bunch of hidden mummies ready to bring about the mummy apocalypse.

5. The stone circles of Turpan Basin

Approximately 200 mysterious Stone circles dot the landscape in the hot and unforgiving Gobi desert. These man-made stone formations sitting on top of the sand near Turpan City in Northwestern China may be up to 4500 years old. The stone formations are arranged in various designs of circles and squares, and it is reported that some of the circles are composed of rocks that aren't native to the area and may have been brought from far away for this specific purpose.

These are just some of the many mysterious historical finds and discoveries that have been uncovered in recent years. While some of these findings may seem to be the stuff of science fiction, they remind us that there is still so much to learn about our past and the world around us.

World HistoryResearchPlacesDiscoveriesAncientAnalysis

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