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Ancient Egyptian Lost City & Buddha Statue Discovered in The GRAND CANYON?!

There was a front-page newspaper report that an ancient underground Egyptian or Asian city was found inside the Grand Canyon

By TestPublished 5 months ago 3 min read

The Grand Canyon is one of the most breathtaking natural wonders in the world. Its vast expanse and stunning beauty have captivated visitors for generations. From hiking to simply taking in the view, there is something truly magical about this iconic landmark. But, as it turns out, there may be much more to the Grand Canyon than meets the eye.

Recently, a story has resurfaced about the discovery of an underground city in the Marble Canyon region of the Grand Canyon. The story was featured on the front page of the April 5th, 1909 edition of the Arizona Gazette and detailed the findings of explorer GE Kinkaid, who was funded by the Smithsonian.

According to the news article, Kinkaid was exploring the Colorado River alone and looking for minerals when he spotted strange formations in the rock about 2,000 feet above the riverbed, approximately 40 miles upriver from Crystal Canyon. He saw a cave entrance that was 1,486 feet down from a cliff and, despite the difficulty in accessing it, Kinkaid decided to investigate.

What he found was remarkable and history-changing. Kinkaid discovered a long passageway connecting hundreds of rooms. The rooms were about the size of ordinary living rooms of today, though some were 30 by 40 feet square. These were entered by oval-shaped doors and were ventilated by round air spaces through the walls into the passages. The walls were about 3 feet 6 inches in thickness, and inside the rooms were all sorts of artifacts, such as weapons, copper instruments, and more.

But the most surprising discovery was yet to come. In some of the rooms, artifacts were found that "doubtless had their origin in the Orient," including a large Buddha statue sitting cross-legged with a lotus flower or lily in each hand. In other rooms, ancient Egyptian artifacts were found, such as vases, urns, and cups of copper and gold. Over doorways and tablets of stone were mysterious hieroglyphics, and in one of the largest chambers, mummies were discovered. Some of the mummies were covered with clay, and all were wrapped in a bark fabric. All the mummies examined have proved to be male, and there were no children or females buried there. This leads to the belief that this section was the warrior spirits.

The underground city was so enormous that it was estimated that around 50,000 people could have lived there comfortably. This discovery challenges everything we think we know about our own history, not just about who made it first to the Americas, but what else have we missed? What might we find tomorrow or next week that could completely change something else that we are teaching in our history books?

If this is real, it would change the history books from all around the world. It would not only force us to reevaluate the sea-bearing abilities of the ancient Egyptians, but it would challenge everything we think we know about our own history. Not just about who made it first to the Americas, but what else have we missed? What might we find tomorrow or next week that could completely change something else that we are teaching in our history books?

What's so interesting about all of this is that if the discovery is accurate, it would mean that ancient civilizations from Asia and Egypt went on vacation because they heard about how awesome the Grand Canyon is. They came, thought it was beautiful, and decided to stay. If you start examining some historical stories and legends from China, Egypt, and the Native Americans in the area, it all sort of connects together. For example, the ancient Egyptians had very advanced sea-bearing capabilities, and the scenes carved into the walls of ancient Egyptian temples tell of a remarkable sea voyage a fleet of cargo ships, exotic plants, animals and precious incense navigates through high ocean waves on a journey from a mysterious land, a land of the gods.

The Grand Canyon is full of mystery and wonder, and it's clear that we still have much to learn about its secrets. As we continue to explore this incredible landmark, who knows what else we might discover?

World HistoryResearchPlacesDiscoveriesAncientAnalysis

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