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The Funniest Star Wars Parodies, Spoofs, and Sketches

Laugh it up, fuzzball.

By Sarah QuinnPublished 8 years ago 5 min read

When it comes to Star Wars humor, there is seriously a LOT to choose from. Robot Chicken Star Wars, Jeffrey Brown's Vader's Little Princess and Darth Vader and Son, and a plethora of hilarious Star Wars t-shirts didn't even make my final cut (but go check them out too). The short and long videos, Twitter accounts, comedy sketches, and art that you'll see below are my favorites because they keep the spirit of the canonical films without taking things too seriously. Some are new on the scene, some are old classics, but each of them is another great way to enjoy the best movies ever made.

We all have that one friend who’s never seen Star Wars but thinks they know what it’s all about - and, maddeningly enough, really doesn’t care to know more. One filmmaker used his friend’s lack of knowledge to his advantage and created this hilarious video which won the George Lucas award at the 2009 Star Wars Fan Film Contest. What impresses me the most is that as he’s recording her, he doesn’t drown out her explanation with guffaws.

Very Lonely Luke

Remember that beautiful scene when Rey finds Luke at the end of The Force Awakens and they’re just standing there, staring into each other’s eyes all meaningfully, and then only after you walked out of the theatre did you go, “Wait. He’s been there that WHOLE TIME?” The parody Twitter account Very Lonely Luke brilliantly shares the self-exiled Jedi’s thoughts with the world. Here are a few samples:

“When Kylo was born, Leia wouldn't let me hold him. "It's OK," I said. "I have steady hands.” Leia cleared her throat. "Hand," she said.”

“There won't be any more Skywalker family reunions. My parents are dead. My nephew is a jerk. My sister and I shouldn't be alone together.”

“I thought Kylo and Han had a dysfunctional relationship. Then I remembered my dad & I bonded over killing an old man. Our family has issues.”

“Leia said I only ran away to get attention. She was very wrong. I had an important mission. This ocean wasn't going to stare at itself.”

And if you don’t want to scroll through all of them (not sure I understand that, but ok), here’s a roundup of the top ten best Very Lonely Luke tweets.

Eddie Izzard has long been one of my favorite comedians, and his send-up of Darth Vader absolutely kills me (with a tray). If you’re not familiar with Eddie Izzard, I highly recommend watching one of his many stand-up shows like Dress to Kill on YouTube before you check this out. The next question: how does Darth Vader eat without taking off the mask?

Emo Kylo Ren 

As much as I love Very Lonely Luke, I don’t know if I can say for SURE that it’s my favorite Star Wars parody twitter account because Emo Kylo Ren is so, so good. Some examples of the genius send-up of Kylo’s emo ways:

“first i will reunite my chemical romance, next the empire”

“you can't appreciate the imperial march until you hear it on vinyl”

“*applies black eyeliner* My parents don't understand me and I hate them *applies black helmet*”

Bad Dad Han Solo

A great companion Twitter account to Emo Kylo Ren, Bad Dad Han Solo imagine’s everyone’s favorite scoundrels as a less-than-impressed father. You can hardly blame him - Ben isn’t *exactly* the perfect son. Two of my favorites:

“How many "Kylos" does it take to screw in a lightbulb? None, they all sit in the dark and cry.”

“I'm captain of the Millennium Falcon. What are you captain of, Ben? Hot Topic?”

The Modern Adventures of Han and Ben 

So if you just can’t get enough of the back-and-forth Twitter banter between Emo Kylo Ren and Bad Dad Han Solo, there’s also The Modern Adventures of Han and Ben, a Tumblr by Mamalaz with reinterpreted GIFs of Adam Driver and Harrison Ford (not just from Star Wars). It’s pretty black humor, so if it’s still too soon for you to deal with Han Solo’s tragic demise, you might have to forego this one until you can gather the emotional strength to face it.

Think about it! Those weren’t bad guys - they were just trying to support their families and make a decent living wage!

This totally takes me back to freshman year of college, when my roommate and I tried to sing (rap?) this in a car full of guys and they were strangely unimpressed.

It’s not the East or the West side (no it is not)

It’s not the North or the South side (no it is not)

It’s the DARK SIDE (you are correct)

Star Wars Reimagined as Calvin and Hobbes

If there’s one thing that I love almost as much as Star Wars, it’s definitely Calvin and Hobbes. Around my house, it’s quoted like some people quote Shakespeare or the Bible. So when I saw these geniusForce Awakens/Calvin and Hobbes mashups from Brian Kesinger, a story artist for Marvel and Disney Animation Studios, I fell in love instantly. As Kesinger says in a Bored Panda interview, “Everyone has cherished memories of ‘Calvin and Hobbes’ and ‘Star Wars'. It's like the peanut butter and chocolate of pop culture.” True dat. Grab some Reese’s Pieces while you’re at it so you can simultaneous reference E.T. and you’ll be in crossover heaven.

So technically, Chad Vader, a grocery store assistant manager, is Darth Vader’s brother. But since the voice and the costume and the mannerisms are exactly the same, we basically just get to watch Darth Vader trying to hit on a cashier, suck up to the manager, and deal with incompetent stock clerks. It’s like the perfect combination of Star Wars and Superstore. If you like it, there are FOUR entire ten episode seasons to chuckle at (and yet they canceled Firefly after ONE SEASON??).

Star Wars, remade by the people who love it the most. Developer Casey Pugh crowdsourced Star Wars: A New Hope in its entirety, from the beginning to end. You get the same amazingly nostalgic film, but recreated shot for shot by nearly 1,000 people in 15-second increments. There’s almost everything you can imagine: foreign languages and accents, live action, animation in more styles than you knew existed, families, friends, and more, and you could never possibly get bored (well of course not, it’s Star Wars). One minute you’re looking at a Darth Vader dad holding his Princess Leia toddler; the next moment we’re back to hand-drawn animation. What makes it so awesome for me is the way I can play the original film in my head at the same time I’m watching it completely reinterpreted. It’s one of the most weirdly beautiful things I’ve ever seen. Update: I just asked my husband if he wanted to watch the entire thing for a date AND HE SAID NO. What have I done. If you're more successful in getting movie buddies to enjoy it with you, don't forget to check out The Empire Strikes Back, which is now also available.

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About the Creator

Sarah Quinn

I'm a writer in love with India, Stars Wars, fantasy, travel, and Thai curries. My childhood heroes were Luke Skywalker and Joan of Arc. I muse on superheroes, sci-fi, feminism, and more.

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    Sarah QuinnWritten by Sarah Quinn

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