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The Black Panther

By: Travae Jones

By Travae JonesPublished 4 years ago 4 min read

Thank You...

It's hard to find the words to thank you for what you meant to me, and a nation that needed a hero. You were more than images on a screen, or a character in a screen-write. The divinity embedded in your speech as well as your aura inspires generations. By you living out the King of Wakanda it gave the nation of blacks hope for a heaven on earth. We as a black nation have endured so much hell just to be seen as people, that we lost the written message that we are more precious than rubies and finer than gold. You have given us a hope in tomorrow that though we aren't prepared to lead, we were created long ago with everything we will need in life.


In your death, there is a light of life that shines on. We see more of you than ever before. We see you flowing effortlessly with every stride across the vast open plains of Zion. You introduced us to Wakanda, our chosen nation that represents the kingdom from which we call home but have never yet been. Your rule, was one of majestic servitude to not only our black nation, but to the entire world. You were accurately hand-crafted years ago to be the king that would empower a people's mind, that haven't broken free from the mental enslavement that has plagued them. Black Panther you are movement and not a movie or a moment. Thank you for showing us that you are someone we can attain to be, and be better than. Thank you for giving us a marker for expectation, so that we can exceed that expectation and become Black Panthers in our own lives.

Your battle physically in silence, but the covering over your spirit allowed you to triumph in public. Everyone only saw the aura of your divine gifting, and never your deepest pain. You are blessed and have shown us that legacy is more important than any materialistic thing this world could ever provide. You have ignited a people whose dormant sleep can no longer exist, and that it is time to rise in unity. You've left us with more than we could ask in such a short time span of your reign. Every smile, every hug, every kind hearted word and gesture empower a people who for 400+ years have felt powerless. Your being is an echo from ages past and a charge for action(s) for eons forward. No longer do we have to wait to be the Kings and Queens in the lives we live every day. No longer do we have to allow afflictions to win over our calling. That is what you have shown us, that we are more than conquerors.

There is no greater calling than that of a calling that inspires a nation to be more. Not just more in the sense of utilizing your gifting, but to be more for the world around you. The true essence of spiritual wealth is to understand that to give will ALWAYS better than receiving anything. This world is fallen, but that doesn't mean we need to fall short of giving our gift to this world.

In just a short time you have given more to the black nation than you could ever imagine. Actually, let me stop for a second a rephrase my reference to our people. We are not a nation classified by our skin color; we are a blessed nation protected by an invisible covering that allows us to thrive in seclusion. However, from the development of that seclusion comes a momentum of action to serve all the world. WE ARE WAKANDA!! We are not some fairy tale that has been white-washed by the history of past. We are an ever-present future that blares with the triumph of humility, serving, and the calming nature of being humble.

On Friday, August 28th 2020 my heart was heavy in sorrow and pain that we lost a King of virtue. However, on Saturday, August 29th 2020, I am infused with love, joy, and a power that I can do all things through the One True King above us. You are going to a place prepared for you where there is no more pain. A place where only love, prosperity, and the truly living of the kingdom reside. We are forever grateful for the love you've shared while here. We are forever grateful for the countless words of hope and strength you've spoken to us. We are forever grateful for allowing the kingdom of Zion to flow through you to embody a glimpse of Zion on earth. We will not let your memory die in vain, we will not have it no. We are a chosen people. We are a risen people. We are a divine people.


In Loving Memory of Chadwick Boseman 1976-2020


About the Creator

Travae Jones

All glory and honor to God! The People’s Champ must be everything people can’t be.

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