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Secret Invasion

Episode 4

By Alexandrea CallaghanPublished 10 months ago 3 min read

3 episodes in and the show is still very underwhelming. I was really hoping the halfway point would be a turning moment for the short series but that was not the case. I have no expectations and very little hope for episode 4 but generally speaking this is the worst Disney+ MCU show to date.

Now I knew as soon as Emilia Clark’s character was shot in the last episode that it probably wasn’t going to actually kill her, but my criticism of how they have handled her character thus far still stands. She had, before that interaction that got her shot, gotten into their super Skrull machine (still an absolutely dipshit idea).

So here’s the thing with the superhero machine, it's a very comic book thing to do. Which would be great, comic books are and have always been very campy and adding some of that into the adaptations is amazing. IF it's done consistently. But the MCU has taken these comic book characters and storylines and adapted them with sincerity, gutting them of any goof or camp. So when something that would be brilliant is inserted into sincerity it looks stupid. Also how does it even work? Like it gives them superpowers based on what? Because Gravik popped out with some Groot shit and some red glowy healing bullshit. It doesn’t even make any sense.

We have what I think is supposed to be a very sweet interaction between Fury and his wife. But again the problem is that the writing isn’t consistent with MCU Fury. It also didn’t set up their relationship at all. So when they part ways it's supposed to be bittersweet and there is supposed to be some kind of hurt and longing there but there just isn't. The scene is completely devoid of emotion.

And then we move to Fury clearly knowing that Rhodey is a Skrull. I will excuse the inconsistent writing for Rhodey and say that in fiction, it's because the Skrulls are getting so confident and arrogant in their plan that they aren’t even trying to blend in anymore. Now I firmly believe that is giving the writers far too much credit, but we’ve got to give the benefit of the doubt occasionally otherwise there is nothing redeemable about this show.

With the credits, intro and recap the actual content of the episode only lasted about 28 minutes…so not only did nothing happen. But so much of nothing happened. Oh Talos died, and I guess that’s important because it's going to spawn Gia to actually DO something, maybe, probably not. She continues to be a wildly useless character. As is Fury’s wife. Every woman that has shown her face on this show has been nothing but a plot device and it's embarrassing. Read comics, don’t read comics. I don't really care at this point, but can we stop treating fictional women as second class citizens please? It’s 2023 for fucks sake, why am I still watching unsympathetic men run around like chickens with their heads cut off while using the women around them to further their bullshit causes that the audience doesn’t even care about.

The show continues to be a massive disappointment, the 4th episode is truly just boring, the pacing is terrible and absolutely nothing was accomplished. It felt like a bunch of scenes that the writers thought they needed all just shoved together because they didn’t make any narrative sense anywhere else. Well guess what guys, they didn’t make any narrative sense here either. Secret Invasion is Disney+ absolute worst production so far, like by a lot. It's not even close.

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About the Creator

Alexandrea Callaghan

Certified nerd, super geek and very proud fangirl.

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