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My Review of "Ms. Marvel: Season 1"

There's something familiar with this series but very different at the same time.

By Brian AnonymousPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Ms. Marvel: Season 1 has just finished up on Disney Plus. There's a lot to like in this series and also a lot of familiarity as well. Here we give yet another unknown Marvel character to some spotlight. It also continues Marvel's quest to inclusivity for their Marvel cinematic universe.

The series starts off very much like an innocent high school TV show. Of course the twist is that it takes place in the MCU. Here we get introduced to Kamala. She's a Pakastani-American and she's obsessed with Captain Marvel. Joining alongside Kamala is Bruno her best bud. He also happens to be a science genius.

Already the show starts to feel like pretty much all of the comic book shows and movies back in the early 2000s. That feeling is sprinkled throughout the season and it's not a terrible thing. It just brings back memories of movies like Sky High and Zoom. It's familiar territory and who better to make this than Marvel and Disney?

Kamala wants to go to Avenger-Con which is basically a convention dedicated to the Avengers because they're such celebrities. We saw glimpses of this in the Hawkeye TV series. Being geeks themselves, Kamala and Bruno plan to create the best Captain Marvel cosplay costume they can.

They're going to use everything in their arsenal; Kamala's artistic prowess, Bruno's genius in technology and a little something from Kamala's family. Unfortunately Kamala's family is a pretty strict household. They don't want her to go to Avenger-Con because they're scared for her safety.

This is a common theme that runs through much of the series. Family is extremely important to Kamala and it is an integral part of the show. She actually gains special ability from an ancient heirloom from her great grandmother.

As the series continues we learn more and more about Kamala's family history. It's beautifully presented to us because it also teaches us more about the hostilities that Pakastani's had to go through back in the day. Most of the war tensions that they describe in this series aren't really taught in North American history books. So a lot of this show is also a bit of history and cultural lessons for the rest of us.

I love how they implemented a lot of their culture into this series. We tend to forget that not too long ago Muslim families were chastised here in North America. They live in New Jersey so I'm sure they had to deal with a large amount of racism shortly after the events of 9/11. Unfortunately they don't go deep into that but it reminded me that it was certainly an issue from the past we've quickly forgotten.

That lends itself well into the main story when the authorities are trying to find Kamala and super beings that surround her. This is a group that has been continuously persecuted and now they're going to have the authorities searching them again.

Interestingly enough they also brought a concept of forgiveness throughout the show. Bad things will happen obviously but the characters in this show are able to forgive regardless of the evils that were brought upon them. This could be a religious thing but there is a lot of heart in this show.

You can feel it through the chemistry of the cast and the formulaic ending of the series. That's not to say that it's bad. I just felt that it was like watching comfort food. I knew that I've seen this before but I was still sucked into it.

Overall, it was a very fun season despite the fact that it was quite predictable and felt like it tread the same track as movies and shows did in the past. The most important part of the show was that it was fun. Seeing as it is quite family friendly I can see this series prosper as well. I have to give this season a 7 out of 10. Hopefully Kamala's family will continue to be an integral part of her stories to come.


About the Creator

Brian Anonymous

I have tons of opinions that change constantly. I watch a lot of movies and play video games. There are some articles on my struggles with languages and dance as well.

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