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My Review of "Thor: Love and Thunder"

I can see both sides as to why this movie is so polarized.

By Brian AnonymousPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Thor: Love and Thunder has just come out this weekend and for a lot of you out there it is what you expected it to be. This could also be the reason why this movie is so polarized in the mainstream media.

The movie starts off in a much more serious tone than we expect from the latter entry Thor: Ragnarok 5 years ago. We get introduced to the new supervillain named Gorr.

He's a tragic character that I think a lot of people can identify with. He's devout in his religion to his god. This all changes in his darkest moment of his life. Somehow he's able to speak to his religious deity and finds out the god he worshipped is basically a terrible person.

There's an evil sword that gets drawn to him because of his anger and fury at the thought of his worship had no real meaning. When Gorr accepts the sword he enacts his revenge on his so called god and devotes himself to killing all the other so called gods.

We then transport to Thor's backstory where we see what he's been doing since the Avengers: Endgame. Basically he's been fighting bullies all over the galaxy with the Guardians of the Galaxy. He's got himself back into shape and has been meditating on his life.

This all comes to a midpoint where he discovers there's something missing in his life. He eventually parts ways with the Guardians of the Galaxy to further discover himself. It goes into a self reflection on his relationship with Jane who was his love of his life. It kind of becomes pretty obvious where this goes.

Since Thor is the god of thunder of course Gorr will be coming after him soon. Luckily the movie is quite entertaining but some purists can find the movie quite off putting. The reason why a lot of people are not too happy with this movie is because of the many holes that this movie creates in the MCU. There are an absurd amount of continuity issues with this movie and the rest of the MCU.

If you can get your mind off of that you can have a pretty good time watching this movie. Sure sometimes the jokes can get a little stale after a while. There are these screaming goats that Thor is gifted from some planet that had the audience in my movie theatre roaring in laughter. Unfortunately that laughter soon died after the joke reared its ugly head over and over again. That could be said with a few of the odd jokes that are sprinkled throughout this movie.

These jokes aren't very surprising though. All of Taika Waititi's movies have the same type of humor throughout his career. I for one enjoy this type of humor but if you didn't like the jokes in Ragnarok I'm sure you're not going to like how this movie plays out either. Tonally this movie can seem like it's all over the place but that manic feeling is what we kind of liked about Ragnarok in the first place.

I do have to say that the last act of this movie was quite entertaining. The artistic direction of that last portion of the movie was pretty incredible and I didn't think I'd be blown away by it.

Also does anyone notice the crazy amounts of Guns n' Roses references in this movie? It was like they were going to be a Guns n' Roses rock opera at certain points of the movie. I love Guns n' Roses but some of the references were a bit on the nose.

Overall, I really liked this movie but I understand why some people can be upset about it. It's all person opinion and I can't say anyone is wrong for their own opinions. For me it's always about entertainment value that I got out of the movie and that's why I give this movie a 7 out of 10. It's a fun ride and if you liked Thor Ragnorok I can see you having fun with this one as well.


About the Creator

Brian Anonymous

I have tons of opinions that change constantly. I watch a lot of movies and play video games. There are some articles on my struggles with languages and dance as well.

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