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Comparing the Witcher Show to Its Video Game

They are different, just let them be different

By Mae McCreeryPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

The Witcher has captivated audiences through books, video games, and now a Netflix Series; but seriously stop comparing them all.

I am a huge fan of the books by Andrzej Sapkowski, the books are wonderfully written with wit and humor but also a lot of action that doesn't feel forced. You can fall into the books as easily as falling into a big comfy chair, the fantasy world that is presented isn't difficult to understand , that's right I'm looking at you Game of Thrones.

I've never played the video games but my friends that have love them, they've never read the books but they love the storylines and characters pulled from the books to create the interactive game they love so much.

We all watched the show together and we all love it in our ways. I love Geralt not just because Henry Cavill is gorgeous, but because I can see how much he loves this character and how much he wants to represent him properly. When an actor loves their character you can always tell, and Cavill loves this character.

My friends loved some of the stories that were either the same or similar to ones from the game. They loved the monsters and the fight scenes, the graphics took them completely by surprise and by the end of the first season they were already getting the books to read them.

So, whenever I see someone online start b!tching and moaning about how the show is 'an abomination to the video games' it's frustrating.

Because I think if you're going to compare the show to another medium, please take the following into consideration:

  • The books came first
  • The video games weren't designed to tell the stories verbatim
  • the books came first
  • video games are more about the interactive action rather than the stories
  • the BOOKS came FIRST
  • most of the characters in the video games are described completely differently in the books

I cannot believe how many people are peeved about Triss not being a redhead, Yennefer in general, how badass Ciri isn't, when Geralt does or doesn't do something, if a creature looks different than the video game, or god forbid that Vesemir is slightly different from the games.

I will give you Roach not being stuck on a roof. I love those memes.

But seriously, let it go. The video games are not very truthful to the books to begin with so it's completely idiotic to compare the games to the show and call it unfaithful.

For example, in the books Triss is described as having a lithe and athletic figure that is decked in teals and blues and she has full dark hair that hangs loosely around her shoulders. She's very proud of her full hair and says that it's a sign of female power because only free women let their hair free like that. She's of average height and is adept at magic and potions but she actually has an allergy to the magic taught at Aretuza, if she gets sick or injured she can't use magic on herself because it just makes it worse. They don't talk about her skin tone but others describe her as having kind of olive colored skin, she's supposed to look an exotic model basically.

So I find it absolutely hilarious in the video game that she's a tall, skinny, fair skinned redhead. She looked like how the 'it' girls were suppose to look when the games came out. She actually kind of reminded me of Leeloo from the Fifth Element.

Then, all the whiner babies of the video games were suddenly having hissy fits left and right because in the first season of the Witcher Triss had black hair. Honestly, I love that actress, I hate the character but that's a whole other article I'm working on.

I was disappointed that they gave Triss red hair in the second season, honestly it takes away from that actress's gorgeous exterior. Plus they gave no explanation for how she got the red hair. Season two picks up right where season one left and so after the battle of Sodden Hill, Triss is injured and taken to a healer because she is badly wounded. And then while being treated she has red hair. They don't even add in a line about how the magic could have changed her hair. It's a cop out and it sucks.

So if you're one of those people who thinks that the series should be more faithful to the video games than the books, well please take this respectfully; f&%$ no.


About the Creator

Mae McCreery

I’m a 29 year old female that is going through a quarter life crisis. When my dream of Journalism was killed, I thought I was over writing forever. Turns out, I still have a lot to say.

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