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Books to Check Out: September 2021

Another batch of fun, dynamic reads

By SamPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

I’m so incredibly happy with the books I read this month. Only picking three books to recommend after the insane number of audiobooks I’ve consumed was tricky, but I have a nice selection of all sorts of different things. It’s always fun to read so many different genres and types of writing. So here we go, take a look at the awesome stories I dove into this past month.

The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs by Steve Brusatte

Oh hell yeah. I was a dinosaur kid growing up, and I’ve always stayed fascinated with those super cool prehistoric beasts. I had to read a book all about the history of the dinosaurs.

This book is such a great crash course in everything dinosaur. There’s a huge section about T-rex, for all those fellow rex fans out there, discussions about dinosaur evolution, and a comprehensive timeline that’s easy to keep straight. I love reading non-fiction that’s accessible and informational, and this book easily delivers on both.

Non-fiction doesn’t nearly get as much love as fiction, so I highly recommend this one due to its fun subject and how easily it’ll suck you in. Dinosaurs are literally the coolest, and you can’t change my mind. Who doesn’t want to learn about dinosaurs?! Not to mention, Brusatte isn’t just a lifeless narrator, he tells all about history and scientific discoveries with personality and wit. It’s very engaging with the audience, and it’s a ride you’ll be sure to enjoy.

One to Watch by Kate Stayman-London

If you know me, you’ll know that I love watching The Bachelor/Bachelorette/Bachelor in Paradise, you get the idea. It’s my favorite dumb reality tv, so much so that I’ve gotten my roommates into it with me.

One to Watch combines so many of the familiar aspects of the show with the new twist; the main bachelorette, protagonist Bea, is a plus-size woman. The story chronicles all the stigma and hate directed toward her while she’s in this role that’s always taken by women who are skinnier and more “conventionally attractive” than she is.

What I love about this book is that it’s such a smart take on a popular concept in our modern world: reality dating shows. There’s the internet hate, the in person hate, the struggles of trying to fit beauty standards, and so on. They really leave no stone unturned when it comes to showing every opinion out there about body positivity and how it has such a profound effect on society. There are parts that brought me to tears, and parts that were also genuinely uplifting. I think this is a great fiction book that almost anyone can read and enjoy.

The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

This was such an amazing read to round out the month. The Inheritance Games is one of the latest young adult series that’s been taking people by storm, and I can see why. Though there are tons of familiar character archetypes and tropes, I was never bored, and in fact I raced through this one much quicker than I thought it would.

The story follows Avery Grambs, a random nobody, suddenly being given the entire inheritance of an insanely rich old man she’s never heard of. Why would Tobias Hawthorne give her everything, and not the children or four grandsons he left behind? The whole book is a mystery, and I was thrilled to work things out along with the characters. The four grandsons have their own personalities that makes their interactions interesting, Avery herself has a strong personality, and there’s a host of other supporting characters that I fell in love with. Not to mention, the twist at the end was something that totally threw me a curveball. I immediately went out and bought the sequel, (which just came out at the beginning of September!) and I imagine anyone who gives this fun mystery a chance will do as well.

I should also offer some honorable mentions. When I said I read a ton this month, I really mean it. I read the classic Black Beauty, and the third and final book in the Themis Files series, Only Humans (check out reviews for books one and two here). Both were a ton of fun, and a breeze to get through. With that said, there’s lots more reading you could be doing instead of reading this, so go pick up a book!


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