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A life of commitments

The need for commitments

By Barnabas PayamPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Usage thought that a city without form is a life without commitments to its life. If there is no commitment to a nation or a state or a district or a village or a family or a man, then the vagaries reign.

If we look carefully and suggest that there is no development in the tribal tribes in the forest, they have many commitments in their life. They make commitments to do whatever they want to do. Because of those commitments they made commitments to not behave like beasts. People in cities see them as trinkets.

If we refer to developed cities, they are brutal cities with vagrancy, crimes, robberies, adulteries, frauds and many other evils. It can be said that the lives of people in developed cities have their behaviors because cities do not have proper commitments to behave badly with people.

It can be said that living with commitments is a proof of man's wisdom. There are many reasons why man has to make these commitments unlike any other living being, otherwise human survival would have ended at some point.

Our elders tell us the reasons for each norm. There is a reason behind every norm. Hence it can be said that the norm is formed. A norm formed without a reason does not last long.

Even if there are situations that make a mockery of previous commitments depending on the current situation, such previous situations are repeated again and again. In such a situation, a situation arises where we have to follow the commitments that we have mocked.

In this period too there are commitments, without which the human being would have become a beast and human survival would have been extinct. Every family has its own norms. If there were no such commitments, there would be unrest in the family and without unity, the tree would not be born and live separate lives, having relationships with each other or living according to their wishes.

We still live like this because the commitments that boundaries are boundaries are between man and man. Every individual must have commitments or else he becomes a human beast and a slave to society.

We know that a society is made up of their commitments and we say that whoever behaves in a way that harms that society is a criminal. Criminals are segregated from society and imprisoned. In prison, training are given in a suitable manner for the commitments. People who do not conform to those training are sentenced to death. And with many methods, they are trained to live in a suitable way for the society and they are given the right to live in the society by training them until they get changed.

Because there are some kind of commitments, the society is formed and life is happening in the society by correcting the commitments in favor of the society.

It is common for those who do not know the value of commitments to mock those who live by commitments. Because those who do not know the value of commitments and live contrary to commitments according to their own will, their actions show their behavior. That is why they keep saying that we are not slaves to commitments.

They are people who live with commitments but have good relationship with them and live with the society. They achieve anything with unity.

Commitments are very necessary for a kingdom to be formed, a kingdom without commitments cannot stand. A kingdom without commitments is also known as a kingdom of demons. They have no bindings and the deities are not coherent with each other.

Humans seek peace, harmony and unity, so they must have a society with a life of commitments.

Everyone's life should have commitments otherwise the society will see them as strange animals.

fact or fictionhumanityliterature

About the Creator

Barnabas Payam

I write my writings humorously, poetically and artistically about the changes in the spiritual condition of human beings to live peacefully and cheerfully.

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