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Game Development Chronicles

How much can you make from a video game? Personal experience.

By Arthur MakaryanPublished about a year ago 4 min read

Unveiling My Journey into Game Development: From Programming Courses to Creative Ventures.

Every great journey starts with a spark of inspiration. For me, it began at the age of 18 when I delved into the captivating world of game development. My name is Arthur, and this is the story of my personal quest to create something remarkable in the realm of gaming. Join me as I take you through my experiences, from attending programming courses to finding my passion in game development and discovering the power of creativity.

At the tender age of 17, I embarked on a journey of programming by enrolling in programming courses. It was during this time that I was introduced to the fascinating languages of C++ and JavaScript. C++, in particular, caught my attention with its powerful capabilities and versatility. As I delved deeper into coding, I realized that it was more than just solving problems; it was the art of crafting solutions that could bring ideas to life.

My first foray into game development came with the introduction of Pygame, a Python library for creating games. Despite being unfamiliar with Python at the time, I quickly grasped its syntax and began writing code using Pygame. Fueling my passion for game development was my natural talent for drawing, particularly in pixel art style. Leveraging my artistic abilities, I created captivating pixel art assets for my games, adding a unique touch to my creations.

Inspiration can strike from unexpected sources, and for me, it came in the form of a minigame called "Consumo" from the renowned game "Bully" by Rockstar Games. Drawn to its charm and gameplay mechanics, I decided to create my very first game inspired by "Consumo." While it may have seemed peculiar, it ignited my creative spirit and fueled my determination to craft an engaging gaming experience.

As I delved deeper into game development, I recognized the need for a powerful game engine to streamline the development process. Enter Godot Engine—a free and open-source game engine that caught my attention. Already well-versed in Python, transitioning to Godot's scripting language, GDScript, was a seamless experience. Its simplicity and intuitive interface captivated me, opening up a world of possibilities for my creative ventures.

Armed with newfound knowledge and the capabilities of Godot Engine, I embarked on creating my own game, driven by a desire to bring my creative visions to life. With each line of code, every pixel art asset, and every design decision, I poured my heart and soul into my game. The process was both challenging and rewarding, pushing me to constantly refine my skills and embrace the boundless realm of creativity.

Evolving the Concept and Development Challenges

As I embarked on the creation of my first game, the initial concept underwent a transformation. Inspired by Flappy Bird's addictive gameplay, I decided to give my game a similar appeal. The idea of a piggy navigating through challenging obstacles while carrying a basketball to score points emerged, injecting a unique twist into the gameplay. I meticulously crafted the game mechanics, brainstormed obstacle designs, and fine-tuned the controls to strike the perfect balance between difficulty and enjoyment.

Embracing my passion for pixel art, I embarked on creating the visual elements of the game. From character design to environmental assets, I poured countless hours into bringing my imagination to life on the screen. Animation became the heart of the game, breathing vitality into the characters and imbuing each movement with personality. Every pixel was a labor of love, and the simple yet captivating art style added charm to the overall experience.

During the development process, I shared my progress with friends, seeking their input and support. While some embraced my game with enthusiasm, organizing competitions and competing to complete more levels, I also encountered skepticism and sarcasm from others. The lack of understanding and support from certain individuals was disheartening, but I remained resilient, fueled by my unwavering determination to see my vision come to fruition.

Upon completion of the game, I faced the daunting task of marketing and promoting it. Unfortunately, my limited financial resources prevented extensive advertising efforts. I managed to collaborate with a smaller YouTuber who agreed to showcase my game in a video, hoping to generate interest. However, the results fell short, and I gained no significant traction from the endeavor. It became apparent that I lacked the necessary knowledge and resources to effectively market and promote my game.

My game's journey on the distribution platforms yielded disappointing financial returns. On Google Play, it garnered nearly 500 installs but generated only $1.80 in revenue. The same story repeated on Steam, where my game earned a mere $24. While these figures were not what I had hoped for, they served as humbling reminders of the challenges indie developers face in a highly competitive market.

Despite the challenges and disappointing financial returns, my first game taught me invaluable lessons. I recognized the importance of content marketing, the need for strategic promotion, and the value of building a community around my game. Rather than succumbing to discouragement, I embraced the opportunity to learn and grow as a developer.

These experiences shed light on the significance of a comprehensive marketing strategy, including social media presence, engaging with potential players, and leveraging the power of influencers in the gaming community. I also discovered the value of seeking mentorship and connecting with fellow developers to exchange knowledge and support one another in this dynamic industry.

The Next Chapter and Lessons Applied

Armed with newfound knowledge and resilience, I am now embarking on my second project—a medieval survival game. The failures and experiences from my first game have fueled my determination and provided me with a solid foundation to approach this new venture. I am equipped with a deeper understanding of game development, content marketing, and the need for a well-rounded approach to success.

pcrpgmobilehow tofirst person shooterartarcadeadventure gamesaction adventure

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    AMWritten by Arthur Makaryan

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