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From Gamers to Professionals

The Rise of Esports and the Quest for Excellence

By Abdmadjed NabedPublished 11 months ago 4 min read


In the age of digital revolution, a new realm of competition has emerged, one that transcends the boundaries of traditional sports. Esports, or electronic sports, has captured the attention of millions around the globe, creating a multi-billion-dollar industry that boasts soaring prize money and dedicated players. This article delves into the lives of two young Singaporean gamers, Sension and Amos, who have embraced the world of professional gaming, revealing the challenges, sacrifices, and exhilaration that come with pursuing a career in esports.

The Game that Transformed Lives

"The crowd erupts, the ace comes through—what a performance from them, unbelievable!" These words not only echo in the virtual arenas of competitive gaming but also illustrate the passion and intensity that esports evokes. For Sension and Amos, this is not just a pastime—it's a way of life. Both players dedicate an astounding 15 hours a day to honing their skills and climbing the ranks.

Esports, once dismissed as a fleeting trend, has solidified its position as a massive industry projected to be worth over 2.3 billion dollars by 2023. With millions of dollars in prize money at stake, aspiring players like Sension and Amos are eschewing traditional paths, opting to embrace the uncharted territory of professional gaming, where recognition, fame, and financial success await.

A Glimpse into the Professional Gamer's Life

Sension and Amos exemplify the blend of determination, sacrifice, and passion that define the lives of professional gamers. Amos Kerr, a twenty-year-old prodigy, has made Vainglory his battleground. Vainglory, a mobile multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game, thrusts players into fierce competitions. The goal: destroy the enemy base. Amos's journey from a casual player to a global contender is marked by ceaseless hours of practice, a thirst for self-improvement, and the drive to be the best.

Sension's story resonates with many young gamers. A once-casual player, Sension found himself captivated by the mobile game Mobile Legends. As he rose to the top of the global leaderboard, Sension's life transformed. However, this ascent came at a cost. He admits to neglecting studies, losing friends, and succumbing to addiction. It was only when he realized the potential of a career in esports that he harnessed his talents to create a new path.

The Global Stage and its Realities

The pinnacle of an esports career is often the world championship stage, where players from around the globe vie for glory. In 2016, Amos and his team, Infamous Legion, qualified for the Vainglory World Championships in Hollywood. Although they lacked the support of established organizations, they forged ahead, securing a fifth to eighth-place finish.

The world of esports isn't just about gaming skills—it's also about support structures and resources. Established teams have coaches, financial backing, and organizational support. These factors can tip the scales in favor of well-supported teams, underscoring the challenges faced by independent players like Amos and his team.

Making Choices: Education vs. Esports

The allure of esports is undeniable, but it often clashes with traditional values and expectations. For Amos, the decision to drop out of school to pursue a professional gaming career was a significant turning point. The move was met with mixed feelings from family members and concerns about his future. However, it's a path he's willing to navigate, fueled by the belief that esports can offer financial stability and personal fulfillment.

Sension, on the other hand, found a way to strike a balance between his studies and his passion. With the guidance of his girlfriend, Shillin, who is also an active gamer, he harnessed his gameplay and streaming to create a successful online presence. By focusing on YouTube content and live streaming, Sension found a way to monetize his gaming skills while maintaining his studies.

Life as a Coach: The Transition

Amos's journey has evolved. While waiting for a new game to launch, he has transitioned from a competitive player to a coach. Coaching offers a fresh perspective, allowing him to view his own gameplay from an objective standpoint. His mathematical approach to gaming, combined with the ability to strategize and predict opponents' moves, has translated into valuable coaching skills.

Esports as a Business: Beyond the Game

The esports industry isn't just about playing games—it's also a thriving business. Gamers like Sension have diversified their careers by becoming content creators on platforms like YouTube. By live streaming their gameplay, they engage with fans and receive virtual gifts as donations, which can translate into substantial income. The ability to generate revenue while indulging in their passion has reshaped the concept of a traditional career.

Challenges and Triumphs

Esports, while rewarding, comes with challenges. The players often face a toxic online community and the constant pressure to perform. Negative comments and intense competition can take a toll on mental health. However, players like Sension and Amos remain resilient, focusing on their goals, striving for excellence, and finding ways to cope with the demands of their chosen path.

Conclusion: The Road Ahead

Sension and Amos represent the face of a new generation—one that thrives in the virtual arena and reshapes the definition of success. Their dedication, passion, and resilience have propelled them into the forefront of esports, showing that a career in professional gaming is not only possible but also lucrative.

As esports continues to evolve, its integration into mainstream culture becomes inevitable. With supportive families, emerging educational programs, and global recognition, the path to professional gaming becomes clearer for aspiring players. The stories of Sension and Amos illuminate a world where passion meets profession, where dedication transforms into success, and where the virtual realm blurs the lines between reality and the digital frontier.

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About the Creator

Abdmadjed Nabed

it's my time to find and use my voice.

Poetry, short stories and a lot of things I think and wish I'd known a long time ago.

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    ANWritten by Abdmadjed Nabed

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