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Should Vocal Friends Be Facebook Friends?

Observations on Age and Friendship in Vocal Facebook Groups

By Mike Singleton - MikeydredPublished 4 months ago 3 min read

One of my problems is I am a sixty four years old man so I cannot ever request to be friends with a woman without seeming creepy or predatory. This is the world we live in .

I speak with people on Vocal mostly female with ages from twenty upwards and am friends with a lot of women and men , but if you wonder why I don't ask that is essentially why. If someone asks me, then that is a different question. They will probably ask me because they like the advice I have given , or may even like the words I write. I have never considered age to be a problem , my mind is still fifteen , but then maybe a lot of older people say that. I was going to write a piece called “Has The Age Dynamic Changed?” , because when I was 8 , 16 was old , when I was 15, 21 was old , etc etc.. I once knew a sixteen year old who acted like he was sixty five. And was shocked when walking with this old guy I met on my walk who I put at fifteen years older than me , and he is ten years younger.

While on holiday in Thirsk I met a guy riding a bike who I put at 55-60 , and he was 88 , so if you look after yourself you can go on for a very long time. So what I am saying is I think I can be friends with anyone but they have to ask me so I am not acing like a predatory creep.

So what are the benefits of being Vocal and Facebook friends. I know I probably have 100 Facebook/ Vocal friends although only a handful interact with me directly, but my messenger door is open to everyone.

As Facebook friends you can invite each other to join other Facebook Vocal Groups as well as other groups. You may not be able to do this if you are not Facebook friends. I do recommend people to join the Vocal Social Society if I comment or aid them and then sometimes these people send me friend requests once they get to know me.

Then we hit the second benefit , you get to see what people post on their own timeline and maybe see photographs and other things they post. This then brings you a little closer to them and just enables you to both be real friends.

By becoming real friends we can make these Vocal Groups extremely harmonious and beneficial to all members. We may not always like the same things but if we did we would never ever discover anything new. The thing is we should always be supportive , loving and look to smooth over any wrinkles in relationships . We can do that , and being Facebook friends makes that a lot easier.

Some non Facebook Friends do find me intimidating , because they see that I am a little successful on Vocal but I get more things wrong that most people and often have been taken to task quite rightly and a lot of those that have done that I regard as true friends. We talked it through and everything was resolved amicably. I don't stress and I don’t hold grudges. Fighting and anger is destructive , working together in harmony gets things built that last.

I have been extremely surprised how many great friends Vocal has brought me , so my verdict is a resounding YES for me, my Vocal Facebook friends , help me , make me feel appreciated , wanted and loved.

So if you want to be my friend and send me a request I will check that you are a Vocal member or a friend of someone I know (having an open profile means I get more spam than Monty Python) but that is usually enough for me.

Led in with "Hold Me Close" by David Essex, we should all hold each other close even if it's virtual.

Pop CultureVocalsocial media

About the Creator

Mike Singleton - Mikeydred

Weaver of Tales, Poems, Music & Love

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  • ROCK 4 months ago

    Predatory creeps can be 10 years old. I am 61 and carry the " red gene" so people think I am younger as my hair is only a little gray. I am an old soul. I was born with my eyes wide open and a was taking notes on other's behaviours before I could walk. This is a good topic for me to ponder on. Thanks for bringing it to the roundtable.

  • Phil Flannery4 months ago

    I just turned 61 and I get the 'creepy old dude thing'. Apparently it's a thing. For me Vocal is my facebook, I use FB to interact with family, and not often, but I do enjoy and utilise Vocal Social Society. I won't change what I'm doing now because I can barely keep up with those I've subscribed to. You have become an important part of the Vocal community. Keep it up.

  • John Cox4 months ago

    Very thought provoking. I’m 67 and have the same concerns about coming across as a creep. But I’m very pleased at how welcoming so many creatives are on the Vocal platform. My grandson likes to give me a hard time about being old and says things like you’re old or are you going to die soon. But I’m still energetic enough to jump on the trampoline with him, chase each other around the yard or rough house. Age is a state of mind. If old age is a second childhood, I plan to play like there’s no tomorrow.

  • You & I share some of the same demographics (64, male) & approach Facebook the same way for pretty much the same reason (complicated further by autism & a few other quirks of personality). I rarely if ever send out friend requests but freely accept them so long as I'm convinced it's not a cloned or cat-fishing account. But a "Spamalot" reference--that was choice, lol! I love it.

  • Great Story . Friend of Facebook Vocal❤️❤️I am 74 years old born 1949. I am forever young at heart.

  • Babs Iverson4 months ago

    Remember this one!!! Previously hearted!!!💕❤️❤️

  • Judey Kalchik 4 months ago

    More Spam than Monty python. I choked on my coffee when i read that. LOL. Love you, Mike

  • Mother Combs4 months ago

    I relate to this article. I don't normally send friend requests out because of the time I grew up in

  • I can totally relate to your mind being 15 years old because mine is 8 years old lol

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