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The Checkmate Defeat of Elon Musk (PART 1)

By Marshall BarnesPublished about a year ago 8 min read
And the foolish, boy-king simpleton, leaves a wide opening for me to charge on through..

I used to like Elon Musk. I don't anymore. I felt I shared his determination and willingness to work hard, at times against all odds, to achieve extraordinary goals. I've been doing it many times myself, when required. We both suffered set backs in 2008 for the same reasons, but both of us were able to make it through - he from luck and me from work and learning new business strategies.

According to Elon, he had been invited to the 2023 World Economic Forum in Davos Switzerland where the elite from business, government and various other fields gather to discuss the state of the world and there vision for the future. However, Elon announced this year that he wouldn't be going because it would too boring but as it would turn out he made a wrong move which backfired. Now Davos is over and Elon's reputation is in tatters. Not only for his gross miscalculation of his own importance, but the statements that he made that were deemed false in front of the whole world which was enough to make his slip show that he's far less than advertised. Far, far less.

A couple of years ago I wrote an article based on my sussing out Elon's main fault and it still stands now, more so than ever. Titled, Elon Musk's Losing Bet, essentially it showed how Musk has no problem coming up with extravagant ideas, the problem is that they don't matter too much. None of them, ZERO, will save Humanity from ANY existential threat AT ALL. NONE. Why? Primarily because they're too little, too late for the problem they're suppose to solve. SpaceX going to Mars is now delayed to 2029. Musk himself stated a number of years ago that AI would be taking over long before that. His response is a stupid chip that goes in your brain when a head band would be just as good. I know. I was doing that kind of R&D years ago. Musk, as ever, is late to the party and pretending to have solutions. He never has any that matter beyond the surface.

Which brings us to Davos and the big shin-dig there. Musk allowed some propaganda to be put on Twitter about how he was standing up to the World Economic Forum over the issue of depopulation. The WEF has had a policy that supports bringing the world population down, some say through various means of genocide. There's been no clear way to get it to the figure they want, of .5 billion. That being said, did he ever directly call them out on this? No. Too much of a little boy, I'm afraid. What he did do is insist that the world needs more not fewer people.

That's not strong enough, to then some years later proclaim that you're not going because it's going to be BORING. If Elon was a real man and leader he would have recognized the totality of the situation and known the profound seriousness of the state of the world now and not just give the situation the lip service he has resorted to far too often, now.

So, he Tweets he's not going to Davos but when the event starts there are still people in the media who are looking for him to show-up. They then find out about his tweet and start repeating what he said. It's then that a spokesperson for the WEF announces that Musk wasn't even invited and hadn't been there since 2015! This exploded across the world - making Musk look like the spoiled brat that he is.

What was my observation? Instant recognition of a classic, "ride for the hole!" Alexander the Great opportunity, as he had done at the battle of Gaugumela, where he fooled the Persian cavalry into chasing toward their left flank, leaving a hole in the center that Alexander and his "companions" turned quickly back towards while his light infantry charged the fooled Persians to impede any attempts to double back. Likewise, Musk had left a gaping hole by not only declaring that he wasn't going to Davos, but then not showing up and the WEF exposing him on lying about why. My plan was simple yet effective - while there was no way for me to attend the event, I has found out that I could participate several ways remote and virtually and so I chose the "public member" option which allowed me to be registered officially in their system and get special communications as well as "upgrade" opportunities.

Part of one of the special communications I get for joining the WEF on the public level.

That was important because it gave me some kind of "official" status for my next step which would follow a surprise opportunity that would be one of the most advantageous and unexpected ever. The WEF had "collaborated" with Fututrity to publish a copy of a book review of Prof. Richard Muller's book, Now: The Physics of Time which its isn't. I mean its not even wrong, which is about as insulting as you can get in the science world and still be polite. I'm not going to repeat my review, you can read it yourself here.

So with the my correcting an article on time travel that they had on their web site, that gave me not only the entre to write a letter to their founder, Prof. Klaus Schwab, but the reason to introduce my field of expertise and the overarching reason behind my reaching out to them - my time travel agenda as a solution to the world's problems as I had done with my statement to the COP27 Conference on Climate, Statement Addressing The Only Remaining Solution for The Global Climate Crisis: Quantum Abandonment. In other words, a level of discourse beyond the reach of the sophomore from South Africa, Mr. Elon Musk.

Giving me an additional edge, I believe, is my "elite" bona fide, that being a copy of the 1977 letter that I received from David Rockefeller Jr, urgently inviting me to attend his Art, Education and Americans conference at The Ohio State University. I had been selected by the State Board of Education a the best example of the what the Arts Impact Program could produce in a child. Seeing the Rockefeller name endorsing me as a youth added incredible weight to rest of the things that I was putting in the letter and essentially enable me to rival if not surpass Elon's stature despite his having a much fatter bank account.

Letter from David Rockefeller Jr.

My strategy was simple so Klaus, or anyone else reading it, understands that not only was my perception and knowledge regarding the issues of concern to the WEF, as well as people in the world about climate, world war, AI, etc, - top notch but that I was working to do something about them all with one major solution.

My approach was to rise above the conflict that permeated the discussion concerning the WEF and the perception of what their goals are which I and them, realize are not always properly communicated, resulting in a tremendous amount of fear, animosity and quite frankly, preparations to go to war against the organization and key members. And I told Klaus so.

I also gave Klaus the benefit of the doubt since there had been confusion amplified by Elon Musk and his fans, especially over the concept in a video stating that, "You will own nothing and be happy". Reuters looked into it and found in part that "The WEF does not have a ‘stated goal’ to remove everyone’s private property by 2030. As addressed in previous Reuters fact checks, these claims likely originated from a WEF social media video from 2016 that stated eight predictions about the world in 2030, including: “You’ll own nothing. And you’ll be happy. What you want you’ll rent, and it’ll be delivered by drone.” "

I could've been like most people, adversarial, but I wasn't. Instead my attitude and tone was more looking for common ground and avoiding conflict. Elon had already demonstrated a high level of immaturity and drama which accomplishes nothing, especially in the face of someone who is not a clear enemy. Klaus, despite his many characterizations, is not Adolph Hitler or Darth Vader. Many of the goals of the WEF are laudable, it's just that they don't seem to know a way about getting them that doesn't alarm or tick people off and, in many ways, it seems like they don't understand why they get the negative reactions they do.

On the other hand, Elon's a moron. I'm just not cutting him any slack anymore. If he wants people to worship him as this super genius he's going to have to earn it and so far, I'm sorry, but he hasn't. I don't even think it's possible. To normal people he's done all of these incredible things for "humanity" which isn't true and furthermore I think other geniuses should be the ones that bestow such titles and not people not even qualified to be in a conversation over the subject. Nothing prior to Tesla is close to genius work and Tesla was started by Musk nor will it save "humanity" because it's too little too late to make a dent in the global warning problem. The Boring Company hasn't lived up to its press and does nothing to "save" humanity. His solar panels are non-original and again, too little, too late for saving status. SpaceX is the ONLY thing he's done that exhibits a true level of genius but, once again, too little too late.

Getting people to Mars as a way of saving humanity won't make much difference as I've documented in my article, Dear Elon Musk, Consider Yourself Challenged to a Classic Race . The underlying basis for going to Mars is his comic book level mentality that's stuck in his boyhood fantasies and not any actual problem solving. My work has reduced the challenge of going to a past via time travel down to one last problem which we're in the process of solving NOW. If my theory on how to send large groups of people and equipment holds true then all of the issues related to the problems facing Humanity now are OVER - 100% That would be a monumental achievement dwarfing everything that Elon has ever thought in his life.

So, in addition to those issues, I also told Klaus that the world is radically different from that which he and WEF think about, and that includes the existence of parallel universes and the fact (supported by audio and photographic evidence) that contact had already been made and had existed for some time now. In addition, how my plan, for the "quantum abandonment" of this version of Earth in this time, would radically alter the plans that the WEF has as most of the issues they're trying to confront would be solved or removed.

It remains to be seen what may come of my little episode of speaking "truth to power", but I have gotten no negative feedback yet from anyone that has been sent a copy of the letter, whether inside or outside the WEF organization. In fact, I have seen a number of positive comments in regards to the fact that I took the initiative, as opposed to Elon's act of vain immaturity. An initiative that would trigger a response from Elon that would unwittingly place him in checkmate as you will see in part 2: From Davos to Dubai: The Checkmate Defeat of Elon Musk.

You can read exactly what I wrote, and how, by seeing it yourself at Open Letter To Klaus Schwab.


About the Creator

Marshall Barnes









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    Marshall BarnesWritten by Marshall Barnes

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