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Human Design For Beginners: The New Science of Astrology

The 5 Personality Types

By Jessica JonesPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Photo taken by Jessica Jones @jesslljones

Human Design is defined by Karen Curry Parker as the intersection between spirituality and science. It is a blueprint of how your energy works, and if used properly, how you can live your most authentic and meaningful life. Um, yes please, sign me up!

Curry’s Book “Understanding Human Design: The New Science of Astrology: Discover Who You Really Are”, describes this system as “a synthesis of astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, the chakra system, and quantum physics, [it is] a relatively new science for self discovery”.

Channelled by Robert Alan Krakower in 1987, who later changed his name to Ra Uru Hu, it articulates a complex understanding of the human you are meant to be. It describes your energetics, the parts of you that are consistent and fixed, and the parts of you that may fluctuate and be more vulnerable to conditioning and others’ influence.

I like to think of it as an astrological birth chart, but with a specific set of guidelines to follow. It describes how your energy works, how you should take action, how you best make decisions, how others perceive you, what jobs you are best suited for, how you should eat, where you should live — the list goes on.

Below I will describe the five personality types that Human Design describes, but first find out what type you are here.

The 5 Types

Chart taken from Jovian Archive

Now, for those who are familiar with astrological birth charts, you probably know you are so much more than just your sun sign. I, for example, am a Gemini with a Scorpio rising, Taurus Mercury, Cancer Venus, and Leo Mars. So, you can see how limiting yourself to one of these five types could be problematic. Keep in mind there is so much more to Human Design than just these types, but the essence of what I am describing is valuable and provides insight for your type.

The Generator- THE DO-ERS

These people make up about 35% of our population and they are here to do. It is fair to say the way in which our society is structured is most accommodating to the Generator. They are meant to follow what lights them up and respond to the environment around them. They are meant to work. These people have natural energy and are meant to use it. Generators are not meant to initiate, but to respond to initiation. They are excellent with follow-through, and when they respond to their passions they are living their authentic blue print.

The Manifestor- THE CREATORS

These people make up about 8% of the population and are meant to take action. They are here to create, start projects and make their ideas come to fruition. Their energy is powerful and could be misunderstood by others if not used correctly. Manifestors are encouraged to inform others of their actions in order to create understanding and support in their relationships. These people have energy — and they will use it — so don’t try and stop them!

The Manifesting Generator- The MULTI-DOERS

Making up about 35% of the population, these people are a hybrid of the Generator and the Manifestor. These people are the multitaskers and are here to do many tasks at once. They have the energy and the sustainability to do more than an other type. A Manifesting Generator who is out of alignment will be busy doing nothing, where a Manifesting Generator in alignment will be busy doing everything and succeeding at it. They are meant to visualize their big manifesting ideas, but wait to respond — like a generator — to the environment around them. These people have lots of energy and are here to use it — once they are given a clear path to do so.

The Projector- THE SEE-ERS

These people make up about 20% of the population and see beyond what is right in front of them. Projectors are guides, and are gifted at really seeing people, systems, concepts and ideas and what their importance is. They are meant to wait to be invited to share what they think — not to initiate action. These people are not energy beings and are not meant to work. They can harness the energy of people around them, but only for short periods of time. Projectors thrive when they share knowledge, advice, and ideas, but only when they are invited to do so and when the person inviting truly recognizes them and values their gifts.

The Reflector- The FEELERS

Making up about 1% of the population are the Reflectors. These people are here to feel out people, environments, situations, and ideas, and to become wise about them. These people have great insight and should be listened to. They are sensitive and empathetic people who are here to know truth once they have witnessed it reflected in others. They are meant to take a while to make decisions and take action. Due to their ability to empathize, they must be careful who and what they surround themselves with.

If Human Design is a topic of interest I would love to share more! Thoughts and suggested topics around Human Design are welcome.


About the Creator

Jessica Jones

I write about what I am learning about. My current projects revolve around my codependency transformation, alcoholism in families and personal growth tools to better understand our psychology.

For more from me, check out www.frommulch.com.

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