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Why Bulging Manhood In Underwear is So Damn Sexy

and we love them

By tacaj25Published 2 years ago 5 min read

Bulging manhood in underwear is so damn sexy, but why is this? Why does the idea of a set of manly jewels bouncing around in tight underpants make us feel warm inside?

The answer has been right in front of us the whole time: because it's bulging manhood in underwear. If you disagree, you're not just wrong—you're also missing out on one of life's great pleasures.

Manhood in underwear is sexy. Blatantly, unashamedly, sexy.

Manhood in underwear is just like every other kind of manhood: capable of making a woman weak at the knees, and causing her to wonder why she's never really noticed how handsome the guy sitting at the end of the bar is before this very moment.

But that manhood has slipped into a pair of underpants—as opposed to being held neatly within a pair of pants—and it's just so damn different. It's like… it's like when you're walking past a bakery and you catch a whiff of freshly-baked bread. Suddenly you're starving, even if you just ate two hours ago and weren't planning on eating again for another two hours. The lovely smell has overridden your rational thought processes and replaced them with a desire for carbs!

It's that same basic principle, only instead of baked goods, it's men's bodies, and instead of smelling, you're seeing. When we see manly jewels bouncing around in tight underpants, our brains are all like: "Yup. This checks out."

And that right there? That is undeniably sexy.

When we see a bulge in underwear, we see it as a statement. We see it as empowering for the wearer. We see it as sexy beyond belief and we want to crawl into those briefs and worship their strength, their manhood, their confidence.

It’s not just the underwear itself that is turning us on—we are being drawn to the sexy connotation of wearing tighty-whities. And we are ready to get down and dirty with this message.

The bulge becomes more than an anatomical feature; it takes on an identity all its own. It can be small and shy or bold and proud, but no matter its size or shape, there is something inherently sexy about it. It can be playful, like the guy at the gym who winks as he passes you by or the guy at the bar who wants you to see his goods when he leans over for another drink. And it can be aggressive, daring you to challenge him.

But mostly the bulge represents potential. The amount of space available in a pair of briefs leaves room for what could be there, but isn’t always. And that’s what makes us stare and obsess over it so much—it’s that promise of what could be that keeps us on our toes and hanging around for more.

If there's one thing that sums up the appeal of men's underwear, it's the bulge. Of course, women have their own distinctive undergarments that are meant to enhance their curves and show off their assets—but few of them have the attention-grabbing power of a man's bulge.

Some people might disagree with me about the bulge's appeal, but I think most of them just don't know what they're missing. The bulge is a curious combination of sexiness and innocence. It's not an in-your-face kind of sexiness; it doesn't put itself on display and say "Look at me!" Instead, it seems to whisper "Look at me if you dare." It's almost like a secret that only you can see.

It exudes a quiet kind of confidence, as if it knows it has a hot body. And it makes guys look even hotter than they already are—not only because they're confident in their bodies, but because they're secure enough in their masculinity to wear something that shows off their curves instead of hiding them.

As a lover of men's underwear, I'm always interested in the psychology that makes a pair of skivvies appealing to the wearer and to onlookers. So I was glad to see this piece on some recent studies revealing the secrets of how underpants make sex appeal.

The studies show that "large bulges" are "thought to be more masculine, dominant and aggressive."

So there you have it: In the world of men's underwear, size matters. And bigger is better.

The male body is a beautiful thing, and what better way to show it off than with the bulge? The bulge is the ultimate tease — an even greater enticement than a full-frontal shot. It's all about potential: You know there's something good coming, but you don't know how good.

The bulge isn't just about objectifying men; it shows off their individual style as well. Sporting a huge bulge is part of fashion for these guys. Some prefer boxer briefs, some like to wear tighty whities — or nothing at all. Whatever the package, they like to keep it tucked away in the most flattering way possible.

Even though the package may be out of sight and out of mind, it's always there in the back of our minds. And that's what makes it so sexy: not seeing it makes us want to see it even more.

We love seeing bulging manhood in underwear because we are attracted to the man attached to it!

Mark Twain once referred to the male sex as “a duality of fabrics cunningly adapted to the wants of a duality of human natures.” Well…we agree!

We are not ashamed of being a little raunchy, in fact we think it’s pretty awesome to have an appreciation for the male body and all it has to offer! That being said, always remember that it is important to respect yourself as well as others. Sexuality is nothing to feel guilty or ashamed about, so long as it is consensual on both ends. Thank you for reading our blog, hopefully you feel inspired to take a trip back to the candy store and pick out something sweet!


About the Creator


Spent a year buying and selling plush toys for no pay. Trained in the art of merchandising inflatable dolls in Los Angeles, CA. Spent childhood working on action figures in Orlando, FL.

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