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The Submissive Girlfriend Experience..

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By Justice for AllPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

She wondered what it would be like to have the fantasy come true...She was the kinda girl that would make sure the kids were watching something while the dinosaur chicken nuggets and fries were cooking, and grab him for a few minutes in the laundry room. The kids were good for a few minutes and she had been craving him all day..missing him touching her skin. She had given him a kiss when he had gotten home, made sure dinner was in the oven, and pulled him to her and whispered in his ear, "Please.." He knew exactly what she meant. She popped in on the kids to make sure they had a few minutes of privacy.

She had been longing for him all day. She needed him to calm her chaos she hid so well to the outside world. She walked up behind him and with a a single swoop he put her on top of the washing machine. She wrapped her legs around him as he ran his hand through her hair...she needed skin, close as close as he could get. As he kissed her neck, her eyes closed, she let out a deep sigh, all of the stress melted away when he touched her. It failed to exist, nothing else did but them. She always was so in control of everything, always on top of everything, with him she didn't have to be. He growled in her ear..she knew his body like she knew herself and he hers. She felt him grasp her closer, as he whispered in her ear " Is this what baby girl needs?" All she could do was nod her head, the words wouldn't form a cohesive sentence just how she liked it.

He was amazing and she worshipped him. Not because he was a movie star or a professional athlete. With him he could be her. He never looked down on her, he was always her biggest cheerleader, and her Superman. She could run a Fortune 500 company and she would always call him when people were pissing her off and say "Make them be nice." She probaly had literally told them where to go and how to get there, and what frame of mind to do it in, but she just wanted to hear him say "Breathe baby girl" and have him be her normal, her rock. In return, he got her undying alligence, because he always had her back, he knew how to tell her to "Be Quiet " when she should have shut her mouth 20 minutes ago, so she was always his.

He was her normal, her white knight ..The only guy who could fuck her every day and she still just craved his arms. Whenever the world was too much simply his voice would soothe her. It would envelop her in a bubble of peace and calm. She craved Him, like she needed air. Nights without him were hell. Trying to imagine him there, his arms wrapped around her after he had made love to her. Her head on his chest, his heart beating, his hands on her naked body, burning handprints into her skin, just like his words did on her soul.

The mornings were worse, because she would wake up alone, needing him. Waiting to hear from him, wanting to repeat last night before she faced the day, so she could go and take on the world. She could do anything once he had had his way with her. She hung on every moment with him, every I love you, every touch, every thought about them together naked. They way he made her feel, safe, protected and hungry for him. She could never get enough of him, and she never would. He knew her like he knew the back of his hand. Her coffee, her perfume.. her heart. He simple just wanted her at any cost and would pull out all the stops to make her happy. She would look at Him as if the entire world hung in his eyes and arms. He loved her like he had written their love story a million times..He hung her galaxy and would always find her because he was Prince Charming. She had known a lot of bad ones but they all lead her to Him. He watched over her like a guardian angel and in return he got everything every man craved. He became the universe, the missing piece, her everything. The man who could with a single word, make her swoon at the thought of Him.

When he spoiled her she forgot about every man before and every man that could have been. He was the ruler of the universe, the one that could unspin the universe with a single touch. She was always so busy, that nothing but him could stop her, but his "Baby Girl". It was if someone had injected her with the most potent drug their ever was. Love drunk. He could make even the past not hold her back. While he could never erase the past, He made sure it would never happen again and didn't require that she earn him. He simple was as addicted to her as she was to him. Together their would be nothing that could stop them from the fairy tale in the middle of an ordinary life. It was if the Gods had conspired to bring them together.


About the Creator

Justice for All

"Justice delayed, is justice denied" "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."

Tattooed, Employed and has a Psych degree..Always on the look out for a group of Avengers.

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